January 11, 2012

Evie's Blessing

We had Evie's blessing on Sunday. Jamie gave her a beautiful blessing.

January 10, 2012

Emmy's 5

Emmy turned 5 on Saturday. I don't know how she got to be this old, and the fact that she will start school in August makes me want to cry. I will lose one a year for the next 3 years. So in 3 years, I will go from having 4 at home, to having 1. It is crazy. Saturday was kind of a hectic day with Jamie's grandma's funeral. But we had a good day. Emmy wanted Jamie to make her chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast so he tried to make her one that looked like Hello Kitty.
While Jamie was making the pancakes, she helped me start on her cake. She wanted a Barbie cake again.
Then me and Jamie went to the funeral while the kids stayed home with my parents. Papa took them to the park while we were gone. Saturday night we let Emmy pick where we went to dinner. She wanted Peter Piper Pizza. So that's where we went.
When we got home she got to open presents and eat her cake.
When I asked her what her favorite part of the day was she said, "pulling Barbie out of the cake." Happy Birthday Emmy! We love you.


Jamie's grandma died on the first and her funeral was Saturday. Her name was Jeane but all the grandkids called her Gay. This is a picture of her and TJ when he was born. She was 91 years old when this picture was taken.
And this is a picture of a woman in our ward, Sister Shahan. We have gotten to be friends the last year.
As I was contemplating Gay's passing, I realized how much these two women remind me of each other. They are both beautiful women inside and out. They both have more style than I could ever dream of having and I doubt either one of them has ever left the house in a pair of sweats and a ponytail. They both grew up in the valley, Gay in Mesa and Sister Shahan in Gilbert. At Gay's funeral they told the story of her surfing the canal with a surfboard pulled behind a car. I had to smile because a few months ago Sister Shahan told me about doing the same thing. Both of these women, despite health concerns and age, always seem to smile and continue to contribute. Both are kind, gentle and the kind of woman that I can only hope to try and emulate. I love them both.
I realized after the funeral that they were both born in 1917, both 94 years old. That must have been the year of incredible women.

January 9, 2012

2 months

Addy turned 2 months on Friday. She weighed in at 10.5 lbs. She is such a good baby. She sleeps anywhere from 8-12 hours at night and is starting to smile and coo a lot. She is a beautiful little girl and we are so happy to have her in our family.

Train Park

We started Emmy's birthday celebration with a trip to the train park. We ordered a six foot sub and had a fun picnic and train ride with Jamie's family. We got to ride on a train.
On one part of the train ride, we went through a covered bridge and it was dark inside and TJ scooted over on the bench so he was right next to Emmy. I thought it was pretty cute.
We also go to ride a not so real train,
Ride on a stagecoach,
 Get put in jail,
 Become gingerbread men,
And of course open lots of presents. Nana and Poppy got her a Hello Kitty Old Maid game, a Cinderella Music Box, which she absolutely loves, and then all Jamie's family went in on renewing our zoo passes which we are way excited about. Aunt Shelly got her a really cute headband, which I didn't get a picture of.
Jeff and Carolyn framed her pictures from being flower girl and she thought that was pretty cool.
It was a very fun day. The weather was perfect and it was the start to the birthday that just keeps on giving.

January 8, 2012

Choose the Right

Emmy became a CTR last Sunday. She was pretty proud of her new CTR ring.

January 3, 2012