Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Whole lotta stuff

Rockwell turned 1 on May 27th. The lucky fella got to have several birthday parties! Though I can't find the pictures from any of them. But here is the handsome guy anyway. Here's back when he was 3 mo.

He has sure grown!
We got to play on a super slip n slide. It was huge and Kari was so brave going down time and time again. Hayden was sick so he stayed in the shade.

Kari graduated from Pre-school

Fun in the sun at Layton Surf N Swim.

Touring the Sweet's Candy Factory! Andrea loves little Rockwell so much. She is a huge help to me!

It was lots of fun staying in a cabin at Duck Creek (Southern Utah).

I had a little photo shoot with my kids the other day. I love to take pictures of them cause they are such cute kids!

Hopefully I can keep up a bit better with the blog so I don't have to overload. Thanks for checking us out!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We are under contract!

Here it is, our house in Farmington.

As you first walk in you see the living room.

On the other side of the living room is the kitchen and dining.

Down a few stairs from the dining room is the family room. There is a door to the backyard on the left and laundry with a half bath on the right.

This is the master bedroom upstairs.

Master bath

Kid's bathroom upstairs

One of the kid's bedrooms upstairs.

The other kid room upstairs.

Bedroom downstairs.

2nd bedroom downstairs.

Bathroom downstairs.

We are set to close May 26. Woo hoo!

Hoppy Easter!

Happy Easter to all. We hope you had a wonderful holiday! Our kids really enjoy the eggs, Easter Bunny, and all the fun stuff that goes with Easter. I just hope that soon they will understand the true reason we have the holiday.

I have tried explaining many things to my little Kari Jo, but I don't think I am very good at it. When I told her that we go to the temple to do temple work, she asked if that was like vacuuming and cleaning it. So I tried to explain that we get baptized for the dead, and a little about our spirits. Then she asks if spirits have bones? Any good ideas at how to explain this sort of stuff to kids without confusing them more?

Hayden is such a goof ball. This was about the only picture we got this day where he had a smile on his face. I still think he had a good day.

My handsome Rockwell, always a smile on his face!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun at home

February is almost over and time is just flying by. We have been living with my mom since we got back from Texas so we could look for a house and save money. Since we live at Grandma's house we get to see lots of cousins...

Hayden and Jaden looking all grown up. They love to playing together (most the time) and Jaden likes to copy what Hayden does.

Kari lost her first tooth on January 29. She was way excited that it was loose, but really scared about pulling it out. It was quick and mostly painless. I just wrapped dental floss around it and popped it out. She was so brave. She lost one of her silver teeth on the bottom and the tooth behind it was almost grown in when we pulled it.

Rockwell is hard at work.

Posing for a Valentine's picture with all the cousins.

I asked Kari and Mae to give me a silly face, and Jen just couldn't resist getting in on the fun!

Rockwell is getting so close to crawling. It is so much fun to watch him try. He is growing so fast! I always think he is so chubby, but I found he is rather lean at his 9 month appt today. He was 18 lb 13 oz (25th %) and 28.5 in tall (70th %).

Kari is always such a big help with Rockwell. Most of the time he loves Kari's attention, but other times not so much.

We had lots of birthdays in February on both my side of the family and Buck's. Happy Birthday again to you all. This is one gift my mom was especially excited to give my dad. A Jazz jersey signed by Al Jefferson.

The two old men in our family. Buck wanted to shave Rocky's head as well, but I wouldn't let him.

Tessa and Hayden hang out a lot. I just thought this was a funny picture with the way she is looking at Hayden. She's probably wondering if she is really ok with sitting so close to him. Maybe she is keeping a close eye on him to keep her hot dog safe.