Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tonight we let Rylee say the family prayer for the first time without prompts. This is how it went "Heavenly Fadar, tank you for dis day, tank you for mommy, and daddy, and jadyn and rylee. Tank you for mommy's house, and daddy. Tank you for binkeys and elmos. Tank you for mommy, and daddy and jadyn. GeGe Christ, A-men."

Oh, I just love being a mommy!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just procrastinating....

So instead of cleaning or packing like I should be doing, I feel the need to update my blog. Priorities, people. I can't believe we are actually moving to Arizona next Wed. It's just surreal to me. I have such a flood of conflicting feelings. On one hand, I'm really excited to move and be closer to family on both Garrick's side and mine, be closer to many good friends, move into OUR house and basically just start our life there. But then on the other...I'm close to devastated. I hate that we're moving away from my family, our friends here and Albuquerque. I guess it's true that you can't have EVERYTHING. However I'm still working on getting my parents to AZ. (wink, wink). Seriously though, I'm such a basket case. Every time I see Rylee and Caden (my nephew) playing together and being so cute or seeing Rylee get so excited to see "Dam-ah" (grandma) and "Papa", it kinda pains me. I just start thinking about how sucky it is that she won't grow up with them there every day. Again, I need them to all move to Arizona. Now for my other dilemma, I hate that we're leaving so many great friends. Last year, about when we were supposed to move to Arizona the 1st time, our closest friends (the couples that we had been friends with since moving to Abq) all left town. Nate and Patty left for Maryland to start a business and Carrie and Jeremiah to Law school at BYU and Eric and Janalee to New Hampshire for Law School. And so when our plans to move fell through, we were left wondering what we would do with so many of our friends gone. Amazing thing though, we still had some great friends here and as an added bonus we made some great new friends as well. We have seriously been so blessed to have really great friends, except not great enough that they'll agree to move to AZ with us...jerks. J/k :) Anyway, a couple Saturdays ago Rebecca, Rachel and Jill put together a going-away party for us. It was so much fun and there was way too many yummy desserts. Whenever we get together we always say that we'll play games or something, but then we never do and just end up talking or whatever. But this time, we actually did play games and it was so much FUN! I haven't laughed that hard in forever (at something that wasn't Rylee's doing). It was a great night, but it just made me realize even more that I'm going to miss them all like crazy! Thanks so much, girls, for putting it together. It meant so much and was such a blast! Come visit us in AZ, we'll always have room!!!
Here we are playing one of the games
And here's the girls and kids (Rylee, Jadyn, Me, Rebecca, Oliver, Rachel and Jill), minus Aubrey and Elissa because they left early. This picture was taken at close to the end of the night, thus why Rylee's hair is in shambles and Jadyn's bow is nowhere to be seen....

***And to all my Arizona people, don't worry. I won't be some crazy depressed person. I REALLY am excited to move closer to you all!!! See ya all soon!!!

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! Yeah, it's a little late...but whatever. The 4th this year was pretty mellow for us. Garrick worked the night before and the night of, so he really didn't get to hang out with us too much. He did meet us at the ward breakfast when he got off of work in the morning. There's a pic of Rylee and her buddy, Presley, at the picnic. That's Garrick in his sexy scrubs holding Rylee's hand (he's cut off though). We didn't continue with the holiday festivities until that night after Garrick left for work. Me and the girls went to the Mortley's (friend's of the fam) for a BBQ and hung out for a while there socializing. It was pretty funny because when they started doing fireworks, I took Rylee over there to see them and she started with this terrified scream/cry but in between them saying a very unconvincing "awesome!" Here's a picture of her holding on for dear life to her Papa. Poor girl had quite enough, and since it was way past her bedtime anyway, we eventually went home. And instead of going straight to bed, she wanted to watch the various fireworks shows we could see from the windows in the living room. She liked them from the security of being inside and them outside. And now she's obsessed with fireworks and will still tell me about the "awesome fireworks." I think she's trying to make up for whimpin' out on them. :) As for Jadyn, she didn't care too much one way or the other about what was going on, she was just content and happy...and adorable of course!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

2 months old already!?

So it's the 10th day of the month again and that means Jadyn is 2 months old now! I can't believe how fast it's going by! She's turned into quite the smiley little girl. She started smiling a couple weeks ago and ever since then all you have to do is talk to her and she gets these huge dimply smiles on her face and starts kicking around. She's also started talking a little too. Yes, she says "I love you mom." Okay that's obviously not true but she does do all the cute little baby gurgles and grunts and all that. She has been such a sweet baby. She sleeps really well and does that the majority of the day. She loves to eat and is becoming such a chub-a-lub, it's adorable! Rylee likes to mimic me and talk to Jadyn in this funny high pitched voice (is that what I sound like when I talk to her?) and Jadyn really likes to listen to and watch Rylee. But probably her favorite thing is taking a bath. I lay her next to the sink and as soon as she hears the sink running she gets all excited and starts kicking and smiling. We just blessed her in church this last Sunday and she looked so adorable in her blessing dress. It was a beautiful blessing and her Daddy only cried a little. :) She's just so adorable and so much fun. I love you Jadyn and happy 2 month!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I dare you not to laugh!

I can't remember how to post the actual video clip on to my blog, but go to this link and watch this video. It's so hilarious, I guarantee* you'll crack up!

*Seriously?... You really think there's a guarantee? But if you don't laugh your heart (and sense of humor) is cold and dead

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rylee's 1st Rainbow

We've been getting some rain here and there the last couple of days and yesterday I looked outside and there was this beautiful, bright, double rainbow. I called for Rylee to come out and see it and she just loved it! I'm pretty sure I've shown her a rainbow before, but now she's old enough that she actually cares. It was pretty cute seeing her point at it and be so excited. She also kept naming off a bunch of colors...I don't think pink is officially one of the colors of the rainbow, but Rylee thinks so. She just thinks that everything is better with pink... Anyway, by the time I thought to grab the camera the rainbows had started to fade, you can just kinda see the 2nd in the picture. They sure were beautiful though!