December 31, 2015

New Years Eve

We celebrated New Years with Star Wars, fireworks, oreos and our traditional chocolate milk. It was a fun, cold night.


We had a good Christmas. Christmas Eve the kids all slept in the boys room. They woke up about 4:15. Jamie told them to go back to bed until 5 but by 4:30 we realized they weren't going to go back to bed so we let them come into our room. We read the Christmas story out of the Bible and watched the nativity video and then let the kids go downstairs. Emmy was asking for Samantha Parkington, an American girl doll, TJ asked for Dojo Showdown - Ninjago Legos, Addy asked for a new camera, Evie asked for an IPOD, and Rook was asking for CARS.
TJ spent his own money and bought each of his siblings books. He found books that each of them would like. He started early and was done before Thanksgiving with his shopping. I was very proud of him and the other kids loved what he got them. He got Rook this set of 10 CARS books and Rook LOVED them.
 All of the kids asked for Legos. So we had a massive Lego party Christmas morning.
Emmy has been wanting a scooter so we decided to get each of the 4 oldest their own. They have had so much fun with them.
Christmas is always a time of reflection for me. I never fully feel like I teach my kids enough about their Savior, but I hope someday they understand what the season is truly about. I am grateful for my Savior's birth, for his perfect life and for the chance I have to try and learn to be more like Him.

Christmas Eve

We had a fun Christmas Eve. The kids opened their new ornaments and pajamas, we watched Christmas for a dollar - a Christmas movie that Tommy gave us for Christmas - and then we found our tickets to the "minivan express" and got our hot chocolate and went and looked at Christmas lights.