Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Soccer camp dress up

Homework for today was to bring in goodies for the coaches to wear.

They were good sports
Coach Luke's runway walk:

This is the Irish coach.. he says "trees" instead of "threes".  Take note of the kid in the back ground singing..ha ha ha 

Coach M&M (Jaime's coach for the week):

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Look how he has grown...and how cool his colours look!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mad science

This week at mad science they did insects.  This one was particularly fun.  there were insects in jars, insect goggles, model insects, experiments with pollen, and awesome facts.

Getting an understanding of pollination by shaking hands with Em C2 (The instructor). She then showed them the "pollen" on their hands with black light.

And guess what ...we made the newspaper again!

Em Csaid making science fun for kids is important.
“I was a biology major myself. I think it’s really really important to provide the foundation in a fun way,” she said.
Rose Jardim said her son Jaime has enjoyed the program.
“Jaime loves this stuff,” said Jardim. “This one’s been the coolest so far.”

Another soccer week

Yes we signed him up again.  This time in Rochester.  He was so very excited both for the soccer and for knowing the coach way before everyone else.  It was so cute.

The coach introductions  again amusing for the parents 

Jaime and his division with Coach M&M ...think it was coach Malega

Tallest to shortest

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Soccer friends and a visitor

Busy Sunday today.

We started off at the Acushnet Youth Soccer Association with the meet and greet.  We were introduced to our coaches and got the run down on what where and when

The Sunday lunch...a little craziness with 4 excited little soccer crazy boys

Then an ice cream party with Jaime's  pre school teacher

And to end the day, we picked up Luke.  Now is where I tell you I signed Jaime up for another week of soccer with the Brits.  This time round we were asked to host a couch..hence we picked up Luke

Ummm ja

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mateo Mateo

My quiet mornings where I get to sleep in are a result of this.
Mateo now knows how to turn it on, flip to his game and play.

 Such a character!


Finally a fruit both my boys love 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Frozen at the zoo

Yes princess Elsa is at the zoo and we HAVE to go!

Making Olof with marshmellows

yeah Olof stood no chance

There she is

So after hanging around for 10 minutes, Mr Jaime wanted to see but wanted nothing to do with getting close and taking pics, but he def wanted to see her.  It almost seemed as if he was to shy (**ahhh***)

So we enjoyed the rest of the zoo and Frozen themed interactive activities.

The elephants had to bash down a "ice castle" of boxes

The chicken was inside Olof.  The Lynx had to figure out that if she knocked his head off and ripped his belly she'll get her treat