Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Lil' Bit More...Come on, PUSH PUSH

Salam 'alaik..

Time2 exam ni biasalah ada turun naik dlm motivasi diri..especially after tgk carry marks (CAM) yg x seberapa..tapi janganlah kita dok layan je motivasi yg semakin merundum tu...push up balik motivasi diri jgn sampai dah sampai down sgt..nanti memakan diri.

Lepas motivate org lain,tiba2 rasa diri ni kurang motivasi pula.tu yang datang idea nk tampal notes tu banyak2.kasi REMINDER kat diri ni..

Tika diri ni down tahap yg kira kritikal dah sgt2,yg orang lain semua tak boleh nak tolog dah,ingatlah Allah tu sentiasa ada.kita je sentiasa lupa akan kebersamaan Allah bersama kita...ingatlah, segala masalah atau perkara yang buruk yang terjadi tu adalah sebagai ujian atau peringatan untuk kita.untuk uji tahap keimanan dan kesabaran kita.untuk ingatkan kita: "Hey you!Your Iman dah rendah.sila UPGRADE ye."-ayat kasar daripada saya..tapi of course lah cara Allah nak ingatkan kita tu dengan cara yang halus yang kalau kita renung2,insyaAllah kita akan notice peringatan Allah tu.takde lah ayat kasar2.tengok jelah ayat2 Allah kat dalam Qur'an.MasyaAllah...lembut je Allah tegur kan.ayat2 yang cantik..kita dengar pun sejuk je hati ni kan..

Hehe,dah mula dah...dah mula dah tulis dalam bahasa Melayu..hahah

Semoga post ni dapat push up semangat sahabat2 yang tengah struggle nak jawab exam dan yang tengah persiapkan diri untuk exam.dalam pada bersibuk tu,pause2 lah beberapa kali untuk siapkan diri untuk EXAM AKHIRAT pula...bukan ke keseimbangan tu penting???

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Introducing.....jeng jeng jeng

Salam 'alaik..

I don't know what others think about her.but I think she is so cute with her scarf.SHE? yes, she.suddenly, she becomes a she.huhu....I was so excited finding the right scarf for Ms Papatoetoe since morning...haha..bolehlah,pakai handkerchief pon ok jelah. So,everyone knows what I want to write in this post right now, right?


Some people are just so sensitive about this, should we be sensitive also about it? Of course! it is something that has been made a must for Muslim women...yeah,let me emphasize it again. A must for Muslim women. Sounds harsh, isn't it?I know.sorry..but HIJAB is not something that is so hard and it is not even burdensome..well,maybe for the beginners, they might feel a lil' bit hard in wearing a hijab and keep it consistent..but, GO GIRL!!! you will get used to wearing it soon...and soon, when you start to ponder the deeper meaning of wearing it, you would feel PROUD wearing a hijab..insyaAllah...

Well, I am so not the right person to give a hukm or elaborating dalil s on this matter-well,not yet. so, what am I going to talk about here?hmmmmm.....

Maybe a bit of my experience in wearing hijab...

I started wearing a hijab since, I guess year 3 of primary school.but I was not consistent at that time.just wearing it whenever I went to school. I began to wear it consistently when I reached my puberty age which is at ** years old..(hahahh,cannot tell yaa..its a secret.but I could say that I became "mature" at my early age). I was not really into it when I was in both primary and secondary schools. nor hate wearing hijab. but I didn't feel the excitement of wearing it.I just knew that wearing a hijab is wajib.

Aside from hijab, covering the aurah is also wajib (compulsory to ALL MUSLIMS).I knew that since in primary school. and I even knew the parts that I have to cover.However, merely theoretical lessons in school were not enough. Its the practical that what I really need. However, the adults and the peers were not showing the truly right examples of hijab practicing and aurah covering. Actually, the situations were just like nowadays.It just that there was no 'Tudung Syria' and so forth back then. Some do wear hijab, but not lowering it till their bosom. Some wear hijab, but exposing their arms. Some wear hijab, but wearing legging????

Do you know why most people out there practice these?because the message is not reached. We were being taught in schools with just a piece of information about the parts that we need to cover without further explaining the proper way of doing it.Just like me myself, before entering this university. I was so jahil. I just knew I have to cover the aurah, with any piece of cloth. I NEVER knew that simply wearing the handsocks which shows the shape of my arm is not considered as covering my aurah.I did not know that wearing tight jeans for the muslim ladies does not cover the aurah..I did not know that my head scarf needs to be lowered till covering my bosom. huhu,now you know who I was back then.

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.
(The Qur'an, 24:31)

Alhamdulillah that I decided to reject the JPA offer after the SPM and that I decided to pursue my study in this university (and praise to Allah that I got the offer to enter this university out of many other). I am surrounded with nice people and being told with the right messages of covering the aurah.What is the right way to cover your aurah-for Muslimat?Here are the easy ones:
  • Lower your hijab till it covers your bosom.
  • Wear dress or shirt with long sleeves-say no to short sleeves+handsocks
  • Just wear slacks or long skirts rather than jeans.
  • Wear your mini scarf with your hijab..all the hair counted yaa
  • Say YEAHH to loose dress and shirts.
They are simple and easy.and comfortable also because you will have enough space to move around without those tight and small clothes. # This is to remind me as well -_-

Those who are small minded people would always find reasons of not covering their aurah, saying that this would just make us undeveloped. says who? instead, those who cover their aurah are more developed yaa.Remember, the men from the early ages like Paleolitic and Mesolitic people were not wearing any cloth or the proper what makes us,wearing sufficient cloth to cover our body, undeveloped people?we are much more ahead!!! =)

So, let us all make some improvement to our way of dressing.Islam does not prohibit us to dress up,but it should be done modestly..Lets HIJRAH!!

Wake up Call!!!!

Salam 'alaik..

Alhamdulillah..I have finished my second exam paper yesterday,Tissue Culture..overall,hmm, the questions were not so hard.yaaaa, they were not to the extent that I could say HARD.but, due to my own negligence, unawareness and laziness -what else??- ,I faced some difficulties answering those questions..Kind of confuse while answering them.huhu....but again, alhamdulillah.Despite of my own mistakes, Allah still guided me in answering the questions.Alhamdulillah...Alhamdulillah...He is always by my side =)

See, human is full with forgetfulness.And even the knowledge that we have in our brain right now is not copyright-ly ours.They are all Allah's.But we always forget about that fact. Kind of reminding myself about it too. One thing for sure, I have answered the questions the best that I could.I realize that my effort in revising the course was not to the highest level that I could-actually, I could work even harder-Thus, it is a great reminder for me to work even more harder for the next three papers ahead.Whatever that I have done, how much that I have worked on for this subject, now tawakkal 'ala Allah...Pray for the best.Hopefully the result won't be bad.Also, hoping that I could double my effort for the next papers, insyaAllah and of course, revising and studying for the sake of Allah, to learn, to understand, not merely to score the exam.though exam is important as well.but, think ahead!! surely,you do not want to waste your energy memorizing things that you would forget right after the exam.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Great People around me

Salam 'alaik..

Here it is..2012..Ahlan wasahlan..hopefully this year would be better for me,better in making me a much better person. insyaAllah..well, still haven't make my 2012 vision needs a lot of deep thinking in planning it.

Btw, I have mentioned already right that my family went to Kuantan on the last Saturday?Alhamdulillah, they arrived to my campus at the night, most importantly, safely and healthily. Ibu brought a lot of food for me.and when I say a lot, it really is A LOT!! She cooked for me some 'nasi impit', 'rendang daging' and 'sambal ikan bilis+tempe'-our favourite since we were little =) While, Abah bought a lot of DURIANS and mangosteens from the roadside on their way here.that are only parts of the food they brought with them.

They really do not mind spending their money and efforts to ensure that I have sufficient meals everyday-though I always have more than enough meals...Ibu keeps on saying,"makan lah..jangan tak makan.biar abis duit utk makan.xpe.lagi pun time study lah kena makan banyak sbb kena fkir,banyak guna otak.kalau x makan, nanti cepat ngantuk,........etc....xpe kalau gemuk,nanti cuti nanti blh kuruskan badan semula (even though the chance for me to reduce my weight at home is always so little,hahh)".Abah pun always say the same thing.haha...they are so sweet <3 <3

The most sweetest part/moment is when Ibu said that they went to visit Izzat and me since she remembered that when she was in her exam season during her study at UTM,she felt so excited and happy to have someone to come for a visit.and my uncle was the one who always came to visit her.And she thought that it would be the same for me and my brother.-yes, are totally right...Love you so much!

Not to be forgotten, my sisters who are so sweet was the one who helped Ibu to 'kopek the ikan bilis' for the 'sambal ikan bilis'.and my other sister who was willing to sacrifice her weekend to drive the car here,even though she has to work you girls also...

We brought a lot of sata (a kind of food which is made up of fish,and I don't know what else is the ingredient but it is totally yummy).and Abah, while giving me some more sata to be eaten, said, "Nah,makan lagi.kan dari ikan,banyak protein.kan nak kena fikir banyak time nak exam nih"..Love you ,Abah...

See,I have a lot of great people around me-my FAMILY.even though there are conflicts or problems, but we are close to each other and support each other.Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah...this family might have some defects compared to others,but it also has great things that others do not have.May Allah keeps on showering His blessings and Hidayah to all of us so that we will always be on the right track, which is towards remembering and worshiping Allah, insyaAllah...cause I love this family...

# I shared some of the ikan bilis with my first I thought that they won't eat since we are not so close and since it has been days since Ibu cooked the ikan bilis(well,I have made few experiments with the ikan bilis before and insyaAllah it is safe to be eaten up to a week).some people just too sensitive in this matter.alhamdulillah they are not..Fuhhhh...They were kind of 'malu2' to eat it at first,but since it is so 'SEDAP',especially to be eaten with bread,one of them even made some sandwiches from it for her tea time today... =)

I have gained some weight..and when I say 'some', it is not merely 1 kg.huhu....due to worries that I would waste the food that Ibu has cooked for me, I eat a lot of them since last night.I did gave some to my friends.but just like I said earlier, some people are too sensitive to eat already-days-cooked food.

I still have plenty to be revised for tissue hook or by crook, I need to finish reading all the remaining chapters by tonight.O Allah,please help me to achieve this target so that I could revise again all the chapters tomorrow..please.....