Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Sheesh, I used to be good at updating the blog and now I almost cringe at the idea of writing a post. I think facebook status updates just seem to be so much easier. Plus, I don't think my life is that interesting...

Since I last posted, summer vacation has started, however that doesn't mean a whole lot to Bryce since I'm making him go to summer school...He's not required to go and he isn't behind, I just didn't want to take the risk of him forgetting everything he's learned and plus he just needs the structure. He's actually happy to go. He is going to be 7 in July and he can't wait...almost everyday I'm reminded of that fact and given a new list of what he would like for his birthday. He is really growing up to be such a neat kid. He makes me laugh, loves to cuddle and asks a billion questions.

Ian had scans in April and of course everything came back clean. I think as more time passes I become more and more secure in the promises of the Lord to preserve his life. We are just so grateful for his health. He is also so much fun and keeps us on our toes. He and Bryce are the best of friends and yet can really get on each others nerves...

Spencer is old enough now to hang with his big brothers and he is one wild boy. He knows no danger and while very cuddly and sweet, he has no problem telling me no about almost anything and everything. We finally got him potty trained this last weekend and I'm one HAPPY momma!

Hayden is doing so well! He is 6 months but his adjusted age is almost 4 months and he is right on track according to the docs. So grateful he is on track. The boys adore him and all like to take turns holding him. Hayden seems to tolerate it alright. I love that he is finally smiling and took forever!
We continue to love our new house and we are settling in more and more. Thank goodness grandpa Jackson showed up or we would never have finished the sprinkler system. He has it almost finished. I'm for one am so grateful for his help...hopefully the sod will be laid by Saturday!

Mike continues to work long hours and I keep super busy at home. This August I will start school again and I am soooooo excited....eventually I really hope to be able to start nursing school. We'll see what happens. All I know is that I don't want to go back to social work....I guess I should just be content to be a mom and yet I just have such a yearning for learning....
When we aren't working or living the day to day life stuff, we go for family hikes or go to Lagoon for a couple hours. It's nice to have season passes....
Perhaps if we ever get more pictures downloaded to the computer I'll write a better post....