Saturday, March 31, 2012

He did it ...Hot diggity!

Its Saturday, and this means .....Sports Mix time!  This time things were very different.  We arrived early, as per usual, messed around in the empty basket ball field, and then as the coach screamed "Sports Mix your up"  Jaime ran.... and that's where I stood all wide mouthed and everything! 

The Start of the class ...Jaime on the left in blue sitting content all by himself ie without Mom!

The first warm - up fishy fishy....
 He did it!!!! No crying, no emotions, just the thrill of running!

  Lol the  picture is even a blur.  He is second here...
For the smallest guy on the team he is seriously one of the fastest! 

This week was Tennis.  All the parents were giggling on the side lines, just waiting for someones kid to hit someone else' kid - thank fully it wasn't Jaime ;-)

The instruction

Waiting in line for his turn

Little help from the coach to line up the racket.  The coach let go bounced the ball and Jaime hit it!  No pic though, but he did he hit the ball square brilliant boy!

Practicing bouncing balls and hitting over the net
Between each set Jaime would run up to me all smiles and say "MOM I'm doing a great job!" then he'd run back to the coach.   I think every parent commented on how well he was doing today and I think they all giggled at his over enthusiastic personality.

And then screaming from across the field while waiting in line, Jaime says " Mom, I've done a good job today right, so can I get my Mator and Dunking Donuts now, huh can I? Can I?" 
Yip my finest moment as a parent - busted for bribing my kid! 

Last item of the day: fishy fishy...

This time he was first off the mark and in the lead!

I think, competition is a huge driver for this boy.... now my challenge is how do I teach him to do his best but not make everything about winning!

Little things he says

I'm trying to make a concious effort to remember the little things that Jaime says that make us giggle this list is small but I hope to do this more often.

·         6:30am one morning

J: Look what I got Mom

M: I dont think worms (sweets) are a good idea for breakfast

J: But mom they just too delicious *licking his lips*

·         After dinner one night

J: MOM! we did't go past the baby shop!

M: the baby shop? what did you want at the baby shop?

J: A baby MOM! ... but only a beautiful one with blue eyes!

·         "Oh my apple pie"

·         "You kidding me" along with "Mom you serious?"

·         "I dont need your help"...the famous last words

·         "I'm super fast"

·          My attempt to do some thing healthy

M: So Jaime do you want to help Mom plant some carrots in the ground then water them everyday , so we can watch them grow?

J:  No Thanks

M: Why not?

J:  You want them you do it!

I'm going to try keep my list updated, so we never forget!      

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

First Easter card

In the mail today..what fun to open mail!

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A remix

The pressure of having the camera on made him forget a little ...too sweet. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The wink

My Charmer...

Check out my list of "things he says in the panel on the left.  Jaime has become really funny and I absolutely need to document these comments.  So my next project is to get these little quirky statements down! I know they prob not that funny when you read them but they remind me of the moment and I smile or giggle..mission successful!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring is here...and warmer weather

All week we have had really nice weather, it feels good to see the sun and you just cant help feeling all pepped up. Plus we get to spend some more quality time on the beach t-shirts

Watching the ducks swimming in the water

Rock climbing

Serious business - setting out the start and finish line for our race

Thats the finish line

Giving me the instructions while coming back to the start line

In true Portuguese style, I always have a jersey for Mr Jaime, glad I did, the wind was really chilly!

The other side of the beach

Some more climbing

How do you not enjoy this - even with a jersey on!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

This is delicious

Gotta love peer pressure...been trying to get Jaime to eat a melon for about a week now, I guess all we needed to do was add a friend...

Mixed Sports

Mixed Sports at the Y

Yip this week I have photos!!!!  I did not make it on the bench with the other parents but I did manage to hold my phone and capture some moments.

Again we arrived early so that Jaime could accustom to the noises and people. 

Running up and down the gym

Add a friend ...
Everything was going great, Jaime running/playing with his mates, me chatting to some parents and then coach says" ok sports mix lets start!" ...and like clockwork Jaime runs straight to me tears start and so again we decided to sit and watch the class play "fishy fishy cross my ocean"

Watching the other kids run across the gym
This week was Baseball.  After some chatting and negotiating (and the thought of a bat hitting the ball) we managed to get some participation and with some giggles and smiles... no tears!  

Getting some tips from the coach

And all by himself

Jaime on 3rd base coming in for a home run

2nd round... he is good at this!

Standing with his sports mates...they all listening to the he is the smallest in the class

To close off the class another game of  "fishy fishy".... at least we had no tears, just no running

We getting better and better each week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Green eggs and ...

The parade has ended but was followed by:

a short car ride:

Some lunch at a local pizzeria

and another loooooonnnngggg car ride:

Jaime lately loves making faces and funny noises/songs.  We wake up most mornings with him singing funny songs and laughing hysterically.   

Overall a good St Patrick's weekend!  To everything green, luck and happy!

All things green and lucky

17 March - St Patrick's Day
 Scituate Massachusetts 
(about an hour North from us)

 Part 1 - The Parade on the 18th but celebrating the 17th ;-)

The excitement begins... we reached the start of the parade and have not missed a thing, but check out the crowds

Quick pic with the soldiers while they waiting for their turn

Onward we walk looking for the perfect spot.  We walking parallel to the road

The Bikes...lots of noise..Jaime was so excited!

Band playing music while the kids all dance.  Great Vibe.
We find a spot, some nice people let us squeeze some more pics, and clips, of the parade:

Fire Engine (this one you can hire for parties)

Watching the parade from up high

Parade included a vintage Car show too

Not sure ...but they were followed by a really cool drum band

"Lizzy" in the background
1942 engine oh and a Ford driving past 
The soldiers/pilgrim band
 A clip for you to see and hear:

Enjoying the treats

And the noise he makes....

Laurel and Hardy

Oh sorry ... Hardy and Laurel 

Some clowns
The clown mobile
All dressed to the max

Think they ate all the treats

Honking horns
An alien on skates
A little close me thinks
The aliens were brilliant and very funny 

Jaime behind my back hiding from the aliens

Some monster trucks...Jaime all excited again

Just another green thing

Josh enjoying the parade - he sat and watched the whole parade without moving an inch think he enjoyed it.  His little cheeks flushed from the sun and heat...YES heat!

Walking back to our shuttle pick up
J&J Waiting and playing at the school for the bus

Another stop we had to make

Part 2 to come....