August 28, 2010

Day to Day Stuff

One of the reasons I started a blog was because I wanted my kids to know what their life was like on a day to day basis. So sometimes some of my posts are not the most exciting, but they are us. These are a few of the shots from recently. My 2 favorite guys reading.
The kids waving goodbye to dad as he goes to work. They all miss him when he's gone. One of the very first questions that he gets asked every morning is "Do you have to go to work today?" They always hope the answer is no.
We bought Emmy a new Sunday dress and she wore it last week. For some reason, she just looked so grown up to me. She is growing up so fast and she has definitely started working the system. It was nap time today and she didn't want to take a nap. So she asked me if she could lay down on the couch and watch a movie instead. I told her no. So she says, "Mom, if you don't let me lay down and watch a movie I am going to go to Grammy's forever." Tempting offer, but she still had to take a nap.

Stony Places

There is a spot next to our house, in front of our pool that is just landscaped with rocks. Ever since we moved in we have been saying it would be a perfect place to put a garden. Well we started clearing the rocks today. I didn't take a before picture, but this is part way through.
Man at work.
Taking a break. You can only shovel rocks in 100 degrees for so long.
We didn't get finished, but we made a good start. I am excited to get to plant a garden. It will be our first.

August 20, 2010

Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust...

The elders quorum had a daddy-daughter date tonight for their elders quorum party. It had a Peter Pan theme and so they were supposed to dress up like someone from Peter Pan. I decided about 10:30 this morning that I was going to make Emmy a Tinkerbell dress. It definitely isn't the best sewing job I've ever done, but I thought it turned out pretty cute.
Jamie dressed up like a pirate and Addy went as a female version of Michael Darling.
They acted like they had fun. They had food and games and music and a photo booth.
Me and T.J. decided we were going on our own date. We took Jamie's red car and so T.J. was so excited about that.We went to Taco Bell and got a roll-up and then went to McDonalds and got an ice cream cone and then came home and watched Sandlot, T.J.'s new favorite movie. He has decided he is going to be a baseball player.

August 13, 2010

I love my cricut

These are some of the projects me and Jamie have been working on lately. I used my cricut machine for each of them. This isn't a great picture, but I redid my scrapbook room and I put this quote on the wall. My dad wrote it to me in a letter. When I am having a long day with the kids, it reminds that what I am doing is important. The star isn't vinyl.
I had seen these blocks a while ago and wanted to make some and finally got around to it.
This is our latest. We just finished it last night. It is hanging in the entry hall. Jamie's parents had this scripture hanging in their house when he was growing up and it meant a lot to him. It is one of his favorites. He made the frame.

August 12, 2010

Kids Club

I took the kids to Kids Club again today. They were learning about Africa. The kids loved the music. They gave them fun masks that they got to color. They played on the toys, ate at Chik-fil-a, and got to ride the carousel. It was a good day.

Our Happenings Lately and Random Thoughts

Last Thursday me and Jamie went and stayed the night at Legacy Golf Resort. It is where we stayed the first night we were married. It was so nice to get away. It seems like sometimes it is such a pain to get a babysitter and pay for the room, etc, but everytime we do it I am so glad we did. I love spending time with him and am so grateful to be married to him.

Emmy finished memorizing the 1st Article of Faith yesterday. She knows all her letters, big and small, the sounds they make, about 40 sight words. And she still has 2 years before she will go to school. Is it bad for her to learn too much before she goes to school? Is she going to be bored with it?

I had my best day of couponing ever yesterday. I bought 14 boxes of cereal, 2 boxes of fruit snacks, 3 boxes of granola bars, a bag of nut clusters and a cantaloupe for $7.68. And the cantaloupe was 1.00. So basically all the rest was $6.68. It was a 90 percent savings which is the best I've ever done. Do you ever wonder though if what you are doing with your life and your time is what you should be doing with it? I don't know what the answer is or how we will be judged sometimes.

Anyways, just some random thoughts.

August 3, 2010

Six Years

Today is our 6th anniversary. We are going to celebrate this weekend so we don't have big plans today. I took Jamie pizza and a german chocolate Marie Callendars pie for lunch which is his favorite so that was fun. Since we have been married 6 years, here are my 6 favorite things about Jamie.
1. How patient he is with me. He is so much more patient with me than I am with him.
2. That he takes the gospel serious and honors his priesthood. There are very few people that I know that I can honestly say they always try and do the right thing, and Jamie is one of those people.
3. That he works hard to support us.
4. How talented he is. I have never seen Jamie try to do something that he couldn't do and couldn't do it fairly well. He can fix anything. He is amazing.
5. His sense of humor. Most people don't know how funny Jamie is, but he is constantly making me laugh. Our kids were frustrating us both the other day and he told me he was going to give himself "time-out" in the garage.
6. What a great father he is. Emmy, T.J. and Addy absolutely love him and he is definitely a hands on dad and I love that about him.

Here are pictures of us then...
And now. This picture is about 10 months old but it is the most recent I have of us.