March 27, 2014

365 Days Young...

Rook turned 1 on the 23rd. I cannot believe it has been a year already. He is such a sweet, happy boy and is definitely all boy. He loves pushing cars around and is always on the move. He will not sit still for anything and always has a smile for anyone who will pay him attention.
He wasn't sure about blowing out the candle, but he definitely didn't need any help with eating the cake.
Happy Birthday Rookie! We love you!!!

March 24, 2014

St. Patricks Day

We had a fun visitor while we were sleeping the night before St. Patricks Day.
When I was growing up my mom would paint stuff on our cheeks occasionally for holidays so I decided I would keep up the tradition. So the kids got clovers on their cheeks before school.
For breakfast we had green pancakes and green milk and then for dinner we had biscuits with green gravy, rainbow fruit, and green jello.  The kids thought it was a fun treat.

Natural Bridge

We went to Taylor for the first half of spring break and then went to Nana and Poppy's cabin for a couple of days. On the way home we stopped at the natural bridge outside Payson. Shawn and Lindsay and Grammy and Papa and Wacey all met us there. The natural bridge is beautiful and we had a great time.

Queen Creek Rodeo

We went and watched Wyatt at the Queen Creek rodeo. He didn't do any good but the kids had fun at the carnival with their cousins. Emmy and Jessi were the only 2 tall enough to go on the Ferris Wheel. Emmy was a little nervous, but went anyway. They had a great time.

Spring Break

We started spring break with a splash, literally. Jamie was working outside and the kids kept getting wet so he told them they could get in the pool if they wanted. It was only the 8th of March and still way too cold for me, but they didn't seem to mind.
TJ was the only one to go all the way under and you can see by his expression it was pretty chilly.


Rook is just starting to walk. So before he quit crawling completely, I wanted pictures of him. He is the funniest little boy. When he crawls on the carpet, he always has one hand in a fist and one hand opened. When he is on tile, he doesn't do it, but whenever he is on the carpet he does. He is growing up way too fast.

March 23, 2014

Wind Cave Tunnel

On President's Day we decided we were going to take the kids hiking. We took them up to Usery Mountain on a hike called Wind Cave Trail. The hike was supposed to be 3 miles round trip with an elevation climb of about 800 feet. We didn't think it sounded too bad. It ended up being a pretty steep climb. Everybody we passed acted like we were insane to have 5 kids with us, but they did so awesome. They made it really good and I was so proud of them all. It was a beautiful day and a nice break from the normal routine of life.