Saturday, February 20, 2010

Riley show and tell

Riely is sooo proud of her Uncle Shad. Friday at school it was show and tell. The theme for that show and tell was "American", and they could bring anything to tell that represented American to them. Riley had the best idea, she wanted to bring a picture of Uncle Shad which was her own idea. She is so proud of her Uncle Shad and that he is in the military serving our country. On our drive to school we were talking about some things she could possibly share and I told her that his job was a secret. Riley asked if Aunt Maryann could know what he does and I told her no. Then she asked if his Captain could know what he does and I said, "he is the Captain." She thought that was soooo cool and she knew all the boys in her class would think that was cool too.

I love our special Riley. She is sooo thoughtful and she loves her family so much. She amazes me everyday with the special, thoughtful person that she is.

Thanks Uncle Shad for all you do. As you can tell we are all proud of what you do for our country.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Grand Canyon Trip part 1

So we had some friends invite us on their vacation to Lake Powell and the Grand Canyon. I have to admit, I was a little hesitant at first, but I have to admit, it was a great vacation and we can't wait to go back again. I haven't downloaded all my pictures, but here's a sneak peak.

So, we decided to go the scenic route on our trip...and guess where we went. I was able to torture my kids into seeing where I started off my college days at Snow College. Luckily, they are still young and think it's cool to see where I went to college. It brought back lots of fun memories, and sadly reminded me how long it had been since I've been to Ephraim and college. Neil teased me when he saw some kids and said "you looked that young once?!" It was funny.

After Ephraim, we went to Manti and stopped at the Manti temple. Soooo beautiful. It was fun to show the kids the temple.

So I love my dear super hero. We went to the sand dunes and he was loving it. I am learning as he grows up that he is such a explorer. He was loving just hiking and exploring. It was funny when he wanted to take his super cape. Silly boy.

Me on Mars. :) Crazy. Super cool Dunes.

Riley at the dunes.

sSo this was the beginning of our super fun trip. I will finish downloading and most more tonight or tomorrow.

Also, I am thinking about going private on my blog, so if you don't mind sending me your email addresses I would appreciate it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Did someone say Army Party....Hooah!!!

Parker was sooo excited for his birthday this year and one of his loves is Army, so he helped plan a great Army party for all of his friends and family.
So this is the cake that I made and Nana decorated, and she did an amazing job. I don't know if you can see it, but on the side is all camoflauged out. The cake was so delicious...thanks Nana!

Rising Star.

Kapao. Take that one DADDY! Playing a little ball with daddy.


So, Tiffany my bestest friend from forever finally is having a boy after 4 girls. So this is a picture taken at her baby shower for her cute little guy Beau that is on his way. Jenn, a long time friend from high school is prego as well and it was fun to see her since it had been awhile.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Gash

So here is a picture of my gash. I still can't believe I did this. The things that look like zits on my fore head is actually road rash. Nice.

So I was cleaning out the car so Neil could drive Seth, Shad, Brock, Luke and Parker to the Harlem Globe Trooters game and I was on the driveway with the car and I was walking around the car and slide on black ice. I couldn't get my barrings and had something in my hands and my feet slide from underneath me towards my back. I was on an incline and hit head first on the pavement. It still hurts to think about it, and my head is still hurting as well. Soooo graceful! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Welcome Home Uncle Shad

Parker, Uncle Shad and Luke going and picking up Shad's things. I am a little late on this post because uncle Homie has been home for a few weeks. I am on vacation this week so I am trying to catch up on my posts. I love this picture sooo much. Both Riley and Parker love their uncle so much and are sooo proud of him.
Abrams, Nana, Maryann, Shad, Luke, me, Parker and Papa at the base.

This is my favorite picture by far. I am sooo proud of my pics. I really tried to capture the moment and I think you can see it for the most part.