Sunday, May 30, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
3 Years!
I've been thinking about starting a blog. And then I remembered that once upon a time, I had a blog! Not the same type of blog I was thinking about starting, this was an updates on our family type of blog. A blog to keep my hubby posted on the kids while he was deployed. A blog for the grandmas to be able to see the kids because for the last 12 years we have lived a million miles away from home. This type of blog seems so 10 years ago. That was before Facetime and Marco Polo. Who has that type of blog anymore? No, the blog I was considering creating involved inspiration and happiness and joy for all. Book reviews and spiritual insights galore. But since this is the blog that I have, I suppose this blog will have to do for now, and since it has been 3 years since I did an update on my family, I guess an update is in order.
The easiest way to do this might me a timeline:
June 2018 ish: Jacob left the military and went back to school (eek!) He has been working part-time for the university he's been going to and working full-time to get his degree (computer science.) We tried to become approved for foster care and well, didn't. It was heart breaking for me at the time. I felt a lot of anger and sorrow. Looking back, I can see other ways we were blessed for not having done it, other children we were able to love and bless and care for which made a big difference to us and them.
May 2019: We started babysitting a sweet 5 year old boy and a 3 month old baby girl. Their mama was working as a full-time nurse at the hospital and we got to have these kids in our homes all day long for 3-4 days a week. Their mama worked 12-14 hour days 30 minutes from where we lived. We grew so attached to these kiddos! We got to watch them for just over a year.
September 2019: A sweet friend of mine was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. She meant a good deal to me and to my children, especially to my Rachel. I had the privilege of being with her in the emergency room when she got the diagnosis. She had been taking care of her daughter who had had a stroke when she was 13 years old, and her two autistic grandsons. She moved within a week of the diagnosis back east where she was able to have some care at the end of her life from her son and his family. I started watching her two grandsons after school everyday until their single dad (also a good friend of ours) could get off of work. We did this for about 2-3 months.
March 2020: Everyone know what happens here, that's right, COVID. Jacob started working from home, but other than that and home church, our lives really didn't change a whole lot, except we found out how crazy the world really is and that we all hate wearing masks.
May 2020: We got COVID and lived.
August 2020: Kent was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD and Dysgraphia. That's been a wild ride all in and of itself and deserves its own blog post (or two or five).
October of 2020 is when we actually moved from New Mexico.
The next few months went something like a whirlwind. We spent a month visiting my sister and her family in Arizona, 3 months visiting family in Southern Utah, and then another two months back in Arizona. We all got COVID, again, at the end of our stay in Utah. This last month we have spent in Farmington, New Mexico and its been a doozy of a month, let me tell you. Filled with depression and parks and running and Jacob graduating and finishing one job and starting another.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Homeschool Life
Our homeschool location for the morning. Or rather our second homeschool location. The first was the laundromat. 😁
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Love my adventure buddies!
Love my adventure buddies!
#homelessadventures #farmingtonnewmexico #riverwalk #animasriver #americathebeautiful
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Happy May
"In May one simply can't help being thankful...that they are alive, if for nothing else." -L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Avonlea)