December 25, 2021


Nana and Poppy decided they wanted to do something a little different for Christmas this year. So we went over to their house and had an early Christmas dinner and then we went to zoolights. It had been several years since we had been and we had a great time.

December 24, 2021


We had a good Christmas morning. We got up about 5 and watched the nativity and then headed downstairs. The older three kids got new Gabb phones. I think Emmy was kind of disappointed because they don't have internet access. TJ got a new guitar, Emmy got a new bat, Addy not a new glove, Evie got a camera and Rook got a little video game holder. I got a new Apple Watch. I got Jamie guitar lessons. I hope he will use them. We were all spoiled way more than we deserve. It's funny how sometimes the little gifts mean the most to you. Rosmarie brought my by a little stack of dishtowels and carmels this year and it totally made my day! Mom made us a beautiful tree skirt. I don't think we even realize how blessed we are sometimes. And I know sometimes we lose the real reason for the season in the middle of all the hustle and bustle. But I am so grateful for my knowledge of a Savior who came to earth and who lived and died so that I might have the chance to repent of my sins and strive to be worthy to live with my family again. I am so grateful for Him.

Christmas Eve

Our Christmas Eve was pretty low key. I had asked each of the kids to prepare a Christmas song and they did and they all did such an amazing job. Nana and Poppy came over for snacks, the kids got their new pajamas and then we went and looked at Christmas lights. 

December 18, 2021


While we were in Taylor, we heard that Santa was going to be at the Taylor fire department so we took Rook and Evie to see him.

December 13, 2021

Christmas Concerts

Each of the kids had a concert in December except for Rook. Emmy plays in two groups. She is part of concert orchestra and strolling strings. She was the co-concert master of her concert orchestra and also got to perform a special part with 3 other girls for one of the songs with her orchestra class. She also loved being able to perform with Strolling Strings. Addy and TJ also had concerts that were held at Campo Verde. TJ had had surgery to remove the nails out of his arm 3 days before and was still in a little bit of pain but they both did a great job. And Evie had a choir concert at her school. Evie's, Addy's and TJ's concerts were all in the same night so it was kind of a crazy night but they all did great! We went to In-in-Out afterwards to celebrate.

December 10, 2021

Decorating the Tree

We got most of our decorations up pretty early this year but for some reason it seemed like it took us forever to get the tree decorated even after we got it put up. Evie was so excited to do it. She put the lights on it and had been begging us to get it done. We finally made it happen.

TJ Surgery

The orthopedic surgeon told us that we could leave the nails in TJ's arm but he felt like they were bugging him and wanted them out so out they came. I think he made a good choice, and I'm glad it's over.

Evie Field Trip

Evie got to go on a field trip to the Wildlife World Zoo and had a fabulous time.

December 4, 2021

Ward Christmas Party

Our ward had a breakfast their Christmas party. They had yummy food, we made gingerbread houses, the primary kids acted out the nativity and we sang carols. Emmy was at Chloe's quincinera but the rest of us had a great time. It was a great way to start the Christmas season!