December 27, 2022

Esperson Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with the Espersons on the 27th. We had a fun time making homemade pizzas and having a white elephant gift exchange.

December 25, 2022


We are blessed.

December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

 New pajamas. Stockings out. Ready for Christmas.

December 18, 2022

Magic of Christmas

There comes a moment each Christmas season-if you are lucky-where the spirit of Christmas magically turns into reality. I had that moment last night. Addy is the only one of my kids that really dresses western. Out of all my kids she is the one that wants to go horse riding with Papa. This city girl had recently found an old belt of mine that my dad had made me when I was about her age and it had an old belt buckle on it that I won and she has been wearing it to school. So my mom had the idea to get the stuff and have my dad make her a belt which he hasn’t done in probably 15 years. A couple weeks ago my mom called and told me that my dad had finished the belt and had put on it one of his belt buckles that he had won to give to her. I was immediately in tears and hoped his gesture would mean as much to her as it did to me. We had our party last night and it definitely did. This girl started crying and struggled for the next half hour to get the tears to stop. 

I thought about her and him the whole 3 hour drive back to our house but it wasn’t until I got home and saw the date on the buckle that it really hit me. The date was 1978-the year I was born. Either shortly before or after I was born my dad won big and last night so did Addy.

So here’s to moms who have the good ideas but don’t always get the credit and to dads who work to make their ideas come to life. May you have someone this Christmas season that loves you that much.  And if you don’t feel like you do, may you come to know that we all have a Father who loves us enough to send His Only Begotten Son to be born in a manger and die on a cross so we would have the chance to live with Him again. Merry Christmas!!!

Hancock Family Christmas Party

My family’s party was on the 18th this year. It’s always a fun time.

December 10, 2022

December Fun

December started with lots of fun activities- making gingerbread houses, Christmas hair, concerts, making toffee, Christmas lights and a pink nightmare.