Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hudson & Hallie turn 3!

Way back in February, Hudson & Hallie celebrated their third birthdays. We had a party with a pancakes & pajamas theme. It's really hard to come up with themes that aren't too girly or too boyish. So, in my internet searches I came across this idea and ran with it!

I set up the table to (hopefully) look like a bed.

I made cupcake toppers to go on the cupcakes. I hesitated doing them since the pancakes are pretty sweet by themselves and what parent really wants to load their kid up with sugar all before lunchtime!? Well, shoot me... :)

Juices and milk

A friend of mine made these cute PJ tops. She has a online boutique you should check out... The Purple Pecan.

SNOW... for us at least

It seems to snow once a year in College Station which we LOVE!! Having lived in Colorado for 2 years we are fully aware that this isnt' "REAL" snow for but for the little kid in me (and for our 3 little kids) it will fit the bill. I literally waited all day and night for this snow and once it happened I was super excited. The kids seemed to enjoy it too!

Brooke even tried to make snow angels. This isn't her first rodeo ... but I think she was a little disappointed that she couldn't make angels like she can when we go to Colorado.

Hudson was a little hesitant at first so he hovered on the deck for a while.

Hallie was also disappointed that she couldn't really make snowballs either.

Until next year....


In an effort to catch up on the blog so my children will one day look back and know how much I loved them (and how organized I must have been...haha!), I am finally posting stuff from FEBRUARY, yes, in MAY!! Better late than never, right?

I attempted to be really good with the kids and have a craft or activity for the first 14 days of February leading up to Valentine's day. I have to admit, I wasn't that diligent with the goal. We did actually do something creative on the first day. I found a cute litte poem online and printed them out, had the kids do their handprint and we put a picture of them on each.

If only for a few minutes... quiet crafting. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


January was not a month of many pictures. I'm not sure why since I got a new camera lens for Christmas. I should really have been all over it.

But... we did do a renovation (the final one for the interior of the house). Our master bath was in need of some serious help. We had very little counterspace and the tiles (everywhere!) were getting pretty gross.
We started with this...

And ended with this...

Also, we got a trampoline for Hudson & Hallie's birthday. We set it up a few weeks early and they've loved playing on that thing. I have loved it too since I can now send them out in the back yard alone and they have something to entertain them!

The Rest of December...

Yikes... I have been way behind on the blog and it's totally stressed me out... well, not REALLY...but I am ready to be into 2011.

The kids enjoyed having slumber parties every night at the cabin in Colorado. Here they are on Christmas eve in their matching PJ's excited about what Santa may bring them.

Santa came and filled the stockings and left some other goodies.

Hallie was pretty excited! :)

We drove to Dallas from Colorado (12 hours) only stopping TWICE because our kids are travel champs! :) We celebrated Christmas with George's family for a few days.

Hallie liked working on the gingerbread houses which has become a Jacobus side of the family tradition.

Brooke was VERY proud of her house!

Hudson got some golf clubs for Christmas and he has LOVED playing with them. George has since taken him out to the driving range and has said that he will cost us a lot of money in the future. He went through a bucket of balls in no time!

Phew... I feel like a weight was just lifted off my shoulders. Now I can catch up on the blog for January/February!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Christmas in Colorado Part 2

On Christmas Eve we took the train up Pikes Peak. It was the perfect thing to do on Christmas Eve. We ate lunch in Manitou Springs and headed up on the Cog Railway to a VERY COLD 14,000+ foot mountain.

Some of the beautiful scenery along the way. Our tour guide pointed out so much along the way and it was really interesting.

Once at the top we had to take a photo. It was FREEZING. Literally the temps were 11* but with the winds which were whipping it felt like -8. No wonder we were so miserable. :)

Me & my brother, Ryan.

These dorks wouldn't let me just get a nice shot of our Cog Railway.

Hallie enjoyed the way down...

If you're ever in Manitou Springs you should definitely do the train ride. It's really interesting ane crazy to hear some of the history of Pikes Peak!