Sunday, December 27, 2009


Christmas is my favorite time of year! This year we spent Christmas Eve at my Grandma's house. We woke up at 6:00 am Christmas morning to open presents before my little brother had to go into work. We only got about half the mound of presents open before he had to leave. We spent some time at my other Grandparent's house, and had the most wonderful breakfast at Oborn's. Then we spent the rest of the day at our home with Jake's whole family. What a great day! Here are some highlight pictures.

Santa Baby! I swear I think he can't get any cuter then.... he does.

Here is the family opening presents. Leslie made Duane and Sharlene an amazing quilt, in ONE WEEK.

Jake got a new grill for Chirstmas, this was our delicious Christmas dinner.

Baby Santa got so tired. He is cutting another tooth, so he had a rough weekend.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thankgiving in Idaho

On Thankgiving day Lincoln had his first airplane ride. We flew up to spend the holiday with Jake's parents. We were able to get some stuff done on the house. We hung out with our friends George and Mandy, and Mike and Jaylyn; and much to his delight, Lincoln got to spend the whole week with Grandma and Grandpa. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Lincoln's first taste of carrots. He didn't like them very much.

Dressed up for Church.

Lincoln was excited to meet Hayden, the daughter of a family friend.

Jake and Duane cut down two big trees that were leaning precariously over the house.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Family Pictures

My dear friends Andy and Lindsey have recently started their own photography company, and they are amazing! I always knew they were incredible, but I had no idea how talented they were. Here are a few of my favorites. To see more from our shoot visit Andy and Lindsey's Photo Blog

I feel so lucky to have such artistically talented friends!

Disney World 2015

It may have been two years ago, but it was still awesome and worth posting about! ...