December 31, 2020

New Years Eve

 We celebrated New Years Eve with fireworks and our traditional chocolate milk.

December 25, 2020

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas. We started by watching the story of the nativity in our room. Then the kids ran down the stairs with Rook and Evie leading. Emmy had been begging for a record player for months and I had been teasing her she wasn't getting one. So instead of putting all the presents under the tree like we normally due, we kept one of their big presents and put them in the living room. We waited until all the presents had been opened and then took them in there. Emmy was so excited she started to cry. I think she wanted it so bad, and when it wasn't under the Christmas tree she was just really disappointed and then when she saw it her emotions came out because she normally isn't very emotional. But she always makes fun of me because I cry over everything so it was fun to get her back. Rook asked for a "dig it up vest." Evie wanted new high tops and we got her a trampoline. Addy got new volleyball shoes and a bike. TJ got a hoverboard and games for his switch. And Emmy got her vinyl player. It was a good day in the Esperson house. We are so, so blessed as a family. I'm so grateful for Jamie's job and for his willingness to go to work everyday.
We spent the day playing throw, throw burrito, nintendo switch, riding hoverboards and going to Nana and Poppys for yummy brunch.

December 23, 2020

Hancock Christmas Party

Going to Papa and Grammy's for the Christmas party is always one of the highlights of Christmas. We read the Christmas story, played lots of fun games, and got presents from Grammy and Papa. Papa got shingles really bad right after Thanksgiving and is still really weak but he managed to come out and hand out presents.

December 19, 2020

Christmas for Blake and Katie

Addy loves Blake and Katie so much. She bought them Christmas presents with her own money.


December 12, 2020

Family Pics

We went over to the church park and took a few family pics for our Christmas cards.