Saturday, December 31, 2011
Today is 2011..Tomorrow is 2012
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sudoku? tetttt......
Sudoku? TOTALLY CANNOT BE APPLIED.TOTALLY NOT EFFECTIVE. I become addicted to Sudoku can I focus on my study if it is this case???? seems like I have to get back to my very 1st method, alternating study with sleep... :(
Get sleepy due to ToO much of Reading?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
All great make-me-happy food
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Sun is Back
Alhamdulillah,I am still able to breath and write this post right now.hehe..but one thing for sure, I am happy today.thats why I love my usrah group so much.after each session,I will be happier than other days throughout the week and I feel more high spirited than before.that is the power of usrah... :)
Actually, its Allah who has made me feel this way.thanks to Allah since He gives me opportunities to recharge my Iman with those who always remind me of Him.Now, I know,why I felt so down throughout this week.hehe,it was my mistakes.I was too far away from Him.I was not really remember Him.Thus, He sent me some sadness and conflicts for me to return to Him back again.but I forgot to and that I am too busy blaming myself and thinking about the problems.That is why I felt extra extra down throughout the week.but alhamdulillah, last night I have my usrah session and we discussed a lot of things.
That's the importance of Tarbiyah(learning).it leads us to the right path again after we accidentally deviated due to the wonders of this world.But many think it negatively.we do a lot of wrong deeds and we know that they are wrong.but we tend to pretend to not knowing it since we are too afraid of letting go the comfort of this world.I often be like that too.But I try, bit by bit, to improve leave them slowly.maybe you could try it too.feel bored without those wrong deeds?perhaps its time for you to start replacing all the wrong deeds with readings and finishing your assignments.or maybe start performing the supererogatory 'ibadah or amal.
Men + Free Time = Cause of sins
Because of the free time that we have, we tend to fill them with unnecessary things like movie-ing, dating, widen your gaze(instead of lowering it), etc..So, let us together improve ourselves,though it is hard, but it is not impossible.Let us,slowly...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Oh, SR!!
I planned to have my lunch at Secret Recipe this afternoon.At first,I planned to go there by myself,alone.but then, I thought that it would be nice to have someone to be with me.however, I could not find, I cancelled my plan,though I still have the desire to go and have a meal there.unfortunately, cancelling the plan is so not a good idea since my heart keeps on screaming to go there.but then,I realized that, once again, I am becoming the old me, a lone ranger. :(
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
These days...
Yeayy,the mosque is now operating!now i really can feel the Islamic environment in the more confusing about when is the prayer time.the athan is so loud that it could wake me up every Fajr.its like another alarm for me in the morning..good...but I haven't been into the mosque yet.still finding the right time...
Last night, I went to the swimming pool at the sports complex.that was my 1st time there.guess what?the shallowest pool(for adults) is 1.4m deep.and my height is about 1.49m.Just imagine me in the pool,plus without knowing how to swim.I even have difficulties to make my self floating.hahahaa,poor Sherry, Iffah and Syazila.They have to help me in there.btw,I really enjoyed the has really relieved my stress.Alhamdulillah..thanks korang for bringing me together with you gurlz.
Today,I have no class.well,actually I have a quiz this morning but its only for those who want to do it.I want to,at first.but I cannot manage to download the notes last night due to the extremely low Internet connection-excuse!So,I just simply forget my intention to do the quiz.hehe...Then,here I am while waiting for the downloads of my notes.well,its going to be final exam starting next week.and I have another presentation to go tomorrow..
p/s planning to meet the dentist after this..that would be my first time here also... :)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Subhanallah...He still loves me
I posted a post just now that tells the sadness that I currently have.But then, I deleted the post considering that its not the proper way to express my sadness.few minutes after that,an ukhti sent me a message that really soothed me and made me calm again.Subhanallah...its not the 1st time that I experience such incidence.Almost every time that I feel down and hopeless,it seems like Allah is always there to help me by sending someone to remind me back of Him and give me hope.Thank you Allah... =)
And also,few minutes after that, someone,an old friend, called me,proposed me to be a part of the mainboard of PERKIM UIA Kuantan that insyaAllah will be officially established next week.Another thing that bothers me right now...I was thinking to join other, new things in here.but such opportunity is so hard to get and probably,once in here.but,considering the tons of work that I have right now,I wonder if I could balance PERKIM and my studies and my life and my usrahs...may Allah guide me to choose the right decision for me..
Friday, December 16, 2011
Treat of the Night
Salam 'alaik.. =)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Hi You, I miss You....
Monday, December 12, 2011
Language of Buses =)
Friday, December 2, 2011
We have improved technology, but not improved manners

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Kek Kukus Resepi Mak Tok
1/2 kg - RM22
1 kg - RM40
kalau nak kecil lagi,boleh bincang nanti...contact2 ye....
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Diriku Sesat-Hilang arah??
Monday, May 9, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Semester 2, 1st year, Kami Warna-warni....
Monday, April 11, 2011
Kekasihku Rindu???

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Is there any such thing as coincidence?
its examination period..done already with 2 papers-the "EASY" ones according to others if compared to the next 4.tonight i was planning to finish my revision for biochem at least till lipid n nucleotide metabolisms.tgh dok semangat revise the topic,sampai plak kt 1 part yg x berapa nk clear kt hardcopy notes,with hopes that i have the softcopy in my laptop,i searched for it...result:i don't have it..since dah buka laptop,why don't jenguk fb for a moment-always like that... -__-
huhu,hanis posted the cam for ungs2040k in Kami Warna-warni group..n although i have expected it before, i never thought that i would be this upset and down.even if i get full marks for the final paper,still i cannot get an A for the paper...huhu...i always thought that ungs papers are the chances for me to get As,like what i've got for ungs2030k last semester.verily, Allah knows what is best for me...maybe if i can easily get good marks for this time,maybe just maybe i would be 'riak'.so He made things this make me return to Him and work harder...
back to the fb part, everyone seems to be upset too about the cam and ystrday's paper.this has made me even more upset about,i just asked anyone yg tgh online fb at that time to give me an advice that is good enough to make me motivated again...guess what,amal text-ed something to me..
""Dan sungguh, Kami benar2 akn menguji kamu sehingga Kami mengetahui org2 yg benar2 berjihad & bersabar d antara kamu, & akan Kami uji perihal kamu."(Surah Muhammad:31)
And guess what again,amal bg msg tu after i posted that request on fb even though she's not even online..and the verse,really touched my heart so deeply that i cried without realising it....its like Allah made amal to send the msg to me to remind me,to comfort me..Subhanallah....Subhanallah...
Allah rindukan rintihan kita.thanks to amal for reminded me about one more thing,that we often convey our fear,sadness,happiness on fb to others..but actually,it is Allah that is the closest one to us,every second, every hour, everywhere..we can just simply turn to Him and convey it,share our feelings to He is always with us..i hope this post would be something beneficial for all too as it is to me....wallahualm
#i planned to post about the need to share my feelings to someone,a friend,in here just before i got the message from amal.and suddenly the feeling of loneliness in me was gone and has been replaced with the feeling of syukr and grateful as well as love to Allah,which is what it is supposed to be..thus,the post turned out to be about this miracle from Allah... :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
sunday.... -__- ....sundae??
not really..this sunday is a bit tiring n weird.badan2 rasa lenguh,penat n at anytime blh tertidur.even while doing my work at the desk also i can fell asleep.went to "Muslim Scholar" talk n workshop early this morning..Alhamdulillah...great input did i got.but still,cannot help me in answering questions in my mind.all that i could say about today is that,it is just another plain day,maybe a little bit fun at the morning,with all the jokes made by the speaker.but i don't know..this weekend seems like my mood n spirit to study n finish my work are not takes a long time for me to finish my work.n seems like doing those work is not as enjoyable as always..
Oh God!Oh Allah!help me pls..give me some wills,some spirits,n some supports for me to finish all my work by tonight.cause tomorrow,i never know what will come to me..maybe more work to be done?hopefully not..huhh,just remembered..i have a meeting tomorrow night with the board of SCIENCESS.and tomorrow morning insyaAllah my group will have to present about the development of BM in class.and tomorrow i have discussion for mcb lab report.also, need to discuss with the whole batch regarding any issue that may arise in the batch.also,i have a short discussion for BM again,for me to give some talk about babies' dumping in Malaysia in Tuesday class.luckily i have no biochem lab for this week.but still,last week's lab report still not done yet..not even started actually.
and this week,insyaAllah, yana will be back to Kuantan.hopefully she's alright.cause if she's not,it would just make me even worrier and even more stress actually-seeing her sad.ok lah,better get going with my work now.its 10.13 pm already.tick-tock...time is running..better chase it now...salam.
Friday, January 7, 2011
today,friday,7th january 2011..its new year already.n its friday..but i'm so not in a good mood today..
first,its because Diyanah's mom has just passed away around 11 sth pm last night.i feel so useless as there is nothing that i could do to calm her down.but Alhamdulillah,she is a strong person.she sounds so calm when i called her last night.i pray to Allah that she and her family are strong to face this news and to go through the future without her beloved mother by their side.also, may her mother is placed together with the mukminin in the Paradise.InsyaAllah.Verily Allah knows best what is best for their family.
secondly,perhaps its because of the tons of work to be done and things to be thought of for this week as well as this weekend.from the lab reports,group discussions,calculus' pbl discussions,revisions,to the matters regarding the batch.this week is quite tiring for me and makes me quite emotional.with the twin keep on giving me compliments and praises that i think i do not deserve.with the weather that always cold here at Kuantan..these really affect my mood for this whole week.
i'm not a perfect person.some might see me as one,but i'm not.instead, i might be even worse than what people might think about me.cause i keep most of my thoughts,feelings all by myself that people do not know what kind of person i am.who says that i don't feel alone..honestly,almost most of the time..i just pretend to be not.maybe that is what makes me an ignorant.i became someone that ignore my own feeling,thus,became an ignorant of others also.but then,when someone tells me her feelings or problems,i don't know how i should react.that makes me a bad respondent.i cannot give the right facial expressions,the right words,or body languages to the people around me,even if i wanted to,badly..
my exam results might be good, but believe me,there are others that get better than not praise me because of my achievements.they are not helping me to be better actually.they only make me become someone that is not grateful.i might looked tired or stress due to all the work that i have to do on behalf of the batch.please, do not say,"pity me", as i actually enjoy doing them.because if you say so, it might actually change my intention in doing those,please,don't..
i feel so useless that i think i should be away from people.
i feel so lonely that i think i cannot stop crying.
i feel so bad that i think i should not talk to others anymore as they might get hurt of what i wll say.
but i take all these feelings as part of His tests..verily, a good person will not be affected by her own emotions.i will try to be one.insyaAllah...