First of all, I have to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! to the Robb's. They volunteered to come over on a Friday night and help us get our yard ready for seed. Earlier this year, our backyard was nothing but weeds. They grew and grew and grew. Finally, Buck mowed them down when they were about 5 feet tall, and tilled the dirt (thanks for the tiller Sam). There was still much to do. We had a giant bird bath cemented in, and an old metal laundry line stand (also cemented in). Don't forget all the garbage, but I think the people before us used the back as a junk yard. We had to get rid of a lot of stuff, put in a garden and even out the yard.

Here is Buck and Ken working hard to loosen the laundry line. They finally had to dig it out and found that there was a huge block of cement at the bottom.

Buck and Ken used the sledge hammer to break up the cement until they were finally able to pull it out and drag it out of the yard.

The kids were a lot of help, but they also stayed busy playing with what they could find.

I kept missing McKenna with the camera, so I got a great shot of just her.

Taking a quick breather enjoying some pears from our pear tree.

3 1/2 weeks later, here's what we've got. Some of the old lawn, as well as the new seed is starting to look good.

We are so excited that we will be able to send our kids out to play in the backyard next Spring. Thanks again to all those who helped. We couldn't have done it without you!