Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Review

Here are some of my favorite moments and memories from the last year.

When I rang in the new year in the happiest place on Earth:

Its not a celebration if you're not eating.... Just sayin

That one time these two people came along:

And then made way too many of these:

That one time I moved to Canada for the summer, met some of the most amazing people, and it was a happy healing experience:

That one time in Canada when I jumped into a frozen lake. . . and said some things...

When I went to the Florida version of the happiest place on earth and spent the week with some non-blood family. Ariel and Goofy were there too. ;)

Also: when I hunted all over Canada for a Canadian tank top, but ended up having to make my own.

When God gave me the green light to run at my dreams, and I started in the MDT program at BYU and met more awesome people:

This is not everyone, but I kind of sucked at taking pictures this fall....
Also: When i got to wear that hat.

Anytime that I got to be with my family:

Including this moment that was caught on camera that will forever make me smile:

Don't be fooled, it wasn't perfectly peachy the whole time. But it was a good year, and I'm glad for the great times that came from it.

Here's to an awesome 2014!