Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mark's Graduation

 Well hello blogging world! I haven't posted for almost a year. YIKES!! Well let's start off this new year with a very exciting post. Mark's graduation!! 

Mark was done with school June 2011, and walked at graduation August 2011
He graduated with a bachelors degree in History. 
What is he wanting to do with a History Degree you ask?
Absolutely nothing.
HA! Crazy eh. 
This man is a self starter and wanted to get on his career path, so he was interested in history and it was a good major cause it was quick and interesting. 
Mark wants to either start his own business some day, or help create more for a business that has already been created. 

The ceremony was quick and easy, only about 1 hour. Yay! Gotta love the Summer graduation! Thank you to everyone who came out. Mom and dad Thompson, grandma Naegle, and mom and dad Tuttle were also there, but some how didn't make the picture? After the ceremony we went to La Jolla Groves. It is a beautiful restaurant in the Riverwoods, and wow is it delicious!

We are SO happy to be done with school. In fact, this summer, the summer of 2012, we were thinking that we need to have a "Not going back to school party" Wouldn't that be a hit! Woo hoo!!

Mark I am very proud of you and all your accomplishments. You did so well in school, earning scholarships and high praise. I wasn't the best study buddy or editor, so I am happy to have you all to myself. No more stinkin homework nights! YAY!!