It's Christmas Eve!
The day was spent preparing for Christmas dinner - that is for the members of the family. For me, I got no spare hands since they were so full of Winter. Yeah, Winter won't let me go. I was able to pack our things for our trip tomorrow.
Our Christmas started with a mass where Usteng was a shepherd, Emong was an inn keeper, Jaz said a prayer of the faithful, and AJ prayed his intention for the family.
Each couple must prepare something for dinner. Mom prepared karekare, Ate made spaghetti and Kuya Archie made humba, Ate Bing prepared Molo soup, Jenny and Reg made baked mussels. Too much main course, right? So Omar and I made turon served hot and crispy topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, mint leaf and fresh strawberry.
Families of Ninang Lynda and Ate Cristy came to celebrate the night with us.
Summer was so happy with all her gifts. It was actually the first Christmas which she looked forward to since she knew she'll be receiving gifts, unlike the previous years when she was still clueless. Omar and I gave her a Princess Belle doll.
Jaz played her ukelele, Paeng played AJ's guitar, Jaz and Adrienne danced and more dancing came. Summer sang with Usteng and Emong. Emong danced Michael Jackson too and Usteng danced Sponge Bob. They even did a line dance. It was a party!
We had a merry Christmas! We're complete.