December 30, 2012

Fun Picture of Evie

Christmas with Nana and Poppy

Since we were going to be in Taylor for Christmas, the kids got to open their presents from Nana and Poppy before we left. They were spoiled rotten, as usual.

December 29, 2012

Look Who's Walking...

Evie has been in no hurry to learn to walk. I think because she crawls faster, forward and backwards, than almost any little kid I have ever seen. We would stand her up and she would just sit down and start crawling. But she took her first steps on the 28th of November and has finally decided that walking can be fun and is starting to walk more than crawl.

December 13, 2012

Temple Lights

My parents came down Tuesday and stayed the night so we went and saw the temple lights. They were beautiful as always. We went a little earlier in the evening because Jamie had to go to mutual and it was so nice not to have to fight the crowds.

Ballet Class

Addy has been taking a ballet class and Monday was their last day so they performed. She has not had any problems all year. She has just gone in and danced and not acted intimidated at all but for some reason she did not want to dance in front of all the people. She finally started getting involved when they let the parents go out and Jamie danced with her.

Balloon Festival

Last weekend there was a hot air balloon festival right by our house. So we took the kids over there Friday and Saturday evening. It was cool seeing the balloons at night and the kids loved it.
Friday we took a break during the middle and walked across the street for some yogurt.
When we went back Saturday they had this cool witch balloon and we actually went in the festival so we got a lot closer to the balloons. It is amazing how big they are.
They also had a band playing and Addy was rocking out.

December 7, 2012

Random Stories About Us

We were at stake conference the other night and Jamie was walking the hall with Evie and some guy walks up to him and asks him if Evie was his. And he said yes and the guy said, "aren't you at least 40?" Lesson 1 - think before you speak.

We have been trying to teach the kids about tithing. We have started giving them an allowance for doing their chores and they have been paying tithing on it. Well the other day Jamie hears Emmy telling TJ and Addy that they have to hurry and spend their money so they don't have to pay tithing on it. So we obviously weren't quite getting through to her. But she has been wanting a pillow pet for literally years and they had some for $10.89 at Costco. And we told her if she had enough money she could buy herself one and that with tax it would probably be close to $12.00. So a couple of Saturdays ago we sat her down and paid her her allowance for the week, and made her set aside the money she would owe for tithing. She owed $.08 and she knew she was going to be close on having enough money for the pillow pet so she didn't want to set it aside very bad, but we told her if she would pay her tithing that everything would work out okay. So we count out the rest of the money and she had $11.85. So I wrote the amount on a piece of paper and told her I would pay for it with my debit card and she could give me her money when we got home and if she didn't have enough we would work something out. So we go and get the pillow pet and her total, with tax came to $11.85. She had the exact right amount after paying her tithing. Lesson 2- If you pay tithing, the windows of heaven truly will be opened up to you.

Jamie and TJ were out in the garage the other day and TJ was showing Jamie the handlebar brakes on Emmy's bike, which his doesn't have. He said, "Dad, you see these. I need some of these. Only instead of it making the bike go slower, I want them to make me going really fast when I push them." Lesson 3 -Boys will be boys. I never knew until I had TJ how much boys are strictly just programmed different. He truly is all boy and I love that about him.