October 28, 2015

Ward Campout

Tayli's baptism was the same weekend as our ward campout. So we went up a day early and stayed the night Thursday night through Friday evening at the ward campout. We packed up camp Friday night and went and stayed at the cabin so we could make it to Taylor in time for the baptism Saturday morning. Every year at father and sons TJ and Jamie get their picture on this stump. They missed father-and-sons this year because Jamie and I were in California for Uncle Dick's funeral. So we thought we would take their annual picture.
We had a good time with the exception of one or two fits.

Horton Creek Spring

A couple of months ago I had this impression that I needed to go do something with my dad. I waited a couple weeks to act on it but asked him to go hike with me on Labor Day. I left the kids with Jamie and met my parents and Wacey and Jenny at the Horton Creek Trailhead. We hiked back into the spring - about 4 miles in. It was a hot day and I thought there were some pretty places long before you made it to the spring but we had a nice hike and managed to get back to our cars before the rain started pouring.
This is one of my favorite pictures of my dad, just because I've seen him do this so many times. He doesn't believe in carrying bottled water when you are right next to a spring.
We saw so many butterflies while we were gone. They were everywhere.
It was a nice day away from the city and from everyday life.