Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2012

Easter 2012
This year Easter was celebrated at the Wareham chapel.  A delightful little community down the road from us.  We unfortunately were a little late for Mass and spent the period outside. Probably a good choice with 2 kids but not a good choice with the chill in the air.
Lunch was at the Duarte's with the folks, Duarte's and the Carapinhas.  A lovely meal of ham and not quite roast pork. 
My mom in her excitement of Easter forgot to roast pork.  So an hour before lunch the pork was in the pressure cooker, with a very flustered Avo fluttering around the kitchen. 
Always some fun to the yearly celebrations!
Dessert was at the Mello family, which included a huge Easter egg hunt. 
The kids had a blast  
The kids getting ready to be let loose on the garden

And they off

My boy and his basket FULL of treasure

The Jardims, The Duarte's, The Carapinha's

And beautiful Mateo with Ahboo. 
Ahboo swears the beer is Ryan's, Mateo's look says otherwise
(just teasing)

A game of Ryan Rugby.  Thanks Uncle Ryan for helping the kids burn off their Easter egg high!

All in all a great Easter!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Little Portuguese lady in big monster truck


Jaime is absolutely loving soccer.  I have to admit that it is very laid back which is frustrating for us parents but just perfect for the kids.

Every Saturday getting him dressed is a pleasure...he chooses which soccer shirt he wants to wear, eats his breakfast and is in the car before finish my sentence.

He is quite the teachers pet.  Always standing right next to him, searching for the high five after every save and screaming "good job" every time the coach touched the ball
On asking him why he is hanging around at the back and not playing, he responds very dramatically, with waving arms and raised eyebrows "MOM  I'm the defender, you know!"
He then chooses to play goalie all over the field ie he is the only one who can use his hands even if its in the middle of the field. 
Through out the hour we overhear parents muttering about him.  Just commenting on his spirit, how he loves the game and his skill.  Its pretty cool to "overhear". 
*proud mommy over here*
Spot the "8 yrs old"???
The kid I think is 5/6 but he is at least a head and a bit taller than Jaime.  Plus this kid can defend a ball, dribble and tackle like a pro.  Thinks he is Portuguese..just a hunch looking at his hair do ;-) 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Holding on

 A little baby milestone to document:
Mateo grabs and holds and shakes things now.  He is still pretty uncoordinated but if he has the right this book

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daddy day care

While Avo gets the day off, Daddy watches the kids
Or rather puts them to work...

Cleaning up the yard for the summer golf course

Spring has sprung

"purple whiteish"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring karate

 Now that the weather has warmed up Karate has moved outside..for at least the warm up.
Its absolutely gorgeous out there.  Smell of the sea, warmth of the sun and Mr Jaime loving his class.
The rest of the class is indoors.
Blocking form towards another stripe

Late nights and early mornings

Mr Jaime has just recently "grown" out of his afternoon naps.  This we gladly welcome and sadly say farewell too. 
Farewell cause we now deal with suicide hour and most importantly he is awake the whole day, no 1-2 hours of quiet time for the parents!  And gladly welcome, cause it means he goes to sleep earlier, so no more evening fights about sleeping, and listening to pitta patta from upstairs running across rooms and up and down stairs.. 
Mr Mateo on the other hand is getting his morning and afternoon nap and a long midday sleep.  He generally in bed and out by 9:30pm.  He then wakes between 3-5am for the bright and early start of the day.  So he is sleeping a good 6 hours at least a night.  Not bad.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Soccer Saturday

My new boots  - he says
Getting ready for Soccer
Playing sharky sharky
Then home for:
lego, lego, lego
and sleep

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St Patricks Day

2013 St Paricks day
This year we headed up North to Scituate for the annual Parade.  This time round with the parentals, 3 excited little boys screaming for candy (thats the only part they remembered from last year) and one snuggly warm little boy.
Waiting in line for the bus to take us to the parade

Avo and the soldier

Off loading the school bus

Walking down to the start of the parade.  We just missed the start to we had to walk in between floats till we got a spot

Spot found...waiting for the next float

first batch of candy collected...Avo nearly warm
The parade lasted about 2 hours.  Various floats vintage cars, dogs, bands, politicians, clowns, army veterans drove/walked/banged past all wishing everyone a happy St Paddy's day and, of course, handing out candy and green beaded necklaces!  Here some pics from the day:

How Mateo watched the parade

Accidental pic that turned out quite arty

The wizard of oz Lion that made Jaime jump out his skin!

The St Paddy day rainbow

Leprechaun gold

And eventually the walk back