Monday, June 14, 2010

Recent pics and activities....

Ian just relaxing on our bed watching Toy Story...just preparing for when Toy Story 3 comes out.
Spencer relaxing...
Bryce giving me an awesome smile!
All three boys relaxing after bath time, watching Toy Story.
We can't wait to see Toy Story 3.
We took the boys on the Front Runner train down to Temple Square. We had lunch at the Lion House and saw the new Temple display at the Visitors Center. All in all it was a fun day! On the way on home on the train, Bryce asked me "Mommy, how does Jesus put people together?" I'm all for answering my children honestly and giving them just the right amount of correct information for their age, but I have to admit, I didn't see that question coming and all I could say was "Very carefully." Then after a little more thought I explained a bit more and he seemed satisfied. At the end, he asked me if babies come out their mommies noses....LOL!
I took the boys to Krispey Kremes (sp) because they were giving away free donuts. It was fun and who doesn't like "FREE"? I really am enjoying being able to do fun things with the boys! They are always game for something and even though sometimes I feel like I'm herding cats, I'm always so glad that I put in the extra effort.
Bryce with his Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Behrens.
Bryce singing with his class at his Kindergarten graduation....I had to laugh when I received the invite to his "kindergarten graduation". It was fun and exciting though and the kids all did such a nice job! There were four kindergarten classes and Bryce's class wore yellow caps. I'm just so proud of Bryce and all he has learned this year. He did a great job! Bryce is so friendly, enthusiastic, funny, intelligent, kind, and clever! I really enjoy him!
Bryce standing in from of his school on the last day of school! I took a similar picture him on the first day of school. My how he has grown!