Thursday, August 27, 2009

Birthday Party!!!

Okay my friends this is Lynn!!!

Lynn is a great friend of the Hoskins family, and sense the Hoskins family is pretty much Jake and I's family we were lucky enough to celebrate Lynns 54th birthday with them on Sunday! We had a great time with Cake and Ice cream, random pictures, Lynn kissing everyones' feet and touching our heads, and of course the dancing to Michael Jackson. After Jake taught him some good moves it got the party going and Lynn and Jake became best friends. We had a riot got to love the world of special needs! Happy Birthday Lynn! (even though he will never see this) I just had a kick out of these pictures!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pay It Forward

Of course all of the games start from Rachael. But I was so excited when I was the 4th person to comment on Rachaels blog. Lucky for me I now have this cute picture frame to put on my TV stand that is made just for me and matches my house perfectly. Thanks Rach I love it!

Now it's time for me to return the favor!
The deal: The first 4 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me! It will be my choice and made especially for you. Just so we’re on the same page, here are the...
details: No guarantees you will feel absolute true love, but possibly happiness. What I create will be just for you. It will be done sometime this year. You have no clue what it will be…
fine print: You must re-post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 4 people who do the same on their blog. When you get your lovely homemade gift from me, post a picture on your blog so I can see the happiness that it has brought you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time Travelers Wife

As many of you know I have a job where I pretty much do nothing all day. Let me tell you it gets quite boring and most of the time I am on the verge of falling asleep. so after going and seeing the proposal which was seriously a hiliarious movie. I saw the previews for the movie, Time Travelers Wife. I decided that sense I have nothing to do at work it would be fun to read the book and go see the movie. So today I just finished the book and I have to tell you it was a great book. It had me hooked from the beginning. So if any of you are bored as well and need a good read I would highly recommend it. I do have to warn all there is quite a bit of swearing and very detailed love scenes, but other than that it is a fast read and quite entertaining. So thanks again Fusion for letting me spend time reading book number 2!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I cant believe how crazy Our summer has been. Especially within the last couple of weeks. Jake's sister Emily came into town from Hawaii with her boyfriend Bobby on the 24Th along with all my extended family so life has been crazy trying to plan time with both families and work. On the 23rd we went to the bountiful parade and fireworks with the snow side of the family. It has been a tradition since I can remember and is always fun to get with family again!

[This is my cute mom and my little cousin Brocky! He seriously stole my heart how can you not love that face!]
After the parade we headed up to the snow family reunion up to Heber. I wish I would have taken pictures we had a blast and the cabin we stayed in was huge! After that on Saturday we rushed back home to go to Jake's family reunion. Last summer Grandpa Russell passed away and in memory of him they have decided to have a reunion every year. This year they celebrated with a luau and Bobby did a fire knife dance that was seriously incredible.
We took most of last week off of work and spent the week up at wolf creek with the Shaw's. We had such a great time boating and just relaxing. Its hard coming back to work when you have a week like that.

We ended the week Sunday up at temple square. Bobby has never been to Utah and we figured there is so much to see downtown. For the first time we went up to the roof of the conference center. It seriously was beautiful. If you have never done so I would high recommend going.

Anyways kinda a crazy couple of weeks but hopefully life will start to slow down once the summer is over but we are having a blast but definitely getting warn out!
Hope all is well with everyone else!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Money Pit!

We kinda had an interesting night last night. Jakes mom watches Jersey during the day at her house while she is home for the summer (she is a teacher) they live down the street from us, it has been so nice and we couldnt do it without her. When we went to go pick her up after work she told us how she was acting really weird. She is really close to being all the way potty trained and in the 3 weeks we have had her has never once peed in her kennel or crate. She had done both, and about every 10 seconds she was squatting to try and pee but her bladder was completely empty. We werent really sure what to do so we called CJ's dad (the one we got the puppies from) He told us that one of the other dogs died about 2 weeks ago from kidney stones and went through the same thing only he was in pain. So we freaked out.. Jersey wasnt in pain she was still eating just was constantly trying to go pee. So we took her to the Vet last night.
[Jersey with the Nurse]
He was not able to get a urnine sample because her bladder was litterally completely empty. But after running a couple test and examining her area.... he was able to make an assumption that Jersey has a bladder infection. So $185 later Jersey is feeling much better but it could be up to 7 days before she is back to normal. Wow I didnt realize how much dogs cost. We thought we were getting a killer deal because she was free but now im starting to think that we will get to the cost real fast after all the late night vet fees.