Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Jake and I celebrated our 1-year anniversary this weekend. I can't believe we've been married a year! It seems like it was just yesterday that I was moping up in Utah while my fiance stayed in Arizona. And at the same time I feel like we've been married forever (in a good way). It's hard to remember what life was like before we were married. Jake is the absolute best husband I could ever ask for. He is the most kind, caring, hard working, dedicated person I know. We have so much fun together and he is my best friend. Happy Anniversary Babe! For our anniversary Jake took me to the Buttes Resort. It was really nice and we had a great time. It was so fun being treated like "fancy" people. The workers there were so nice and were always offering their help with whatever we needed. We soaked it up because I'm sure from now on we'll probably only be staying at Motel 6's. Anyway, here's a picture of our hotel room:
This was on our bed. The chocolate covered strawberries were so yummy. There was a bottle of wine, but seeing as how I'm pregnant and we don't drink alcohol anyway they brought us a nice chilled bottle of sparkling cider. Mmmm.
There was a little lookout point that we climbed up to at night and this was the beautiful view we had. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it was beautiful seeing all of the city lights. This is a picture of the hotel's restaurant at the top of the butte. They had the best breakfast buffet there- not like a normal continental breakfast. They had everything you could possibly want. Made fresh, right when you order.
This was the "sky bridge" that connected all the hotel rooms to the lobby and restaurant.

There were beautiful waterfalls everywhere. It was amazing to me how everything was just built right into the butte. Jake loved all the waterfalls and had a good eye for finding them all.

We had a lot of fun at the pool too. It was very nice. There were two huge pools with a little channel connecting the two. Then there were jacuzzis further up on the butte. It was beautiful.

Jake's favorite part of the pool was this little window where you could see people in the pool. Jake said it made him feel like the dolphins in an aquarium. I just have to explain this picture. Probably the most unflattering picture ever taken in my life, but I couldn't help but put it up- Medusa hair and all. It's just so funny! And Jake loved it so much. So excuse the not so pretty picture, but just humor me and say it's funny.
After our stay at the Buttes Jake took me to Massage Envy to get massages. I'd never had a massage before so I was pretty excited. We were there a little early and were waiting until our appointment time. After awhile of waiting Jake just started giggling. I asked him what was so funny and he said he was just thinking about how he was afraid he was going to laugh during the massage. Then he started getting kind of nervous- I guess he didn't like the idea of another woman touching his body (I'm glad he doesn't like that idea :) ). I was trying to calm him and tell him that it was going to be relaxing and help his back, but then SHE walked out. A woman with red frizzy hair, a little on the larger side, and I swear I could hear her cracking her knuckles. "Jacob..." she said in a sultry voice. Jake slowly stood up as the woman shot out her hand for a shake. "Nice to meet you," Jake politely said. "You too," the woman replied. "My name is Tiger Lilly." Bah! Ha ha ha ha! Her name is what? Isn't that the Indian princess's name on Peter Pan? Jake turned around and gave me a look like "help me." All I could do was wave and say "see you in an hour sweetie!" Anyway, needless to say all I could think about during the first 10 minutes of my massage was how Jake had a masseuse named Tiger Lilly! All in all it was a good experience. I really enjoyed my massage and felt so relaxed when it was finished. Jake was so sweet to think of it. Thanks honey!
Then we went to Carrabba's for dinner. Mmmm- it was so delicious! I highly recommend the Chicken Marsala. You can tell from the picture that we were both pretty tuckered out from a fun-filled weekend. Thanks again Jake-o. You're the best!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, like most of my posts this one's a little belated. Over Memorial Day weekend Jake and I went up to Heber/Show Low/Snowflake for a softball tournament. We headed off fairly early Saturday morning. Remember, this is the end of May. Just 4 days before had been one of the hottest days I have ever experienced in May. As we were just getting to the rim, this is what we saw...

It's summer! Who would have thought? Let's just say I spent the weekend watching my sweetie play softball all bundled up in a blanket and hoodie and still shivering! But it was definitely worth it. Jake is an awesome ball player! He had some really good hits and can run those bases like no other! He played left field and the audience would always ooh and ahh when Jake's knee-high red socks would turn into a blur as he ran to snag a ball. My hubby has got some wheels on him! His team had never played together before, so I was really impressed with how well they did.

We also got to visit Jake's sister Sarah and her family in Heber. They were a lot of fun and so nice to let us stay at their place tucked in the forest of Heber. We also got to stay with my cousin Kara and her family in Show Low. We had a lot of fun chatting. If anyone knows my mom and her sisters at all, their children are no different- we just had a hard time stopping the chatting. It's kind of like Pringles- once we talk, we just can't stop! Anyway, thanks to all of you who gave us a roof over our head! It was a great weekend filled with snow, family, friends, cold wind, and softball!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I got a new haircut on Friday. It's a little shorter than I expected, but I actually like it. It's a nice change. I figured, hey!, I'm changing careers and pregnant; I might as well change something else in my life! Here are some pictures. Enjoy!


Update Anyone?

Alright, alright. I know, I'm a slacker. I don't even know if anyone will even read this. I'm sure everyone's pretty much given up on me by now, but I'll just blog anyways. Wow- a lot sure has happened since I last blogged. I finished up teaching another year of 2nd grade! Woo hoo! Although it was a really tough year and my Spanish skills were tested a bit, I am truly going to miss my sweet students. In fact, for those that don't know, I won't be going back to teach for a long while. Jake and I are expecting our first baby in Dec! I could teach for half the year, but let's be honest here- I don't want to be 8 or 9 months pregnant and trying to teach 30-some kids. We are very very excited to join the ranks of new parents! Jake is so cute and finally lets me look at all the cute baby things at Wal-mart/Target when we pass by. I think he secretly like looking for baby things too. My doctor gave me the estimated due date of December 22nd. A Christmas baby! I just hope that he/she comes before Christmas so I'm not still great with child during all the celebrations. I'll probably have a little more to blog about now that I have something exciting to share- all the updates of the pregnancy (weight gain, due dates, new baby purchases, etc.).

What's even more fun is that both of my sisters are pregnant too! Lisa is due in the middle of July and Cindy is due at the beginning of November. And... get this! 2 of my sister in-laws are pregnant too! Nikki is due the day before me, and Becca is due probably about 3 weeks after me. Our baby is going to have lots of cousins to play with!

Jake has just started a summer class and keeps busy with that in the mornings, and then goes straight to work. He's such a trooper! Meanwhile, I'm enjoying not teaching/working for awhile and searching for a job. Don't you just hate the job search? If anyone has any hookups let me know!

Well, hope you all haven't given up on me. I'll do my best to be a little more consistent.