LaNea's flash cards

We've been doing flash cards for a long time around our home. Now we've been moving on to sounding out words.  Its obviously a slow process but its so fun to see the shock on LaNea's face each time she realizes what she's sounding out.  The human brain is just amazing!  Every time she figures out a word she always tries to put it in a sentence (who knows why) and they are sometimes so funny.  Here's a few from today...

1. "dog, like we walk the dog"
2. "her, like her broke the toothbrush" (Zoe broke her toothbrush yesterday)
3. "will, not like run...(Her go to response when she has no idea what the word means)
4. "cat, like cat say meow"
5.  "black, like black hair"
6.  "sit, like when you eat you have to sit"
7.  "stop, like red means stop"
8. "cow, like cow says moo"
9.  "that, like the tire is that" (flat, that...totally sound the same)

So here's just some random pictures of our lives lately.

 Great America is a huge part of our lives.  And we love having visitors come with us.
 Zoe has recently fallen in love with stickers.  She pulls them off of EVERYTHING
 LaNea is definitely my little helper.  She's willing to help me do anything if I ask her to.  Even if its cleaning up the dog poo.
 Being pregnant can be hard when both girls want to sit on my lap.  Poor things don't realize how little room is actually there now. :)
Being pregnant has been exhausting but its fun being just a few weeks apart from one of my best friends. 

Zoe's 1!!

Can't believe a year has already come and gone and yet I can't remember what we ever did without this little girl.  She so stubborn but happy all the time.  Still hasn't figured out how to grow hair but I'm hoping it starts soon.  At the drs her numbers were: Weight: 23lbs 13.5oz (91.91%) Height: 32 1/2 in (100%) and Head Circumference: 47 cm (92.60%).  She started walking well in November and has kept it up since.  She has opinions and will let you know them.  She is obsessed with electronics but doesn't love just watching movies.  She'd rather play/mess-up your phone than just hold it still.  She talks to herself and anyone who wants to listen all the time.  The words she does know are "All done" and "bye bye".  She loves to cuddle when she's tired or sad or just woke up or any other time she chooses. Her favorite person tends to be LaNea though I do follow close behind.  We feel pretty lucky to have her around!
 Her Stubborn face letting us know she's going to ignore us.
 She's recently fallen in love with LaNea's chair.  Fortunately LaNea hasn't noticed.
 Trying to teach about presents
 Really doesn't take much to help her smile!
 My sister has the greatest taste in clothes.  She gave the girls these dresses and I love that they match without matching.  
 She knew this one was special the moment she touched it.
 And she was right.  She has wanted one of these for a while but I think its the stupidest toy.  But I finally caved in and got it for her.  She been dragging it everywhere since.  Sorry neighbor downstairs!
 LaNea helped bring Zoe all the presents and stayed by her side just in case she needed any extra help. 

Making her wish and keeping her hands off the cake.

 She's begun using silverware.  Not perfect at it but its so cute to see her try!!

And a perfect Birthday breakfast.  We love this girl!!

Catching up!!

Things have been pretty settled around here.  Nothing too exciting.  We do feel like we're finally get our bearings with work and home life.  We got to take the girls to the check ups this month.  They are both healthy and happy!  Both girls are huge though. Here's the stats so Eric can compare :)
LaNea:  Ht- 39 1/2 inches tall (87th);  Wt: 33lbs. (73rd)
Zoe at Six months since I forgot to note it
Ht- 28 inches (99th); Wt 18lbs 15oz (88th)
Zoe at 9 months (ish)
Ht- 30 inches tall (99.82); 21lb 4.5 oz (92.86)

 LaNea's best friend out here is Brayden.  He lives just down the street from us so we often get together. They play really well together which makes it so nice to get together.
 A couple weeks ago the Relief Society had a 5K/10K walk/run.  Claudia and I did the 5K walk.  It was a lot of fun to wake up early with the girls and go walking.  I think it was pretty fun for the kids too as Claudia took LaNea and Brayden and I got Zoe and Audrey. (These two are also adorable together. They smile and touch each other's faces).
 We obviously had LaNea's birthday too.  Since most the photos are over Facebook, I'm only adding my two favorite here.  LaNea had such an amazing birthday. The party was set up perfectly and she had just the right amount of friends to make it special but not too much.
 She loved dressing up pretty and has since not been found without least one necklace and bracelet on. Not to mention that she doesn't often let me get out of the house without one draped around my neck as well.
 Way excited that my little chef now has a complete ensemble to wear as she helps me cook and play. :)
 And not that I could possibly forget ZOE!  SHe's getting so big.  SHe loves to explore and is constantly finding new things that I didn't think about previously.  She is also a lover of necklaces and will wake up from her naps and head to the necklace pile to put one on.  Didn't realize she was able to do this till she did the first time.  And I had been thinking it was all LaNea.
She also crawls everywhere now.  I'm needing to do better at leaving at least the screen closed as Zoe has no idea of boundaries.  Its also no fun that she's become a biter in every way.  She's even been so crazy as to chip some of her teeth, crazy girl.  She bites not just me but anything she can get her teeth on.  This is going to be a great phase, I can already tell! :)

Learning the ABC's

LaNea has been doing AWESOME.  There's a few drawbacks for us.  For starters, LaNea doesn't have the longest attention span in the world.  I know this is quite shocking to most but no, she doesn't.  So getting her to focus for extended periods of time has been...difficult.  Yet she is such a sweetheart about everything that it makes you feel awful if you get angry.  
We are having troubles with remember the letters "d", "e", "j", and "k".  Most others she has down even if she won't say them every time.  Eric and I are both very proud of her though!

Life as We Know It

So I know that we haven't been posting in a long while.  Things have been pretty busy and still very fun.  Here's a few pictures to explain a little of what we have been up to.
 Aunt Kara has come out for the week and we are thrilled to have her visiting.  LaNea was talking about it for weeks before she actually got here!
 Zoe is still doing awesome in her Bouncer but I think this is even starting to get a little restraining for her.  
 We've done a few art projects to try and get the house decorated. Most have turned out okay though some have been a little "unique"
 LaNea has a style all her own and is in LOVE with all headbands.  This girl will constantly be finding headbands and putting them on.  She thinks they're crowns which is funny because she doesn't like crowns.
 And Zoe is continuing to grow.  Thanks to some excellent advice I've already retired the bumbo and pulled out the high chair.  Zoe loves this a lot more so if she could now just figure out how to get the food into the mouth, I think she'd be one happy camper.
 THat is, until she gets stuck on the other side of the barrier.  Sorry the picture is so blurry but I had to have one of Zoe crying because she's not able to get into the kitchen.  Sadly, she's getting fast enough that if she finds the barrier in place, she just crawls around to the other side of the kitchen.

She's just so funny how dirty she can get and then how upset she gets when she realizes it.  I think she'd take three showers a day if I let her.

Zoe has also starting pulling herself on things.  She started yesterday and now she acts like she's been doing it for weeks.  Crazy girl!

I LOVE being a mom.  I love spending time with my girls and watching them grow. HOWEVER, every now and then, a day comes along that can be a little overwhelming.  Today was definitely one of those days.
It started this morning with Zoe waking up at 4:30am.  I had just enough time to change her diaper and get her bottle ready before I heard a loud thud and LaNea's sweet cry.  Poor thing fell out of her bed and woke her up enough that she wasn't quite able to go back to sleep. So we got ready for the day.
We headed to the park for Park Days at 10am.  Of course, most other mom's don't feel the need to be punctual so the next mom showed up 10:30am leaving me a full half hour of running around with LaNea with Zoe strapped on my shoulders.  We stayed at the park till about 12:15pm.  Headed home for lunch and had just enough time  to quickly study for the driver's test.
Then with Zoe once again strapped over my shoulders and LaNea's hand in mine, walked next door to the DMV.  Fortunately we did have an appointment so it only took five minutes for us to get back with our worker.  We left our home at 1:45pm and were caught at the DMV till 3:45pm.  The whole time LaNea and I were stuck on our feet.  LaNea was such a trooper and tried really hard to be patient and good.  Though a few around us didn't think she was doing too well. (Can you believe people actually had the nerve to "ssh" her and not even the workers!)  By the time we left, I had my new Driver's License on the way but still have a lot of work in order to get our two cars registered.
Oh, just since it deserves to be mentioned. Zoe also leaked out of her diaper during our lunch time.  Changed her diaper and thought I had it all cleaned up.  Didn't notice the poo on my shirt until were waiting in line at the DMV. :)
Getting home, I still have laundry to do, dishes to wash, toys to put away and two very tired children to keep happy till bedtime.
My feet are killing me, my brain stopped working the minute I finished the driver's test and dinner was more than a little bland; but all in all, I sure love being a mom even if it does include a few very long, very stressful days.

Picture Updates

My girls are very fortunate in have fabulous photographers for aunts.  Here are the pictures April took of Zoe.  I know you have all been very excited to see them.  Isn't she beautiful? Its so strange to see these pictures taken just before Zoe's two strawberry's showed up. 

 This is my favorite.  I just love watching her sleep.

 These were the pictures that we had from Zoe's blessing.

 LaNea is already missing her cousins. Thank goodness for technology that allows us to see them still.

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