Rockwell turned 1 on May 27th. The lucky fella got to have several birthday parties! Though I can't find the pictures from any of them. But here is the handsome guy anyway. Here's back when he was 3 mo.

He has sure grown!
We got to play on a super slip n slide. It was huge and Kari was so brave going down time and time again. Hayden was sick so he stayed in the shade.
Kari graduated from Pre-school

Fun in the sun at Layton Surf N Swim.

Touring the Sweet's Candy Factory! Andrea loves little Rockwell so much. She is a huge help to me!

It was lots of fun staying in a cabin at Duck Creek (Southern Utah).

I had a little photo shoot with my kids the other day. I love to take pictures of them cause they are such cute kids!

Hopefully I can keep up a bit better with the blog so I don't have to overload. Thanks for checking us out!