
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Am Moving My Blog

Yes folks, the time has come. I'm moving my blog over to my website so everything is in the one place and I'm not managing two sites.

I've had the best time here with you all and I so hope that everyone, commenters and lurkers, will come over and join me on my new site.

To tempt you I'm giving away a book to anyone who leaves me a comment on the new blog. Also I have more news over there that I'm not sure whether to say or not but hey...ya'll can be quiet right?

Oh and Hoo is mixing drinks...*tempts*

Jackie's New Blog Site

Jackie's website

Friday, January 18, 2013

Update on Wot I've Been Doing

I've been a bit of a bad blogger latetly. Here's why.

1. Am in the the middle of second pass edits for my first Entangled book. For those who are curious, the first pass addressed major things like changing around some scenes, putting in a couple of extra scenes ( I had to rewrite a chapter), amp up the black moment etc. But second pass edits get down to the nitty gritty such as deleting repeated words and unnecessary description, being told to twist cliches (I'm being told to 'make it funny' a lot. So I'm sitting there going 'okay, make it funny. Make it funny'. Is NOT easy!), rewrite paragraphs, clarify phrasing etc. It's fiddly. And it has to be done by...tomorrow. Argh!

2. Have sent away my fourth Samhain proposal - a linked book to my Dirty Virgin Hero - and am angsting about it. Oh yeah, the angst never stops over here.

3. Have been working on a Single Title series idea (yes, I finally have one!) that the agent really liked (YAY) and will probably start to be shopped around at some stage. EEEEEK!!!!

4. Have feedback on the partial of my third Entangled book and need now to finish it by April. This will involve rewriting chapter 1.

5. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS! (need I say more? No, I don't think so)

6. Cover art and blurb forms came for my Chessman (Black Knight, White Queen).

7. I also confess to spending quite a bit of time fantasising about going to RWA in Atlanta this year, looking up flighs and staring disconsolantly at my Visa statements...

So there you have it. And all of that adds up to - BUSY!

And then I have Finn releasing in A MONTH!!! And  at the same time I'll receive first pass edits for my second Entangled release, plus edits for the Chessman which has to be done by March.

Oh yes, and I'm in the process of updating my website and moving my blog (I'll post when that happens) so I can be all professional and such.


What about you? What has everyone else been up to?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pitch Opportunity!

Hey everyone, I'm joining nine other Samhain authors at Musetracks for a giveaway and a pitch opportunity on the 12th of January. The pitch is to Samhain editor Jennifer Miller and there will be also be book giveaways for those who comment - and I'm giving away Finn!

Details of how to pitch are here.

So if you have an awesome story burning a hole in your hard drive, come along and take a punt. I actually got my three book deal with Entangled via a blog pitch so they can work big time.

Plus also, Samhain is a fabulous company to work with.

And if you don't want to pitch but want free books then there's heaps to choose from too. :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

In Which Jackie Gets Ranty-pants About Guilt

I'm going to do a flat-out amazing and thought provoking post on mother guilt today, because you know, I haz it. Summer holidays here and I have edits I have to get in to the editor in the next two weeks. Then I have to write the third book in my Entangled series which is due April. And in between those two things I'll have edits for the second Entangled book - which I predict will be major because man, I found that book a struggle. And then I'll have further line edits for my first Entangled book because that's still set for a May release and they have to be done by March. And probably in March/April I'll get edits for my July Samhain release. Oh and I'll be releasing Finn in Feburary so there's that too...

I'm going to be busy in other words. I'm going to have to take work away for our holiday at the end of January too because when the kids are home from school, I can't get much done and have to write when Dr Jax is around. Ergo taking work away on holiday.

I feel guilty for doing that. Guilty because you're not supposed to work on a family holiday. And I feel doubly guilty because actually, I love what I do so it's not really work for me.

This is where having a job that is also a passion can be difficult because people don't understand that working makes you happy. Yeah, I take time off, of course I do, but working also keeps me sane.  I'm also at the beginning of my career, where I'm making a name for myself, and that takes time and it takes work. Like when you set up a new business, you have to channel a lot of time and energy in it to get it up and running, so too with writing.

You see what I did there? I justified myself. Because I feel guilty about it.

I feel guilty for feeding my kids ready-made food because I hate cooking and want to write instead.
I feel guilty about my house being a tip because writing is more important than cleaning.
I feel guilty about writing during the holidays instead of doing lots and lots of stuff with the kids.
And I feel guilty about enjoying what I do.

Really, there is no end to the guilt.

Being a mother working from home, is hard because, well, you're at home.And being a writer makes it even harder because isn't it just a hobby?  I can ring you anytime during the day or drop round for coffee because hey, you're at home and you're only writing. And man, it's just romance, right? It's not like that's even important.

Sometimes I wonder if I'd get these guilts if I was a man. I know some men would and that father guilt can be just as awful as mother guilt. But you know, people judge mothers way more harshly than they judge fathers. And I can't help wondering how people would view a man working on 'serious' literature, or hey, even just a man working hard to feed his family. Maybe they'd find that just as egregious or maybe they'd be okay with that because that's what men are allowed to do.  

I don't know. People are weird and I don't have any solutions to my guilt.

All I do know is that writing makes me happy. And I shouldn't have to justify doing something that makes me happy to anyone.  Happy mother, happy family right?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013!!

I'm excited. And not because I've just had an a lovely beach holiday (see picture!). I'm also excited because now I can say that my book will be released THIS YEAR!!  And not only this year...
Where I was over New Year!



Sorry for shouting.

Anyhoo, the prospect fills me with both joy and terror. There will be reviews and sales rankings to obsess over, reader emails to anticipate. Or what's worse, no reviews, no sales rankings and no reader emails at all! Ah, the life of a neurotic writer is full of such little worries...

In the meantime, to start off my year, I've just got edits for Talking Dirty With the CEO, the first of my Entangled books due out (maybe May) and I'm excited about that too. They're kind of big in that I have to change some scenes around, plus add a couple more, and I'm VERY happy about the suggestion of adding a bit more foreplay to the hero and heroine's first love scene (cuz let's face it, who doesn't like adding foreplay??). Hehe. But considering I first wrote this book a couple of years ago now, I'm actually really pleased to have the chance to revisit it and make it better. And all the changes WILL make it better.

As to 2013, well, it's going to be a busy year for me. I have Falling for Finn out the 19th of February, Black Knight, White Queen in July, then Taking Him in November, all from Samhain. And somewhere in the middle - hopefully - my Entangled series as well.

So...uh...yeah. Got no particular resolutions this year other than to start as I mean to continue by writing lots and lots of books!

What about you guys? Any resolutions you want to share? Or goals you want to achieve? Or hey, just raise a glass to 2013??

*raises own glass* *clinks*

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Christmas and Giveaway Winner

Well, this year has been a pretty fantastic year for me. Six sold books and one agent is a pretty good effort huh?

But I wouldn't have got this far if it hadn't been for the wonderful network of friends and family who have given me so much support.

To all of you who read my blog, who've left me messages of support and encouragement, thank you so much. I've managed to achieve my dream this year, which means so can you. 

The answer is simply this:

Write. Submit. And write and submit again. 

And never, ever give up. 

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!! *balloons* *streamers* *confetti* *chocolate martinis*

P.S. Kimberlyindy, congrats! Thanks for commenting on the blog, you've won a copy of Finn for Christmas. Either leave me your email address in the comments or contact me via the form, and I'll send you a copy.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Next Big Thing - And a Christmas Giveaway

Well, I've been tagged to do a Next Big Thing post by three fabulous people. First up is my awesome friend and CP  Maisey Yates! Check out her post about her amazing new cowboy story - it's....OMG, I can't even.... Second and third are two wonderful fellow Entangled authors and Kiwis, Michelle deWinton and Bronwen Evans. Both these fine ladies have Indulgences out (Bronwen's imminent I think) so if you're after a bit of Xmas indulgence, you can't go wrong...

Firstly I know this post should go up next week but it's Christmas and I want to do a giveaway so I'm doing it now. If you would like a copy of my debut book Falling for Finn to test the Ashenden waters (so to speak) before you decide on whether you may like the below ms, I'm giving away a copy to one commenter. And just to make it fairer, the more comments I get the more books I'll give away. Will draw the winner(s) on Sunday night.

To enter just leave a comment saying 'yo'.  :-)

Where did the idea for the book come from?

My Samhain editor tweeted that she wanted to see more virgin heroes and Maisey nudged me. I got thinking about why a guy would remain a voila. 

 What is the working title of your Book?
Working title is Dirty Virgin Hero. Hehe. Or if you're on Twitter #dirtyeffingvirginhero. ;--)

What genre does your book fall under?

Contemporary romance.

What actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I wouldn't. No actors are ever right for my characters. Lame huh? However I do have a Pinterest board here.

What is the one sentence synopsis for your book?

Ugh. Sorry but I'm going to cheat.  Taking Him - Game designer Ellie's last mission before she leaves the country is to seduce her older brother's best friend, the man she's loved for years. But little does she know that construction company owner Hunter has a past darker than the black feathers tattooed on his back and a secret he'll do anything to keep.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

It'll be published by Samhain in November 2013 and is represented by Helen Breitweiser from Cornerstone Literary.

How long did it take you write the first draft of your manuscript?

Probably about 3-4 weeks.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Um. I don't really know to be honest. I guess I would compare the screwed-upedness of the hero and the emotional intensity of it with Sylvia Day's Bared to You.  Except the hero isn't quite as screwed up as Gideon Cross.

Who or what inspired you to to write this book?

Well, the idea of the virgin hero is something I wanted to write about because you don't see many books about male sexual shame. It's an interesting issue and a challenging one to write.

What else about your book might pique a reader's interest?

A geeky girl game designer, a man with wings on his back, motorcycles, hot construction workers, cosplay, hookers, tattoo parlours, and some hot how's your father. How's that for starters?

I'm supposed to tag people now but I'm not sure who has been tagged and who hasn't so if you haven't, consider yourself tagged!

 And if you want a copy of Finn in your stocking, don't forget to yo me!