Monday, April 21, 2014

Contemplative Monday

The following quote/lesson is from 'Heart Advice, Weekly Quotes By Pema Chodron'.


"Many of our escapes are involuntary: addiction and
dissociating from painful feelings are two examples.
Anyone who has worked with a strong addiction-----
compulsive eating, compulsive sex, abuse of substances,
explosive anger, or any other behavior that's out of control-----
knows that when the urge comes on it's irresistible.

The seduction is too strong.
So we train again and again in less highly charged situations
in which the urge is present but not so overwhelming.

By training with everyday irritations, we develop the knack of refraining
when the going gets rough.

It takes patience and an understanding of how we're hurting ourselves
not to continue taking the same old escape route of speaking or acting out."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Eclectic Tastes

For all you 'Disco fans' out there!
Yes YOU!
Here's a 90's version of the 1970 hit
by Gordon Lightfoot.

To get you moving on this Easter weekend,
have a great day!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday Morning Post

Spring everywhere this week!

Arriving at the beach last Saturday morning.

Studying the surf before going in.

One of my favourite views along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia......
at Lawrencetown Beach.

Sophie resting with her fav, Pinky.

It's own little 'world'......lichen colony.

Ron at the beach zeroing in on the Snowy Owl last weekend.

Yes, it IS spring!

Time to go.

'Surfer dog' waiting patiently.

This guy kept waving to me! So I took his picture!

Maybe this time they won't see me.....

All my dad's want to do is take photos! So I'll dig for a while.

Railway sign

When I think of Easter, I think of colour.

Up close to Hummingbird ornament in garden.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Being Invisible

Do you think they will notice me if I stand really still?

Sophie in the Heather at the park.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Between A Rock And A Hard Place

I took over 100 photos yesterday at Point Pleasant Park in Halifax.
Of these this particular one I found most intriguing.

Just a huge rock with a 'nursing log' in front of it.
The log looks like an animal...maybe a wolf.

And of course I had to 'play' with it a little......
just because.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Critters Everywhere

There was something at every turn at the park yesterday:

Could hear this fella before we saw him. I think it's a Hairy Woodpecker
because its bill is larger than the almost identical Downy Woodpecker.

Sophie met up with Steve and his 'pack' of 10 dogs (he's a dog-walker).
She loves seeing him because he calls out her name and gives her special attention.

This little fella is called the 'Woolly Bear Caterpillar' which will very soon
turn into an 'Isabella Tiger Moth'. Click on the link below if you wish to learn more:

And last but not least we found these very soft 'feline-type toes'........
Pussy Willows.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Using My New Macro Gadget

A couple of weeks ago I ordered a' macro gadget' from
It arrived a few days ago and yesterday I tried it out in the garden.

It is an extension tube made by a company called Fotodiox.

The tube is made up of two mounts and three extension rings
which can be used separately or together,
depending on how close you want to get to subject.

These 'rings' are not lenses. You attach your regular lens to these rings
which are mounted on your camera.

It took a few minutes to adjust to this system 
and set my camera in 'manual mode' and shutter speed setting
and away I went!

Macro photography is an art in itself.
 It will take time to feel comfortable doing close-ups.

I can also see the advantage to using a tripod
 (a very small tripod)....when one is so close
to the subject it is surprising how much one shakes
which can affect the sharpness of the focus.

 Snowdrop (single).
So this new gadget worked better than I had anticipated.
I wasn't sure how it would be
and because it was much cheaper than a macro lens, $15,
I was very willing to chance it.

We have a good macro lens and I plan to compare the 'finished products'
over the next few days.

Now there won't be a rush to get the macro lens 
to capture all the new blooms this season.....
this new gadget does a pretty good job.

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