
Dance Recital

The recital was such a good show.  Our studio has some very talented dancers and an amazing owner/choreographer.  We love Altitude!

Reagan's ballet piece made her nervous after the performance she said "mama I watched my friends too much so it wasn't very good."  I told her how much I loved how excited she got for all the "bouncy" parts.

Reagan's competition piece was even better at the recital.  She really hammed it up!  I love these costumes.


Wrestling Fall 2014

Weber High tournament this weekend. Colt took 1st and Ash took 3rd. 

Layton High tournament last weekend. Colt took 2nd and Ash took 3rd.   PS that's not Aaron behind the boys but a Layton firefighter.

It's been a much better season this year, the boys have learned a lot. It's really starting to click. 

Kids say...

Colten: Can you help me clean my room by telling me what to do first?
Me: ya, make your bed. 
Colten: ok I'll clean up my toys. 

Ashton "You can't look at the sun without the proper scientific equipment or a translation for the dumbos in the car: you need special tools from a scientist." 

RJ: Mom, teacher read a story called no David no and we talked about it. And David was super naughty he was overflowing the bath tub and taking all the food in the kitchen and he wasn't being proactive he was being so naughty. Every time he did it his mom kept saying no. 

Me: Oh I bet that made his mom sad. 

RJ: ya cause he wasn't being proactive so she sent him away. 

Me: where did she send him?

RJ: to china. 

Me (getting a bit horrified now): why did she send him there?

RJ: cause he needed to work to learn to be proactive. So he had to row a boat all the way back to his mom. 

Um, I'm pretty sure this version of the book doesn't exist and I need to stop threatening to send my kids to china...


Thanksgiving Performance

Reagan had her Thanksgiving performance tonight.  It was so cute.  They served us rolls with butter we made in class!  I got to help the kids shake the jars of cream until it formed some yummy butter.



We did a hero theme this year. Although I think Colten's costume is a bad guy, oh well.  


Red Ribbon Week

Instead of Halloween at our school the kids get to do crazy stuff for Red Ribbon Week - the week they pledge to say no to drugs.

On pajama day Reagan learned how to hoola hoop!

Crazy tie, hat and sock day!


Girls and Boys Campouts

We both just happened to have two different campouts planned for the kids on the same night.  Aaron took the boys "hunting," which was really just messing around in a field.

While I took Reagan to her dance campfire party.


Cannery Field Trip

I got to go with Reagan and her class on their field trip to the LDS Cannery.  We learned how the factory makes beef stew to ship to starving people around the world.


First Cavity

We told him that if he got another one he would be paying to have it fixed.