Friday, April 22, 2011

Tyce Landon Haymore

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to just sit down and write a post.  Especially one as important as the birth of my son!  But here I am… I am FINALLY getting around to it!  To be honest, a big part of the reason that it’s taken me so long is because it’s taken me this long to really feel like I’m starting to get a handle on having 3 kids!  haha!  It’s been quite an adjustment, but it’s also been a really wonderful 3 months.  (sidenote-I actually started this post when he was 3 months old but thought I lost it.  He is now 5 months old and yes, it’s just getting posted) I am just soooo in love with this little guy!  Let me show you a picture and you can see why…

 (He’s 5 days old in this picture.)


Precious, right?!?

Well let me bck up for a little and take you back to November 8th.  I had a doctor appointment that day, one that I didn’t want to go to!  I wanted to already be in labor or already have my baby by then!  Well that didn’t happen and so I had to go to my appointment.  My doctor asked if I wanted to go ahead and induce, and well, I felt super guilty…but I said “Yes!!!”  Let me just say that with both of pregnancies with the girls, I was pretty comfortable and fine to go however long I needed to with them.  However, I don’t know if it’s carrying a boy or it just being a different pregnancy, but I was READY for that kid to come out!  Oy, the pressure and pains I was feeling!!!!  Not fun!  Anyway, so we set up to get induced on Wednesday the 10th.  And although I was still feeling bad about forcing my child out of me, I’ve gotta admit that it was really convenient being able to plan for his birth.  The best part about it was that I had been mourning the fact that my Mom probably wouldn’t be there for his birth because she’d had to drive all the way from Albuquerque, but since we had a day set she WAS able to be there!  That made me happy.  Anyway, so on Wednesday morning at 6 am we show up at the hospital to get the party started.  I figured it would be pretty slow going since it took so long with both of the girls labors (and yes, I do realize that “so long” may seem like nothing compared to some women’s labors, but to those that pop out kids in a couple’s so long…so there! hehe!).  But things started to progress fairly quickly so by noon we called my mom (who was watching my girls) and told her she better come in quick.  Yah, and then things slowed down.  Waaaay down!  My nurse tried putting me in different positions to try and coax him out, but then he started freaking out (according to the monitors) and so they kept moving me and changing my position trying to calm baby down.  They eventually stopped the pitocin because they were worried for him.  Then, they decided to put me on oxygen-and that’s when I really started to get nervous.  Oxygen masks are just scary looking to me, like there’s something really wrong.  I was scared for him, but don’t’ worry, we still kept things light with lots of jokes and laughing. That’s just how I labor, lots of goofing off, laughing and generally being silly! (thank you epidural!)  Anyway, I don’t remember much now of what happened in between, but FINALLY the time came for the little Mr to come!  And boy, our room was packed!  We had me and Garrick there (obviously….), my Mom, Dr Kacenga, his resident, my nurse (Becky), and like at least 2 other nurses in the room.  There were a lot of people there for the show.  I could tell from the looks on the nurses face that things were starting to get a little scary and we needed to get him OUT!  I didn’t like that feeling…FYI.  So the first time they told me to push, I was laughing because I seriously had NO feeling in my lower half and felt stupid like I didn’t know what I was doing.  Well…that is when Dr Kacenga told me that I he didn’t think I understood the gravity of the situation and that I needed to buckle down and get this kid out.  Well that straightened me out PRONTO and I got the kid out in like 5(ish) min.  Whoo hoo!  Turns out the cord was around his neck.  Luckily he came out perfectly fine though and we had this beautiful baby boy!  It’s amazing how even though it’s my 3rd time, it’s still just the most incredible thing to have that brand new baby placed on your chest.  There was my son, and he was perfect.

Tyce Landon Haymore

Born November 10th, 2010

7lbs 15 oz


19 1/2 inces

(by the way, I was totally shocked that the kid weighed 7lb 15 oz!  I gained the least amount during my pregnancy with him yet he weighed the most!  Weird how that worked out!)

Anyway, enough blabbing, I know all you guys really care about are pictures! Am I right? Well here ya go…

(*the fortune was from a fortune cookie I broke open a couple days after Tyce was born.  I just HAD to take a picture!)