Sunday, May 16, 2010

Season Passes to Lagoon

So we broke down and bought season passes to Lagoon. We have family and friends coming to town this summer and determined that by the time we paid for each visit individually, we would have paid for a season pass and then some. We are soooooo glad we did it. The boys had a blast! I think there are more things for the boys to do here than there were at Disney World. We took lots of pics yesterday, unfortunately none of them were with our actual camera...for some reason we left it in the van and had to use our phones to take pics. The thing I like about the kiddie rides is that even Spencer could ride on most everything. What a blast the boys had. The other nice thing about Lagoon is that you can bring your own food. Next time we go, we are bringing a cooler of food. Spencer loved the freedom to walk around and he even found several good sized puddles to jump and splash in. We let him do it and enjoyed watching the pleasure he derived from it! Next time we go, I'm going to have to remember the sun block. The boys got a little color on their faces and I am fried on my face, neck and arms! No fun!

Spencer giggled the entire time he was on this ride!
The boys rocking out on their guitars. Not sure I'm ready for the real thing yet...could get noisy!
I think they have watched one too many episodes of Imagination Movers.
Bryce and Ian loved this roller coaster ride! Just before they left above and below when the ride was done. Their faces say it all!

On a train ride around the park. It takes you through the zoo part of Lagoon... and Bryce's reaction was priceless....he couldn't stand the smell of the animals. He said they stink!
Notice Spencer's shorts and shoes...they are soaking wet.... I took this pic after his first puddle jumping session. Other families passed us on the paths and laughed when they saw him jumping in the puddles. I'm sure they must have thought we were crazy to let him jump in the puddles like that. But Mike and I decided that we wanted him to have a little freedom and if jumping in puddles and having to be wet and dirty the rest of the day made him happy, then we were happy!
Bryce in the back...
Ian and Spencer


I asked the boys if I could take a picture of them together and they agreed. Of course, Ian had to put them in a head lock. Have I mentioned that Ian is VERY strong! ? It melts my heart to see the boys love one another. With as much as they wrestle and argue, they would rather spend time together than with any other person. While Bryce is in school, Ian and Spencer patiently wait till it's time to go pick him up. On Sundays, Ian refuses to go to Sunbeams, instead opting to go to class with Bryce. It's the only way we can convince Ian to attend Primary. We are working on that of course! They share toys, laugh together, hatch plans to take over the house, and pretty much are in collusion with each other on plans to make my hair turn grayer faster! I wouldn't have it any other way! I love these little boys more than anything in this world. They are smart, funny, loving, kind, talented, generous, forgiving, energetic, rambunctious, and with out a doubt the best thing I've ever done in my life! How eternally grateful I am to be their mother. Though I know I'm not perfect, I hope they grow up knowing just how much I love them!