21 May 2012


Jack: 5 years old
Kate: 2 2/12 years old
Liv: 3 months old

for mother's day, I had my friend, snap some current pictures of my kids so Grandma and Nana could update their albums.  these 3 keep me busy.  Just a few lines about each so I don't forget:

Jack: attends preschool 3 days a week with Ms. Karilee.  He loves it and is learning so much.  He is reading, doing simple math, and comes home with an art project every day.  He loves to draw, color, cut, and paste, so we made him a little art station in the loft that is his very own.  He will start all-day kindergarten in the fall (lunch time worries me-1) he doesn't eat sandwiches so I'm going to have to be creative 2) he eats so slowly I'm afraid he won't finish it in time and be hungry).  He just finished up his first year of tball (which dad helped coach)-go Angels!  He was a good little player and hit almost every pitch thrown to him, only having to use the tee a few times.  He rcvd the most consistent player award from Coach Chris.    He loves to jump on the trampoline and has almost mastered a front flip.  He can also ride his bike without training wheels thanks to Papa's coaching when they were visiting in Feb for Liv's baby blessing.  He is such a great helper when it comes to Liv (and equally as great at teasing his other sister).  Jack and Kate play really well together 90% of the time, when they fight, they really fight (like cars thrown at heads with Kate doing the throwing).  Interests include: anything related to outer space, animals (most recently-jungle animals), airplanes, hot air balloons, NASCAR, golf, and baseball.  He is his father's son.  He truly is a great kid (even been called a future prophet by his preschool teacher-right!) and I wish he'd stop growing up. 

Kate: she is a DIVA!  a drama mama.  this girl is giving me a run for my money.  I guess they all couldn't be as well behaved as Jack.  she is fiesty and we butt heads all the time.  I get eye rolls, big sighs, and "are you kidding me, mom?!?" on a daily basis.  but it's her spunky attitude that makes me laugh.  she loves to talk-most of the time I ask Jack to translate b/c I can't understand her.  she loves all things pink and princess-completly opposite of her mother.  she made the transition to big girl bed with no problem.  it helped that she shares a room with Jack and her bunk is pink.  she never gets out of her bed unless we come get her.  she makes that part easy on me.  Kate still has her blanket and sucks her thumb, adding buck teeth to her already dramatic crossbite. she is an othrodontist dream.  she is in a dance class once a week with her little friends  (I must admit I adore her in a tutu-and I'm not a dance mom.  rather have her in sports, but she loves it).  We have just started potty training her.  Up to this point she has shown no interest in it, but she will be attending some summer camps and starting preschool in the fall and needs to be potty trained for these.  she has been using the toilet for #2 for awhile but refuses to go #1--completly backwards.  Today was the first day and I am exhausted.  hopefully it will be completed by the end of the week.  Kate adds a lot of spark and enthusiam to our family and I couldn't imagine our family without her.  She's a hoot.

Liv: sweet, sweet baby.  happy and smiling unless hungry or tired.  her eyes disapper when she smiles and she has crazy red hair.  she traveled home to my parents house and slept 6 out of the 7 hours.  great little travel buddy.  loves to be outside.  sleeps best when swaddled.  doesn't care much for binkie's other than to chew on them.  her hands are finding their way to her mouth more often and I fear I may have another thumb sucker.  she takes 3-4 hour naps twice a day and sleep from 8:30/9 p.m. to 5:30/6 a.m. most nights.  Liv is getting close to rolling over-so not ready for her to be mobile.  I try to soak up as much cuddle time as I can b/c she is my last.  love her!       

Olivia Marie

Dear Blogger,

It's been 6 months since my last post.  Life happened-we moved, had a baby-and I didn't have time for you.  This new format is totally throwing me for a loop.  I will try and post some pictures of my baby since she is now 4 months old.  I want to hold Olivia (since she is my last) rather than sit at the computer.  I rarely use the computer anymore and snap more pictures using instagram rather than my camera.  She is such the 3rd child.  We call her Liv or Livy more often than Olivia and just adore her. 

She was born on Jan 29, 2012 (I;ll spare you the delivery details).  Liv is such a sweet baby.  I can't get enough of her and love to eat her cheeks.  The kids adore her and Jack is my big helper.  She looks more like Jack, even has his crazy Donald Trump combover hair, with some hints of red (no idea where that came from).  She's tall and skinny just like her sister, and loves to eat, just like Kate.  My girls got all the height (and the appetites). (hopefully Jack will sprout up soon.)  She's a trooper, always in her carseat and on the go to school, tball, dance, the pool, etc and sleeps most anywhere.  But sleeping through the night has not been the best.  Unlike Jack and Kate who slept through the night at week 5 and week 6, Liv just recently started sleeping through the night, and even now it is hit or miss.  Her tongue is always sticking out, as seen in the pictures taken of her at 12 days old.  She is getting close to rolling over and loves to hear herself "talk".  We love her to pieces and wish she would stay little forever.  I may make another apperance on this said blog with some current pictures, but don't hold your breath. 

(pictures by my friend Megan)  

29 November 2011


P* clan-Thanksgiving 2011; St George, UT

inlaws. I am grateful for the family I married in to 11 years ago. we spent the Thanksgiving holiday in St George with all of Aaron's family (minus his brother Evan's family). They are such kind, generous people who have made me feel welcome since day one. I loved watching my kids interact with their cousins. They played so well and had so much fun (unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so phone pics will have to do). I am grateful for Aaron's parents for raising an amazing son and who are good examples to my children of righteousness and integrity.
Jack, Matthew, Logan, Jake on post turkey dinner hike
my little turkey-thanksgiving craft time
and my favorite of turkey #2 from the weekend. she was a handful this weekend, waking up at 3 a.m., keeping all the in the hotel room awake. (and yes, I cut her hair. tried to get rid of the curls. was tired of combing the rats nest everyday, but it didn't work. the curls remained. ugh!)

now we are gearing up for Christmas. The tree is up, the holiday baking has begun, and the shopping is 80% complete. The weekends are filling up with holiday parties and visitors. The kids are so excited, making it hard not to get into the spirit of the holiday. Hoping I have the energy to make it through it all. Baby girl arrives in 9 weeks!

20 November 2011


Today I am grateful Aaron was able to come to church with me. May be small but it was the first time he came with me in almost 2 months. And today I really needed the help. The kids were out if control. Grateful I am not a single parent. The end.

19 November 2011


today I spent the day purging and de-cluttering. As I was doing this, it made me realize how blessed I am that all my physical needs are met-a house, clothing, food, cars, etc. I don't have the most stylish clothing, or the biggest house, or the fastest cars, but I have what I need. Each year, I have my kids go through their toys and pick out 10 toys to donate to Safe Nest. I want them to realize how fortunate they are to have a home, a loving family, clothes, a car--and to help those who may not be as fortunate. we are truly blessed.


circa 1983

my parents. my parents are amazing people. my dad is such a great example-he never speaks ill of others, talks to his mother at least once a day, and is one of the most righteous people I know. my mom is very witty, is an awesome seamstress (she taught me everything I know), and is never too busy for her grand kids. They never judge, interfere or criticize. I never wanted for anything when I was growing up and my parents are still as generous and giving today. I am grateful for all they sacrificed for me growing up and for all they do for me now.


temples. I love going to the temple and the feeling of peace it brings me. I don't go nearly as much as I'd like to go. It's is such a beautiful place I can go and escape the hustle and bustle and reflect on what is truly important. I am grateful for the sealing power of the temple and the knowledge that I can be with my family forever.

17 November 2011

fifteen. sixteen.

fifteen: grateful for Jack's teacher. He is excited to go to school and comes home each day with a new art project to add to the fridge. Last month the learned all about the ocean-Jack's favorite topic. Ms. K is so great and is preparing Jack for Kindergarten. He is learning to read and is starting to do some math. He has some great friends at school and it is so fun to see him with them. (growing up too quickly). grateful for teachers and the time, patience, and love they show my little man.

sixteen: grateful for baby girl #2. I don't enjoy pregnancy--heartburn, swelling, waddling, nausea--but I am truly grateful for this new life who will join our family in about 10 weeks. I had my 2nd ultrasound yesterday to follow up on my placenta previa. It has resolved itself and baby girl looks strong and healthy. She is growing and developing just as she should and loves to have a dance party when I am trying to go to bed. We still cannot decide on a name, but Jack has moved on from Pickles to Kate (I guess it's easier to remember one name for his sisters:). I am grateful to be a mom for a 3rd time.

14 November 2011


today I am grateful we had no where to go. we stayed home, made rice krispie treats together, played hungry hippo, and enjoyed a relaxing day. this momma needed it. grateful for the simplicity in life.

13 November 2011

eleven.twelve. thirteen.

... kids with their friends at the balloon glow on Saturday night

eleven: grateful for friends. we have lived away from family for the past 9 years and have made some fantastic friends we consider family. I couldn't have asked for a better group of girls. they so willing to help when needed, rally when I am down, and make me laugh. I am also grateful for the good friends my children have. and for the guys who hang with Aaron and share his desire for racing and athletics. we have truly been blessed.

twelve: modern convinces...computers, internet, cell phones, air travel...I don't know how we functioned before these we major part of our lives. they allow me to stay in contact with loved ones far away and make trips in a matter of hours, instead of days, like the pioneers. I am able to cook a meal for my family, shop from my home, and read a book all because of my access to the internet. blessed to live in modern times.

thirteen: health. I know so many who are battling health issues, major and minor, and it makes me grateful my little family is healthy. Aaron uses his body as a major part of his job and he is able to function at 100% (and he has been blessed to have only one accident while riding his bike. My kids are growing and developing as they should. And, aside from my partial placenta previa, this pregnancy has been very normal and for that I am grateful (morning sickness included).

10 November 2011



this is what you get when you as her to smile. gotta work on that before family pictures

kate. today I am grateful for my little diva. she didn't come easy and was a test of my faith. she is completely opposite of her brother and I love the diversity b/n a boy and a girl. I love her curls, her strong personality, and her kisses. she is becoming quite a princess, always adorning herself with jewels, shoes and fairy wings. But, she also loves to play dragons and dinosaurs with her brother and has a pretty mean roar. my favorite time of day is when Jack is at school and it is her and I for an hour before nap time-we cuddle on the couch with some books or watch her favorite show, Monsters Inc. I am so excited for her to have a sister and have that sisterly bond. When you ask her where the baby is, she says "bye bye" and wants nothing to do with it (kind of in denial like her mother :). I am grateful Heavenly Father made me a mother a second time and blessed me with my sweet baby girl.
for recording purposes:
height: 38 in (95%)
weight: 32 lbs (90%)
she's a big 2 y/o and going to be taller than her brother soon
(as of 9/2011)

09 November 2011


another inspiring quote via pinterest

today is a two-fer: 1) grateful for Aaron's job which allows me to 2) be a stay at home mom. Aaron has worked hard, gotten a good education, and secured a job he loves so I can stay home and raise our children. I never tho't I would be a full time mom. I went to college, obtained a degree and always imaged I would have some kind of career that took me out of the home a few days a week. When Jack was first born, I did just that and worked from home and at the office a few days a week. That was a nice arrangement and it worked for 4 years (to my employer, I am forever grateful he allowed me to do that). When Kate came along, life became busier and I was burnt out. A year ago, Aaron and I made the decision that after 8 years working at the doctor's office, I would quit and stay home full time. At first, I had a hard time with the transition. Thot's ran through my mind: "what was I going to do with all my time? I felt I needed adult interaction and recognition outside the home. I could only clean my house so much". But after the first month, I had no regrets and love that I can go on field trips with Jack's class and have dance parties with my babies without the looming pressure of a job. I am fortunate enough to still be able to "work" for my sister and earn a little extra money (and outside fulfillment). and for her, I am also grateful.

(PS-Aaron is is Physical Therapist and I am grateful for the PT's who worked with Kate this time last year to get her crawling and walking. what difference a year makes)

08 November 2011


getting lost in a good book. today I dropped Jack off at school, put kate down for an early nap (b/c daylight savings time is not agreeing with the little diva) and got lost in a good book. a little me time. my love for reading comes from my mom. she has shelves full of books which I raid each time I go home. I find myself becoming attached to characters and am a little lost when a series ends. I made a New Year's resolution to read a book a month (the reads are listed on my sidebar). For easy, summertime reads, I enjoyed The Luxe series, the Mortal Instruments series, and Infernal Devices series. For non-fiction I have enjoyed Touching the Void, Unbroken, The Glass Castle, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, and Breaking Night. Other good reads: The Help, These Is My Words, Matched, and The Happiness Project. I am grateful my mom instilled the love of reading in me at an early age.

what are your favorite reads? do share. I'm always looking for something new to read.

taste of tuesday: greek yogurt pancakes

I am in love with greek yogurt. my cousins introduced me to it on our DC girls trip a few weeks ago and I have had it every day since. Paired with a grapefruit and I have found a cure for my morning sickness. (occasionally I'll throw in a fresh rice krispie treat if I have it on hand-don't judge). I like to cook at least 1-2 meals a week without meat, which ends up being breakfast for dinner. One night last week I made these greek yogurt pancakes. Served with this syrup (b/c I hate maple syrup) and they were delicious. (the batter makes a lot).Greek Yogurt Pancakes (Chobani Yogurt)


  • 1 1/2 cups (12 oz) Vanilla 0% Chobani Greek Yogurt
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup milk


Combine dry ingredients. Whisk wet ingredients, pour into dry mixture, and stir just until combined. Over medium-high heat scoop 1/4 cup batter onto skillet per pancake. Flip when bubbles appear. Cook until golden brown. srizzle with fresh homemade syrup and enjoy!

07 November 2011


today I am grateful for my little man and his sweet spirit. he made my transition into motherhood easy. such a good baby, hardly a tantrum from him as a toddler, and he is becoming such a sweet little man. I'm glad he is not too old, or too cool, for my kisses when he is hurt and hugs when he goes off to school. Jack is such a great help around the house, grabbing a diaper whenever I need it and making sure he cleans up his toys before moving on to the next activity. he is a good older brother to his sister and can't wait to see how he'll be with sister #2 (which he wants to name Pickles).

for recording purposes:
height: 42.5 in (50%)
weight: 38 lbs (20%)
(as of 9.2011)

06 November 2011


love this quote. a much needed reminder.

today I am grateful for music. I look forward to singing the hymns each sunday and often ignore my children for those few moments, getting lost in the powerful words. I only wish I could attend the ward choir. I am the primary chorister and have loved every minute of it. Exhausting, yes. But it is so rewarding to hear the children sing, and sing well. They give me goose bumps each week. My favorite time of the year is fast approaching and I love listening to the children sing the Christmas songs about our Savior. I have had this calling for a year now. How quickly it went by. I don't want a new one, but with baby girl on the way and a husband on the high council, I can't continue on as I should. I'm sure it will be a sad day.

my kids also love music. we love to listen to show tunes, esp Newsies, Sound of Music and Wicked. Often, they ask to have dance parties and we rock out to some awesome 80's music while we wait for dad to return home from work. I love music and am grateful for the joy and spirit it brings to my life.

(P.S. we've already busted out the Christmas music)

05 November 2011



photo of the new MLK memorial; taken on my recent trip to DC

freedom. today I am grateful for all the freedoms I enjoy as an American. Being in DC a few weeks back and reading this book for the trip made me so grateful for those who have served and are serving in the armed services to defend my country and my freedom (if you haven't read the book, do it! and don't give up on it. it's a little slow at first but is an amazing story that you won't be able to put down). I am grateful I have religious freedom. When I lived in China during my freshman year of collage, our Chinese teacher (who had been baptized while he attended BYU-H) could not attend our branch and had to take the sacrament privately in his home each Sunday b/c he did not have such freedoms. so proud to be an American. and thankful for all those who have served.

04 November 2011


sleep. I am grateful for a good night's sleep. I have been blessed with good sleepers/nappers (fingers crossed #3 follows suit). my babies sleep through the night around week 6 and sleep in their own beds. grateful my kids sleep until 8:30 a.m., allowing me an extra hour of rest or quiet time each morning. and grateful for afternoon naps to rejuvenate all.

03 November 2011


did Halloween seem to last all month to anyone else? every week there were parties. Jack was able to sport 3 different costumes for numerous parties. I love to create new costumes for Aaron and I each year, but being pregnant this year limited what I could wear. Purple Cobra's seemed to be the best (and most comfortable at 27 weeks pregnant). Aaron won best costume at the hospital Halloween party for his White Goodman. Awesome! (even better: the costumes cost less than $15 each. score)
Cat in the Hat & my cute Umpa Loompa
(her face looks dirty b/c she was sweating/fighting to put on makeup to make her orange)

Last minute we had a costume change for Jack for the ward trunk or treat b/c masks were not allowed. Cat in the Hat was all Jack's idea. I prefer homemade costumes to store bought and was glad to whip this up. We borrowed the hat from a friends and the rest cost less than $10 and he loved it. Kate wasn't a fan of her $8 costume at first, but once she put on her "new" boots (hand-me-downs from cousin Taylor), she was transformed into the cutest umpa loompa. She threw a fit when we took the costume off. I hijacked this photo from Brit's blog b/c I tho't it was so funny-the girls are all in their cute mermaid and princess costumes and kate is an umpa loompa. I'm a mean mom. just not a fan of the whole princess thing, but I guess I'll have to get used to it with #2 on the way.
* * * * *
next activity: pumpkin carving, where both my kids refused to get down and dirty. I blame their mother and her craziness for cleanliness.
* * * * *

final festivity: trick or treating. my kids had a ton of candy from the ward party 2 nights before, but I feel in order to have a fulfilling childhood, my kids needed to walk door to door. we went with some friends and had a grand time. all the candy was sorted and each was allowed to keep a handful of candy and the rest went to the hospital with dad. mainly b/c mom has no control (and gets really bad heartburn from too many peanutbutter cups).

and that ends our holiday. on to Thanksgiving (and my daily gratitude post) with Aaron's family in St George, and then who knows for Christmas. awaiting clearance from Dr concerning my placenta previa before I can plan anything.


(via instagram)

today I am especially thankful my kids are the best of friends. of course, they fight and tease like any other brother and sister, but they play really well together. Kate cries every day we drop Jack off at school-every day for the past 2 month! And Jack can't wait to crawl in Kate's crib and wake her from her afternoon nap (yes, Kate is still in her crib. don't judge). Today, I was feeling especially sick with baby girl and spent most of the day on the couch (27 weeks and still having morning sickness?!? I'm too old for this.). The kids went upstairs and played house (I over heard their conversation where they went to the hospital so Kate could have a baby. so funny), allowing me to rest. and for that, I am grateful.