Colten: Can you help me clean my room by telling me what to do first?
Me: ya, make your bed.
Colten: ok I'll clean up my toys.
Ashton "You can't look at the sun without the proper scientific equipment or a translation for the dumbos in the car: you need special tools from a scientist."
RJ: Mom, teacher read a story called no David no and we talked about it. And David was super naughty he was overflowing the bath tub and taking all the food in the kitchen and he wasn't being proactive he was being so naughty. Every time he did it his mom kept saying no.
Me: Oh I bet that made his mom sad.
RJ: ya cause he wasn't being proactive so she sent him away.
Me: where did she send him?
RJ: to china.
Me (getting a bit horrified now): why did she send him there?
RJ: cause he needed to work to learn to be proactive. So he had to row a boat all the way back to his mom.
Um, I'm pretty sure this version of the book doesn't exist and I need to stop threatening to send my kids to china...