for mother's day, I had my friend, snap some current pictures of my kids so Grandma and Nana could update their albums. these 3 keep me busy. Just a few lines about each so I don't forget:
Jack: attends preschool 3 days a week with Ms. Karilee. He loves it and is learning so much. He is reading, doing simple math, and comes home with an art project every day. He loves to draw, color, cut, and paste, so we made him a little art station in the loft that is his very own. He will start all-day kindergarten in the fall (lunch time worries me-1) he doesn't eat sandwiches so I'm going to have to be creative 2) he eats so slowly I'm afraid he won't finish it in time and be hungry). He just finished up his first year of tball (which dad helped coach)-go Angels! He was a good little player and hit almost every pitch thrown to him, only having to use the tee a few times. He rcvd the most consistent player award from Coach Chris. He loves to jump on the trampoline and has almost mastered a front flip. He can also ride his bike without training wheels thanks to Papa's coaching when they were visiting in Feb for Liv's baby blessing. He is such a great helper when it comes to Liv (and equally as great at teasing his other sister). Jack and Kate play really well together 90% of the time, when they fight, they really fight (like cars thrown at heads with Kate doing the throwing). Interests include: anything related to outer space, animals (most recently-jungle animals), airplanes, hot air balloons, NASCAR, golf, and baseball. He is his father's son. He truly is a great kid (even been called a future prophet by his preschool teacher-right!) and I wish he'd stop growing up.
Kate: she is a DIVA! a drama mama. this girl is giving me a run for my money. I guess they all couldn't be as well behaved as Jack. she is fiesty and we butt heads all the time. I get eye rolls, big sighs, and "are you kidding me, mom?!?" on a daily basis. but it's her spunky attitude that makes me laugh. she loves to talk-most of the time I ask Jack to translate b/c I can't understand her. she loves all things pink and princess-completly opposite of her mother. she made the transition to big girl bed with no problem. it helped that she shares a room with Jack and her bunk is pink. she never gets out of her bed unless we come get her. she makes that part easy on me. Kate still has her blanket and sucks her thumb, adding buck teeth to her already dramatic crossbite. she is an othrodontist dream. she is in a dance class once a week with her little friends (I must admit I adore her in a tutu-and I'm not a dance mom. rather have her in sports, but she loves it). We have just started potty training her. Up to this point she has shown no interest in it, but she will be attending some summer camps and starting preschool in the fall and needs to be potty trained for these. she has been using the toilet for #2 for awhile but refuses to go #1--completly backwards. Today was the first day and I am exhausted. hopefully it will be completed by the end of the week. Kate adds a lot of spark and enthusiam to our family and I couldn't imagine our family without her. She's a hoot.
Liv: sweet, sweet baby. happy and smiling unless hungry or tired. her eyes disapper when she smiles and she has crazy red hair. she traveled home to my parents house and slept 6 out of the 7 hours. great little travel buddy. loves to be outside. sleeps best when swaddled. doesn't care much for binkie's other than to chew on them. her hands are finding their way to her mouth more often and I fear I may have another thumb sucker. she takes 3-4 hour naps twice a day and sleep from 8:30/9 p.m. to 5:30/6 a.m. most nights. Liv is getting close to rolling over-so not ready for her to be mobile. I try to soak up as much cuddle time as I can b/c she is my last. love her!