Wednesday, October 20, 2010


XML of Extension Markup Language is a complement of HTML (HyperText Markup Language). It is not a replacement for HTML. HTML was designed to display data or I can say that all that it concerns is how the data will look like. While, all the things that XML concerns about is what is the data that it transports or stores. All I can say about XML is that it is not as comlicated and "cerewet" like HTML. XML can be handled by any software that handles plain text. Besides, all the tags in XML document are invented by the author himself. Its up to the author to used what word or language. But still, he has to observed some rules like: the nesting, quotation, case sensitivity and bear in mind that in XML ALL ELEMENTS NEED TO HAVE END TAGS....

XML Documentation

XML Table

departmentPatologyBio Medicine
students32 students100 students
staff40 staffs5o staffs

A link about this software:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


One of the softwares that can be used to plot graphs of a given data is Microsoft Excel.It is so easy to be used and various types of graph to be picked.

NaOH added (mL)






















Example of table and data needed in order to plot a graph by using Microsoft Excel.

ChemSketch...another advantage of applying technology in Organic Chemistry

Drawing energy of reaction diagram:

p, d and pi-type Orbitals

Vacuum Distillation Apparatus

Two-chain DNA strand

Lipid and micelles

Can you draw all the above by merely using Microsoft Office Word?Probably can, but it would be very difficult.That is why this so-advanced software was invented.You can draw smooth graph line, the DNA, and any other graphical objects by using ACD/ChemSketch software.This software can do a lot of other things like generating SMILES notations, and drawing, labelling and mapping reactions.However, I just learn to use it to draw above objects and to generate SMILES notations.

Energy curveuse: Polyline tool
Orbitalsuse: Polyline tool,make copy and flip
Apparatususe: Lab Kit tool
Lipid and micellesuse: Polyline tool,make copy and Connect Lines tool

PDB??? ?__?

Another new thing that I learnt in my Computers in Science lecture sounds nearly like PBB.huhu..well,actually PDB stands for Protein Data Bank.

And then, what is Protein Data Bank itself?

>It is like a storage area where 3-D structural data of large biological molecules.All I can think of after reading this statement is protein.But data of other large molecules like nucleic acids also is stored here.There are several methods of obtaining the data:

  • X-ray crystallography
  • NMR spectroscopy
  • Electron microscopy

Of course for each storage area there will be a supervisor and the one that oversee PDB is the Worldwide Protein Data Bank(wwPDB).

Currently, there are all together 3 file formats that can be used to download the structure files. They are PDB file format, "macromolecular Crystallographic Information file" format(mmCIF) and also PDBML format.

This is a link to go to the homepage of RCSB PDB (Resource for Studying Biological Macromolecules):

This one is to go to the search page of RCSB PDB where you can search for the structures of your desired molecules:

And this one is to link you to Worldwide PDB website:

Display: Wireframe

Display: Ball & Stick

Display: Strands

Colours: Structures

Display: Ribbons

Colours: Structures

At different angle of view

Above are different views of the structure of Bacillus subtilis Lon N-terminal domain (Scientific name: Bacillus subtilis).

Lon ATP-dependent proteases act as the protein quality control systems of bacterial cells and eukaryotic organelles. In just a polypeptide chain, eubacterial Lon proteases contain an N-terminal domain, an ATPase domain, and a protease domain.

The above molecules are actually one similar molecule viewed in different ways and angles.The molecule is ATP-dependent protease La 1 which is classified as hydrolase with structure weight of 48027.40. It only has 1 polymer that is polypeptide (L).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

SMILES.....KOS1110 tutorial


Don't misinterpret this word..SMILES that I meant is the short form of Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification..It is a specification to describe chemical molecules using short ASCII strings.The strings can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into 2-D drawings or 3-D models of the molecules.

Complicated?Yes, it is.Especially for a very beginer like me..And the hardest part is to briefly describe it here in this post..huhuhu.....

V Below is a link that might be helpful for those who want to get to know more about SMILES:

Cyanide/Nitrile C#N
iron(II) cation [Fe++]

^ The right column are some symbols used to describe the molecules in the left column....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Raya Gathering-Biotech 1st year

one of the artworks of Anna....

Alhamdulillah...the event was a success.thanks to all, both involved in the planning, arranging, handling n helping for the event, and those who came to make it more happening..for sure, everyone was so sporting n happy-hopefully..i didn't post about this aftr the event since i was so exhausted that i couldn't think of any sentence to be typed here.still felt it till ystrday's morning.but recovered now!

Few things on that night have really made me touched.i list out some of them here:
  • the environment n the way the site was decorated.-simple but so romantic, homey(like kampong2 style)...>>>credits to the brothers....
  • the attendance...-mostly came with such very nice dressings...those that i have never saw them with shawl, they did on that night..those with raya dress, etc..
  • the food....even though the caterer came quite late-as they were lost somewhere around KOP(Kuliyyah of Pharmacy)-but the food was so yummy enough that no one complaints about it, plus so in large amount that there was a lot of leftover after the event.
  • the SURPRISE??? >>>>credits to Diyanah, Nabilah n Hajar, n those involved in the planning...surely u guys have really made me surprised.thank u very much..guess, that was my 1st ever surprise party-maybe as far as i remember.wanna know what happened?well, i don't know the real plan that they have planned before n how the flow supposed to be, but this is what i thought n felt at that moment:

I was trying my best to finish my food(that was my third attempt as i have to stop eating few times to settle several things) when suddenly, lights from both rooms beside the site turned off.i thought that they must be turned off automatically just like the air-conditioners at A-1-15.n i saw one of the brothers, can't remember who, went to one of the room.i thought that maybe he wants to turn the lights in the room on.the only thing that i was thinking after that was to turn on the lights in the other room i went to the room n saw hanis.hanis went into the room n turned back to the door n asked me to go out from that room.i asked her,"naper2,ada orang ke kat dalam bilik tu??"-haha,so negative idea that i have at that time.but she answered nothing n just ushered me back to the middle ..that's the time i saw yana n twins with the cakes..actually i didn't know how to react with such forgive me if i reacted unexpectedly or weirdly or wrongly..huhu..

To Anna: Thanks lots for being our photographer n for the sacrifices that you have done for the event.may Allah bless you...

To Sri: Also thanks, thanks, thanks for being the MC for the night.sorry for incomplete information that i have gave before.but all i can say is that you are a very good MC..