I really hate to do it, but I'm going to have to rip on Kinkos for a minute here.
Here's the situation. This week I made a new family job chart and matching FHE chart. (Ahhhh. . .How nice) New year=new motivation=new charts. I did them on poster board and for lasting durablity I wanted to get them laminated. I had recently been to The Chalkboard store and saw that they advertised laminating for .75/foot.

But there is a Kinkos about 2 blocks away from my house, so I thought I'd save the longer trip (about 5 miles) and just do it there. When I got my project in, they measured and fiddled and showed me how they were going to do it. They charge by the sq. ft. and it's $5/sq. ft. On top of that I was trying to show them how they could lay some of the cards in an order that would save space on the laminating, but they refused to do it that way, insisting that I would need the 3 inch space in order to cut them out. When they got it all figured out the total came to $30.00!!!! Are you kidding? I could have hired someone to make a fancy wooden chart for that. I admit I'm frugal to a fault sometimes, but this just didn't make any sense at all and I had to leave. Thanks, but no thanks Kinkos.

So I drove the 5 miles to the teacher store and dropped it off. I didn't really care what they charged, I knew it would be less than Kinkos. They did a fantastic job, spaced the cards in a way that made sense (I didn't even have to show them), and it came to $2.25. Now that's what I'm talking about.
The moral of the story is teachers (usually retired teachers or students work at the Chalkboard store, I've found) are just naturally smarter than your average Kinko's worker. AND you should never shop Kinkos for lamination. That's all. I'm just trying to make the world a better place by spreading consumer spending tips when I can.