Saturday, March 10, 2018

Between being grateful & escaping that comfort zone


Entering the year 2018, was like entering a new life phase. A new opportunity came in when every thing seems so perfect for me at the moment; my life, my job, my social life. I have to make a big decision, whether to just be grateful with what I already have and refuse the offer, or to be grateful and move on for something full with uncertainties, again.

This route full with uncertainties is a route where I have to start all over again to gain people's trusts, learn new things and surrounded with new faces. But, this route enables me to be close with my parent, and all the events happened around the corner seem leading to this. The last time I experienced such was the moment I received the job interview offer and job offer from my first employer. I was not as confident as last time, but somehow I wanted to have faith in all these again. To have faith that Allah has planned all these for me.

Making the big move was not easy. The things I left behind were so dear to me. Often, I doubted my decision. Often, I blamed others for making me taking this decision, when I do not even know yet what exactly awaits me. When I thought about all these deeply, I have made all these worldly matters too close to my heart when all these should be focusing on serving Allah. This decision was indeed the best for me, inshaAllah. It is time for me to re-arrange my life priorities. And, most importantly, I was the one who made the decision.

I pray that Allah makes things easy for me, even if they might difficult, I could still overcome them. Pray that this route is the right one, the decision is something to be grateful of. Because this route is full with uncertainties for now, and I am escaping my comfort zone for a better me inshaAllah.

Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir.