Monday, December 31, 2012

Mateo Week 4

This past week has been a bit of a challenge.  Baby Mateo has been a little out of sorts to say the least.  Besides the usual 3-4 week gut adjustment (maturing of the digestive system which results in lots of craps, gas-y-ness and spit ups) he has been very congested, lots of mucus and a very rough cough.  Thank God Mateo is a healthy, full term baby!

Here some pics from the week:

The captured moment: Mateo realising he has a voice, a loud voice ;-)
and sporting his new knitted snow boots

Chilling with my baby hubbly

wide eyed

Jaime loving his baby brother

Wide awake waiting for the Paed

Holding my head up straight
(only clear pic I get and he has drool *murphy*)

Rocking it

Starting to stretch out his little legs

My little cuddly bear

"Ave Maria, cheia da graca..."

My favourite thing about having a newborn....sleeping on my chest is definitely the winner! 
Its just that time of the day where you can just soak in the closeness, the smell, the movements,
soak in my newborn!



Sunday, December 30, 2012

Edaville: Festival of lights

Last night (Sunday night) we took the kids to Edaville, the family amusement park.  Now in typical Duarte style we choose the coldest snowiest night of the YEAR to go out and enjoy the evening, looking at lights!  It was $##%^&&* cold but hellava fun! 


The train ride:

Outside the train

In front of Wilson
(Jaime was very excited to see his Chugginton friend)


Snow Glorious Snow

Just before we say cheers to 2012 mother nature decided to grace us with a snowfall just to freshen up the place and brighten our winter spirits.
The front
The back yard aka winter wonderland
Our road
With everything in life you need the proper attire to enjoy the pleasures that the world provides.  With the South African Avo in charge of dressing Jaime is bound to be dressed appropriately...

Meanwhile outside Ili is hard at work

The mark of a man.... tee hee

And the fun begins...

Running, jumping, screaming...

Chasing me with snowballs

Snow angels

Oh and helping dad clear the drive way with his "snow blower"
 And shovel
Avo ready to face the elements
Mateo on the other hand was not quite ready to face the elements, but we needed to capture his first snow right?!?

Our new familia
(cant get tired of saying this)
Back to the fun...

Avo building a snowman, attempting at least, and Jaime destroying a snowman

the diversion..a Portuguese sled
Needless to say it didn't work! 
(Note: Avo in background attempting, again, to build her snowman)

This time we tried teamwork

Finishing touches

Last minute checks

Proud makers of the Portuguese Frosty

Special moments with Patches the scarecrow