November 4, 2013


Rook has had a pretty eventful couple of months. He turned 6 months old on the 23rd of September.
He started sitting up on the 3rd of October. He got his first tooth on the 9th of October, and his second on the 10th.
He started crawling up stairs on the 13th of October.
He turned 7 months old on the 23rd of October.
He got his 3rd tooth on the 27th of October and the 4th one is already to come in. Rook is just a really good natured kid. He is always smiling and he loves people. He loves to put everything in his mouth and I have to fish stuff out of his mouth multiple times a day. The last 7 months have been the fastest of my life and it makes me sad that he is growing up so fast. We love you Rook!

October 7, 2013

Family Pics

We went and took some family pictures yesterday morning and they turned out pretty good, considering it is nearly impossible to get 5 kids under the age of 7 to all look and smile at the same time. Here are a few of my favorites.

6 Months Old

Rook turned 6 months old on the 23rd. He weighed 17.7 when I took him to the doctor a few days later. He is in the 50th percentile for his weight and the 70th percentile for his height. He is such a smiley baby. He is crawling everywhere, but still crawls military style. He is starting to get up on his hands and knees though and I don't think it will be long before he really crawls. He is such a sweet baby and we all love him dearly.

Addy and Rook

I finally went and had pictures taken of Rook and had some taken of Addy too since it had been awhile. They turned out really cute.

Constitution Week

The last week in September was Constitution Week. They hold in right down from our house, so we walked down there with the kids this year. It was really cool. They had several people who are dressed in character who will tell you all about them and then they gave the kids a card. If they collected all the card they gave them a little prize. There was a concert and fireworks and a huge display. It was just pretty cool and a good learning experience for all of us.

Schools In

Ever since we stopped at the old Strawberry school, Emmy has been begging us to go back when it is open. We have tried a couple of times, but it has always been closed. On the way home, we tried again, and it was open. The kids had so much fun. They thought it was so cool.


Jamie turned 42 on the 14th. We had our ward campout that weekend so we spent part of the time at the ward campout and part of the time at his parents cabin. Here are Addy and Evie helping me make his magic cookie bars
Emmy made Jamie a book about him. It was so cute. Here they are reading it.
And the kids helped me make him a candy bar poster. So they are helping him read it.
And opening his presents. He got a new set of scriptures, sunglasses to ride in, a subscription to Blaze tv and tickets to go see a Christmas Carol in December with me.
After we opened his presents Saturday morning, we drove back over to the ward campout. We had stopped in there for a couple hours Friday night, then went to the cabin to stay the night, and then went back over there Saturday. Here are the kids making their craft.
Jeff and Carolyn were at the cabin and the kids LOVED getting to play with their dogs.
It was a fun relaxing weekend. The longer I am married to Jamie, the more I learn to appreciate little things about him. He is such an incredible man and always tries to do what he thinks his Heavenly Father would want him to. He makes me want to be a better person and I love him dearly. Happy Birthday hun!