Friday, September 2, 2011


Little girl #5 is finally here. She weighs 6lbs 14oz and is 20 inches long and as cute as her sisters. Sugar and Chief and Cass were cute to come to the hospital at 2:30am and sit with me until she arrived at 6:20am. Kyle slept until I was a 10 and ready to push... minus a few times that he opened his eyes and asked if I was ok. He got up to see her delivery and now 5 hours later he is still asleep! What a booger! He has been sick so I guess he has an excuse, but I can still tease him about it. Here are some pics for all my fam that live far away :( We missed you at the hospital!!!!! Oh and Happy Birthday to Ashley who now shares a bday with our cute Oaklee!
Kyle, Hallie Bear, and Oaklee (Kyle finally woke up!) Hallie wouldn't let her go!!
Tay Tay was the 1st to hold her and did great as a big sister for the 1st time!
Rai Rai and her sis
Brinlee will definitely be her 2nd mom
Our big family of 7. Holy Cow!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just Another Day In Paradise

 I really stink at blogging. I'm averaging like once every six months...oh well. Anyway, life is pretty good. The girls are still growing up so fast. Brinlee is counting down the days to starting kindergarten and her 5 1/2 birthday (she has planned a date with Sugar to go to the "Train Moon" which she says is riding on Trax to the Planetarium at the Gateway and getting a rock necklace). She is such a little mom and great to help take care of her sisters. She is learning to read and has an amazing memory.  She has already memorized the first 6 articles of faith. Raigen is also counting down to her 4 1/2 birthday. She is still a trouble maker most of the time, but a cute one. She is excited to start preschool. Oh, and she broke her other arm at the end of December...SERIOUSLY! I'm surprised she hasn't broken anything else. She is a little klutz. Hallie is 3 and doesn't care to be potty trained. She always the first one to wake up at our house and doesn't hesitate to wake up her sisters.  She cries louder than I have ever heard a kid cry and throws terrible temper tantrums. However, she is also the sweetest little girl and loves to cuddle.  She is a daddy's girl.  Hopefully she will grow out of the tantrum stage SOON! Taylor has grown up the most over the last 6 months. She is not a baby anymore. She still doesn't talk much, but she has no trouble letting us know what she needs. She loves to watch movies, loves dogs and horses, and loves to get her hair done. She changes her shoes at least 20 times a day and doesn't care if they match.  She is such a good girl. If only we could get her to bed on time.  I still work one or two nights a week and Kyle got a new job in Idaho. So, YES we are moving!!! Not sure on the exact date, but hopefully it will be soon. i don't like the thought of leaving family, but I guess it is part of life!

We've been doing a lot more work on the house trying to get it ready to sell.  I painted the cabinets white and Kyle tiled and put in recessed lighting.  I think it turned out pretty good, but a lot of work!  I don't think I'll ever do  it again...

Raigen's 2nd, and hopefully last, broken arm!

What a cute bunch! This is in the visitors center at Temple Square. Last year they
all froze while we looked at lights so this year we did
the snowsuit thing and they about
died of heat! Maybe next year we will get it right.

Raigen's 4th Birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese. Don't let the picture fool you...
Hallie did not smile for long. 
She doesn't really like big oversized animals near her!! 

I put them all to bed one night and when it was quiet I went in to check on them and
this is what I found. They were all sleeping on the toddler bed and sound asleep. 
However, after you see the next picture you will know that they didn't
end up like this. They are sure wiggly sleepers!!

Can you find ALL 4 of them?? I took this pic one morning when i got home
 from work. They do all go to sleep facing one direction and
tucked in ;) but they never end up that way!

kissing their hands...

And blowing you a KISS!!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Lots has happened since November!  I've obviously been as busy as ever just being a mom.  I'm sure you all would agree.  The girls are growing up so fast.  Brinlee is almost 5, Raigen almost 4, Hallie almost 3, Taylor 15 months, and NO I'm not pregnant! :) We decided to take a little break and enjoy watching the girls grow up. They are all becoming more independent and more opinionated (that makes it interesting)...Here are some pics to catch you up!

Thanksgiving turkey cupcakes (messy, but cute project for the kids to help with)...


New Years... (I took horns to the New Years party and they were fun for the first minute, but after 5 minutes...well, lets just say our ears were ringing!)

New earrings and cute hair dos...

Hallie got her ears pierced...

So cute!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Our computer broke a while ago and we had to send it in to get it repaired. We just got it back and we have so much to tell. The last month and a half has been exciting at our house. It started with Rai Rai getting her ears pierced. She looks darling with earrings. She didn't like getting them pierced, but loved the after part.

Before (funny faces)...
Cleaning (and Brinlee picking her nose, oh well)...


After she calmed cute! Kyle had the privilege of holding her through it all...

Raigen and Taylor (our little twiners)...
Brinlee turned 4 and she was so excited. She had preschool on her birthday. While she was at school we got her a balloon and made her a cute cake out of Twinkies, Handi-snacks, a box of sixlets and a small cake which we took to Kyle's softball game. Brinlee thought it was fun to have her cake outside. She had her big birthday party with a real cake and presents at Sugars house a week earlier. So this was perfect!
October birthdays at Sugar's house (Gage 28, Sierra 21, Brinlee 4, and Sugar ?)...
Opening presents...
The cake....
Celebrating at Kyle's softball game...
Kyle is at second base (not the runner, but the fielder)...

On October 30th Brinlee, Raigen, and Hallie were sitting at the counter on their stools. I had just given them each a "creamy" popsicle and they were being so good. Taylor started to cry so I went in the living room to take care of her. Within minutes Raigen came running into the living room crying. I asked her what happened and all she could say through her crying and tears was "BRINLEE!" My first thought was that Brinlee had pushed her so I went in the kitchen and asked brinlee what she had done to Raigen. Brinlee explained that Raigen had tried to get off the stool and that she fell backward off of it. I asked Raigen if she was okay (she was still screaming) and she said "MY ARM!" She had a long sleeve shirt on. I took one look at it and knew it was broken. Her arm (from wrist to elbow) was a "U" shape (definitely not normal). I called to get someone to come watch the other girls so I could take Rai to the ER. Kenna was great to come over in a moments notice. To make a long story short, we made it to the ER where we were met by Sugar. Rai ended up having to be sedated to have her fracture reset and then casted. What a horrible thing to watch, but she is ok and she loves her purple cast. A few days later we went to Kenna's and she helped Rai Rai decorate her sling, which Raigen is very attached to. She had a doctor's appointment today and he said her arm is healing well. She only has to wear the cast for 3 more weeks. She is adapting very well to being left handed :)
Leaving the ER with Grandpa Chief who came to see her...
Baths are interesting. It's hard to keep a 2 year old's arm out of the water...
Si Si brought Raigen purple balloons, purple bubbles, purple fruit snacks, and purple socks to go with her purple cast. Can you guess what Raigen's favorite color is?...

Decorating her sling with Aunt Kenna...

"Sunshine" is Raigen's nickname from Sugar. When we asked her what we should write on it she didn't hesitate to say "Sunshine". Kenna also made her a cute little purple fleece sleeve to put on her sling where it goes around her neck so it doesn't hurt her...

This was today at the doctor (you can see the other side of her sling) She is our little princess...

Brinlee and Taylor hanging out while we were working on the sling. These Bumbo chairs are awesome...
Halloween was fun this year. Brinlee, Raigen, and Hallie were totally into the whole trick or treating thing. I was sick of getting them all dressed in their costumes by the time Halloween actually came. We had already got dressed up for our ward halloween carnival, the Hamblin family Halloween party, and Brinlee's preschool Halloween parade. It was fun, but I am happy to be putting costumes away for another year...
Hunter, Hallie, and Madison...
The Hamblin cousins and Papa and Grandma Jean...
Emma and Taylor...
Amelia, JaQuoy, and Brinlee decorating sugar cookies...
Raigen as Hannah Montana...
Brinlee as Little Mermaid...
Trick or treating at the nursing home (Raigen got this witch costume from a friend of mine so she decided to be a Hannah Montana witch)...
Taylor the cow...Brinlee, Hallie, Cassidy (as Lola, Hannah Montan's friend), Raigen, and Taylor...
Mommy and Hallie the chicken...