Monday, May 26, 2008

My little Cinderella....

She looks like such a little orphan in this picture, her outfit, hair, and the fact that it looks like she is earning her keep. She is saving all of her "monies" to buy a Pet Shop Big House. Littlest Pet Shop toys have taken over my house! She is in love with them and will do anything and everything she can to earn money to help her buy a playhouse for them. This particular laundry episode she pushed me out of the way as we were going into the laundry room and told me she was going to do laundry to get monies. So she changed over the washer to the dryer for a quarter. It is so very nice to have her help around the house and saving for something that is important to her!

Hair Wizard...

Such a precious face walks up to me and asks, "Mommy, I want you to do my hair and make it do like this." (as she is criss-crossing her hands). So I sit her on the counter and begin to do what I thought she wanted, but I was doing it wrong! I had better watch out that she has domain over her own hair and knows how she wants it, she is only 3!
~The final outcome was very successful~

Friendship Bread

Gennovah is quite the helper...she wanted to do it all. So even though it created a huge mess, this was a fun afternoon. She had a great time mixing the ingredients I put in. We couldn't have any broken egg shells, that will be for another afternoon.

We decided it would be fun to make one large loaf and some small ones, so we can share with some friends.

The best part of making the bread (and most messy) was sprinkling everything with cinnamon and sugar---YUMMY!!!

Now was the waiting game, so we stuck them in the oven and waited an hour for our yummy treats. It was so much fun to have the afternoon baking our tasty bread, Gennovah's comment as we were cleaning up, "Can we make more breads tomorrow?"

New Suits for Swimming...

So this post is rather old because we took pictures right before our move and then misplaced the camera. Anyway, the kids were excited to get new bathing suits for this summer's water fun from their Omie and Grandpa in Chicago. Thanks to Aunt Sydeny, our personal delivery rep, we received these gifts with many smiles. The kids wanted to wear them all day! We can't wait until it is hot enough to go to the splash pool and wear them!
PS--Just a side note, but I have to hide their suits from them because they are the only thing they like to wear...Anyone else have this challenge?

Here is a Quick Glimpse...

Our New Home...
So here is what everyone has really been waiting for...sorry for the delay! I took this picture right before Johnny loaded our card onto his computer before he left this week for Idaho. The rest of the pictures are still in his computer, ALONG with the card. So much for showing you the inside of the house! Hopefully I can get that from him this week or something. I guess, right now, blogging the new house just isn't suppose to happen...
To Be Continued...

Car Wash...

I know they aren't pictures of the house, but hey they are pictures. We had a couple of really warm days last week and the kids asked to wash the car, with a little help from Dad, they got the job done! So this is our driveway and we are some of the very few in our neighborhood that actually have a driveway instead of an alley! We are excited now, I know, ask me in the winter I am sure I won't be feeling as grateful for it!

The kids were completely soaked after this. We had a clean car, clean kids, and what do you think it did the next day?! Of course, it RAINED!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Welcome Baby Maycee!

Congrats are in order to our dear friends KC and Sally. They welcomed little baby Maycee Jane to their family last night. I went to visit Sally and get a first hand sneak peak at this cute little one and she is absolutely beautiful! You can see pictures on their blog...

Happy Birthday Maycee!!!