Kraig's birthday is in a little over a week. After a lot of discussion, we decided to get him a new bike. In the process we got me a new bike as well. His old bike is about 12 years old, and he rode it all the time. So he gets a lot of use out of his bikes. Also all his gear use to match his bike (helmet, shoes, gloves). He had to get a new helmet last year, so now he has a blue helmet, red & yellow shoes, and red & black shoes. So here are a couple pictures of the bikes.
His very orange bike
Here is a picture of the front brakes, they have disc breaks that he loves.
Here is my bike, I am not thrilled about the color, but it isn't too bad.
FYI, this is also one of those presents, you really do need the person there. Mainly for size purposes, but also because he knows better what he needs for the kind of riding he does.