Saturday, December 5, 2009


I need to apologize to the grandmas. I have been a slacker when it comes to keeping our family blog updated. I guess I've just felt like no news is good news for our family. We are doing well and looking forward to Christmas and the new year. The older the boys get, the more fun Christmas is. Everything is so magical for them and I love to see the excitement in their eyes and he it in their voices. We've had several conversations about why we celebrate Christmas and the boys think it's pretty neat that we celebrate "Jesus' birthday". This year we will be traveling to Phoenix to celebrate the holidays with grandma and grandpa Jackson as well as Aunt Tammy and Uncle Wilson. It's going to be so much fun! We have been teaching the boys some Christmas carols, I love to hear the boys sing. Even Spencer gets in on the action and has excellent pitch! Aunt Royce and grandma Milliman would be impressed! Next week we will be attending a Make A Wish Breakfast with Santa party in Ogden and the boys are thrilled, as if that weren't enough action, later in the afternoon we are going to one Mike's co-workers house for another Christmas where Santa is invited to attend! That is going to be a LONG day! LOL!
Bryce is doing well in school. I'm impressed with the amount of information he needs to learn in Kindergarten. He's in school ALL day long and when he gets home, sometimes he has a hard time keeping his eyes open. He has been learning lots of songs at school and the neat thing is that he has taught them to Ian and Spencer. I can often hear all three of them singing one of the "color" songs. Bryce has learned a song for each of the colors to help him learn how to spell the different colors. He become such a big helper. The other day I had mentioned that I needed them to pick up so I could vaccumm. Anyhow, I went off to do something and when I came back the room was picked up and he had started vaccumming. What a joy he is, I love him so much! We are so grateful to have him in our family!!!!!!
Ian is doing super well. He is healthy and strong. He learns so much from his big brother. Now that we have him potty trained, I'm going to enroll him in preschool this coming year. I'm so proud of Ian, he was trained in one day and hasn't had any accidents since the first day of training and hasn't used one pull up! It's neat to see how proud he is of himself! On a funny note, Ian as many of you know, can become quite attatched to things. Well, his latest love and attatchment has been the Toys R Us toy catalog that arrived a few weeks ago. It goes every where with him. It is well loved and he wants to make sure that everyone knows just what he would like for Christmas. Mike and I have learned a very useful parenting tool called "ignoring". Quite often Ian's requests have become whining fits and demands. He has a hard time understanding that not right now doesn't mean never. Anyway, we sure love him and think he's a neat kid, whining and all!
Spencer will be two years old in one month. I can hardly believe it....what happened to my baby. I've been holding off on giving him his first haircut...somehow he won't look much like a baby anymore once his hair is cut! He is now sleeping in a big boy bed and he loves it! He is so good natured, loves to play with his brothers, talks a ton and is just a joy to have in the family!
Mike and I are doing well. Mike was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and he is getting that all figured out and fixed. Thank goodness! He has been so tired for soooooo long! And as everyone knows, a person who has been sleep deprived, they aren't terribly cheerful! Ready to have my sweetheart back. On December 1st, Mike sewed on Tech. We are all pleased with his achievement. In the fall he will be starting school at Weber State. He wishes it was BYU, but Weber will do.
For my part, I keep busy with housework, kids, appts, sewing projects, church callings.... I day dream about owning a home in a state I want to live in, being completely out of debt, going back to school for my masters or perhaps a nursing degree. I think of all the projects I'd like to start work on and yet don't have the time or money. I often have to remind myself that I can do it all, just not all at the same time. Such a hard concept for me to accept. I'm not known for my patience. LOL!
Last weekend, we wanted to get out of the house and just go for a ride. So we went down to Draper and visited IKEA. That store is so much fun to just walk around. I love it! The kids even have fun! Anyhow, after we were done, we went to the Harley Davidson dealership just a little further down I-15 to look around. Mike would love to own a motorcycle one day. For now it's just a dream. The boys have also expressed a love for motorcycles. We took some pics of the boys with daddy on a motorcycle and this photo below came out the best! Too bad Bryce is looking the other way.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Having Ian with us this Halloween was so much fun! I love to see the boys excited about trick or treating and picking out costumes. Ian has wanted to be a Transformer since the beginning of summer and of course Bryce was right with him. I'm hoping that maybe next year we can be a little more creative and do something as a family. I would love to make the costumes. As it is, I wore a dreadlock wig. Not terribly original I admit. I loved Spencer's costume and I dare say it was the cutest little kid costume I saw. Of course I'm biased. The boys made out with plenty of candy. The basic rule around here is they can have one piece a day (a little candy never hurt anyone) and only if they will eat their dinner. I'm sure we could probably eat healthier around here and yet most of the time I'm just grateful if my boys will eat what I've made. The funny thing is that the boys don't seem to remember that we even have the candy....out of sight out of mind.

Ward Trunk or Treat

Little Spencer was a skunk!

Ian was Optimus Prime....on the 30th we went to a Halloween activity on base so the kids got to dress up two nights in a row. They loved it!

Bryce was Megatron

Black Island Farms

We took these pictures at Black Island Farms in Syracuse Utah. We went with some friends for FHE and had a great time with the BIG slides, rides, and corn mazes. We had a blast even though it was a bit chilly.

Bryce, Mekayla, and Ian



Mike and the can see the cool slides in the back ground. The boys could have cared less about the maze when they caught sight of the slides. I have to admit even I had a fun time on them! LOL!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quick Update...

Where to begin....hmmmmmmm.... I don't really feel like I have a whole lot to blog about and yet life is happening. Bryce continues to love school! I love seeing his enthusiasm for the things he is learning and the enjoyment he gets from being with children his age. Bryce is bright, funny, and such a joy! I'm going to have the opportunity to volunteer in his class this coming month and I can't wait. The teacher asked me if I would come in during reading time! I've always done pretty good about reading to the boys, but with Bryce in school I have been reading to all three of them consistently every night. I love how excited they are to listen, make comments and attempt to read. Mostly they just have their favorite books memorized! LOL!

Soccer season....well it ended....Bryce liked the idea of playing soccer, but when it came right down to it, he didn't like sharing the ball! He would usually last about 5 minutes before he took a seat in the middle of the field and pouted! There is always next year. Ian liked wearing the uniform but refused to practice... what little practice I could get out of him, meant that I had to practice with him. Fortunately I wasn't the only parent on the field practicing with their kid. On a side note, Ian is growing bigger and bigger. He is only 3 and a half and is 40lbs, and 41 inches tall. Clearly the chemo didn't stunt his growth. Most people meeting him for the first time, think he is much older than he is.

Spencer is growing up and talking up a storm. I'm his mom and I'm impressed with how much he is talking. He is such a big boy and loves to do things for himself. Of all my boys, he seems to be more of a climber, explorer, and into everything kinda kid. A couple Saturdays ago I put him in his chair for breakfast without belting him, he usually pushes his chair back and gets out on his own. I stepped away to put a load of clothes in the dryer, and on my way back, I heard a thump and crying. He fell out of his chair trying to get down. I knew he had had a concussion because he threw up all over me as soon as I picked him up. I took him to the ER just to make sure all was well. Everything was fine, but I was a wreck. It seems like whenever Mike goes TDY, that's when the poop hits the fan. He's fine now, but I'm much more vigilant about buckling him into his seat.

Mike has been gone for the last three weeks. We've all missed him so much! This TDY couldn't have been planned any worse. I've needed Mike so much this month and yet I haven't had him here. Ian had his scans today...all month I have been stressing out and worried. I wasn't looking forward to doing this alone. Fortunately I have good friends in our ward and a good friend that lives just around the corner who have all volunteered to help with the boys when I have to be with Ian in Salt Lake City. The good news is that according to the Radiologist, Ian's scans look clean. Now I have to go back tomorrow for his oncology appt and his one year follow up with the bone marrow transplant team. I can hardly believe that it has been a year. I'm not the same person I was two years ago. This challenge has changed me for the better and has also caused me to be more anxious. I'm working on the negative fall out and hoping that some day I won't be so anxious and stressed. I know there are others who struggling just as I am with big challenges and some who even suffer unimaginable trials. I'm grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who puts up with my emotional breakdowns and tantrums. Who will listen to my pleas and demands. I just hope that I can become the women He would have me be, no matter how painful the process may be. Some days I truly feel like I have reached my thresh hold! LOL!

On a side note, I received a new calling. The bishop called me into his office a couple weeks ago and said they had felt impressed that I needed to be called as the 1st counselor in the Young Womens Presidency. LOL! I guess the Lord thinks I still have quite a bit to learn. I'm actually really excited! Should be a great experience! I'm going to miss being a teacher in the Relief Society. It was the perfect calling!

I'm looking foward to the rest of this month. The boys are so excited about Halloween. This year Ian gets to join us. When Mike gets home, we are going to go to the Pumpkin Patch and have some fun! YAY! Also, Mike gets a couple weeks off in December and so we will most likely go to Phoenix. Can we say road trip! SO fun! I'm so ready for something fun! So this is my update. If you were bored reading it....too bad! LOL!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bryce's First Day of School

Bryce's first day of school! He attends Hill Field Elementary and his teacher is Mrs. Behrens.

Standing in line like a big boy! I was so sad to see him go. I held the tears in until he was inside. Good thing I had sun glasses.

Bryce's first full day of school. We walk to school every day. GREAT exercise!
Bryce's unofficial first day of school. It was a parent, student and teacher meet and greet. He was so excited!

Ian's Make A Wish Party

Most everyone knows that we went to Disney World as a family at the beginning of August. Our trip was courtesy of the WONDERFUL organization Make A Wish. Well before we left, a party was scheduled for Ian when he came back so that he could share his pictures with all his friends and family. The party was held in Murry Utah at the Make a Wish headquarters in Utah. It's such a neat place. There are pictures of other children who have had wishes granted, what they wished for and how they are doing now. It was humbling and inspiring to read of other children and their journeys. At any rate, we mostly had friends there, and Grandma and Grandpa Jackson were the only family that were able to make it. We were so grateful that they could be there to support us! Before our guests arrived, Ian and the family were taken to the wishing room, where Ian was able to officially make his wish to the wishing wizard. It was just a neat ceremony where we his family could write on little papers what our wishes for him were. It was a very tender sweet moment! Of course I cried like a baby! Our guests arrived a half hour later and we had cake and ice cream, enjoyed a slide show of pictures from our trip, we had a chance to talk about some of our favorite moments on the trip, and Ian was given his own star to raise in the Make A Wish building to commemorate his granted wish! I want everyone to know what an amazing organization Make A Wish is, they go above and beyond!

Mike and me with Bishop Maughn and Sister Maughn. Bishop Maughn was our bishop when we first moved to Hill AFB. He was released in the spring. He's been such a support to Mike and me, and continues to take an interest in our family.
This is Ellie and Jen. Jen is holding Ian, and she is the boys' FAVORITE babysitter! She is so awesome! In fact, Jen enjoyed the party so much, and the Make A Wish atmosphere, that she mentioned she would like to volunteer there and maybe work for them.

Me helping Ian raise his Star. He was so cute, he almost didn't want to raise it, because he wanted to take it home with him. Someday, if he wants they said he could have it back.

Ian's special star. It's orange but you can't tell in this picture. He told them orange was his favorite color. That made Mike so proud, Mike LOVES orange!

Mike and me with Ian. This is the cake Ian requested. A TRANSFORMERS cake. He was thrilled!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Golden Spike National Monument - Fun Outing!

We decided to go on a fun family outing to the Golden Spike National Monument. It was so fun! The boys really enjoyed the steam locomotives! This is where the west and the east train lines met. I love family outings! We had such a blast this day!

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Bryce

I can barely believe my baby is 5 and entering kindergarten. Where have the year gone? I'm so grateful to have this little boy in my life! He is so sweet, funny, handsome and smart! I can't imagine life without him! He was so excited to celebrate his birthday. We had some friends over this year. Last year that was not possible. Friends and Family who couldn't be here all called and wished him a happy birthday which he thought was really neat! I hope he grows up knowing how much his father and I love and appreciate him!

Team Revolution and Team Rapids

We enrolled Bryce (and Ian) in soccer. The idea was that it would provide them with the opportunity to get out and interact with other kids and also help them burn off some excess energy. Well Bryce does very well during warm up and individual practice, in other words when everyone has their own soccer ball. The problems start when there is one ball for the entire team. Bryce doesn't grasp the concept of go after the ball with you team mates. He will actually stand in the middle of the field crying because " They took the ball from me! " LOL! Last Saturday at an actual game, he laid down in the middle of the field while his team and the other nearly trampled him. After the game, I told him that for everytime he goes after the ball and his foot makes contact, I would give him a quarter. I'm not sure if bribery will work. We'll see! In his defense, he is the youngest kid on his team, just barely 5. Maybe he'll get better as the season progresses and there is always next year.

Ian is with the 3-4 year olds and they don't play games. They just have practices. Well it's like yanking out teeth with a wet tissue to get him to partipate. He cries if I'm not on the field with him and even when I'm with him he doesn't want to do anything. Usually, I can get him to play and practice, but heaven help if anyone should look at him let alone talk to him. Crazy kid!!!! I don't have any pictures of him yet because well it's kind of hard to take pictures when you also have to be in them! LOL!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yet more photos....

The boys getting excited to meet Mickey and Minnie. They visited the boys at GKTW. So FUN!
Bryce giving Minnie a smooch.

Horse back riding at GKTW. Spencer going on his first ride!

Ian giving a thumbs up for horse back riding.

Bryce giving the thumbs up for horse back riding. I wish you all could hear the boys gleeful giggles as they had their turn riding the horse. Incredibly cute!

More Photos of our Florida Adventures

Sorry the pic isn't that was a dinosaur themed restaurant we ate at when we visited Downtown Disney. The atmosphere was excellent, but sadly the food was over priced and NOT that good. Anyhow, it's supposed to be a pic of Ian and Mike with a Dinosaur in the background.
Ian and Bryce meeting Spiderman. Ian is crazy about spiderman.

Mr Incredible! Another of the boys favorites. We found him at Magic Kingdom during one of the many parades. Too bad the strange kid is in the pic...we got there first and this kid couldn't wait I guess....

Bryce and Ian riding the train at Give Kids the World. They loved it and would have gone on train rides all day to the exclusion of meals and other activities.

Mike and Bryce riding the Carousel at Give Kids the World.

Sea World and the Boys Souvenirs

Shamu at Sea World
Mike and the boys at Sea World

Spencer with his toys

Bryce with his toys

Ian with his toys

More Make a Wish Photos

At Give Kids the World you can schedule a story and tuck in with Mayor Clayton (a Bunny). It was so FUN!!!!!!!! The boys loved it!
He sat with them, played a little and pretty much got them all riled up. LOL!

Spencer absolutely adored him!

Epcot. We spent lots of money here! The boys made away like bandits. This is where they met Stich. Fun day!

First day in Florida. We decided to start off our trip with the Magic Kingdom. For a Tuesday, it was packed! It was also very hot and humid!

GKTW and Diego and Dora

At Give Kids the World, characters from the different parks come to the village and take pictures with the wish kids. The first day there, we met Diego and Dora.
Ian and Diego

Bryce and Dora

Our Villa at GKTW. It looked like Seuss land to us. Just across from us was a Candy Land themed park.