January 17, 2022

Silly Mountain

I took Evie and Rook to Silly Mountain. Rook likes hiking it because he thinks the mountain across the way looks like an alligator. It was a fun hike.

January 15, 2022

JT’s funeral

JT died of Covid. When I heard the news I just kept hearing his laugh in my head. He was such a good guy. He was always so kind to me even when I was young. I went to Taylor to his funeral. He had been restoring this truck and a friend of his finished it so they could use it as a hearse.

January 9, 2022

Teacher Ordination

Teacher got ordained to be a teacher. We are so proud of him and the young man that he is becoming.

January 8, 2022

Wave Cave

I had been promising Emmy that we would go hike the wave cave. She didn't have a very fun birthday so we decided to go the next day. It was a fun little hike and the sunset was gorgeous.

January 7, 2022

Emmy's 15

I can't believe in a year she will be 16!!! So crazy!! At 15, Emmy loves all things musical.