Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hayden is walking

My little guy is already walking. He just hit 9 months on the 24th. I think he wants to be like his big sister and be able to do what she does. They are having a lot more fun playing together now that he can stand up for himself a little better.

We have a yard!

Before...First of all, I have to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! to the Robb's. They volunteered to come over on a Friday night and help us get our yard ready for seed. Earlier this year, our backyard was nothing but weeds. They grew and grew and grew. Finally, Buck mowed them down when they were about 5 feet tall, and tilled the dirt (thanks for the tiller Sam). There was still much to do. We had a giant bird bath cemented in, and an old metal laundry line stand (also cemented in). Don't forget all the garbage, but I think the people before us used the back as a junk yard. We had to get rid of a lot of stuff, put in a garden and even out the yard.

Here is Buck and Ken working hard to loosen the laundry line. They finally had to dig it out and found that there was a huge block of cement at the bottom.

Buck and Ken used the sledge hammer to break up the cement until they were finally able to pull it out and drag it out of the yard.

The kids were a lot of help, but they also stayed busy playing with what they could find.

I kept missing McKenna with the camera, so I got a great shot of just her.

Taking a quick breather enjoying some pears from our pear tree.

3 1/2 weeks later, here's what we've got. Some of the old lawn, as well as the new seed is starting to look good.

We are so excited that we will be able to send our kids out to play in the backyard next Spring. Thanks again to all those who helped. We couldn't have done it without you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Last night we got together with some friends and carved some scary pumpkins.

Each of us standing behind the pumpkin we carved. Kari helped me carve mine. Thank you Coopers for coming over and making our evening exciting!

Thanks for you help Kari.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fire Truck

We went to story time at the library today, and it was about fire safety. They had a firetruck and some firemen come in and talk to the kids about fire safety. It was really cool to see all the gear they have to wear and to learn about the purpose for all of it.

Here's Haydo. He can now stand himself up without any aid, and he has taken 4 steps all by himself. Hopefully he'll be walking soon.

Family pic by the firetruck.

Kari is always so willing to help hold Hayden, pick him up, pretty much torture him in a loving way. She really is a great big sis.

Afterwards, we went to the park that's on the other side of the library parking lot. Parks are a lot more fun now that Kari isn't scared to do things by herself.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Porter Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family reunion web site - Familytree

I don't get it. Everyone always says that Hayden looks just like his daddy and that Kari finally looks like me. It's pretty interesting to see what these turn up.

Porter Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Handbag Giveaway

Handbag planet is giving away 24 bags in 24 hours. For a chance to win, visit www.handbagplanet.com

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hayden's 1st Haircut

Hayden got his first haircut on Sunday. He tried to be good, but it's hard for a little guy to sit still while people are messing with your head.

Kari and Daddy would feed Hayden fruit puffs while my mom and I cut his hair.

I was in charge of doing the sides with clippers.

My mom trimmed the top with scissors, he really was not a big fan of having his head held completely still while we got the front.

What do ya think?

These are just my kids being cute. I think they look like superheroes!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Jaden's Blessing

Jaden was blessed on September 28th by his father, Bruce Holt. It was a very special day for that little guy. Don't those parents look so proud?

Here is the Man of the Hour.

The Big Man with Grandma and Grandpa Campbell. How Sweet!

Kari with her Grandma Campbell and her new cousin, Jaden.

Group Shot. It's not very often that we get this many Holt's together. It was so good to see everyone.