Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thank You All

This will be my last post on Blogger. I took an class on online safety a few months ago and was horrified that it takes a predator less than 20 minutes to find you using just two or three bits of information about you that you post online. I have had wake-up calls in the past about just how much I post, especially about my kids, online and how many people know where we live. My friend, who rarely says anything about her children online linked to this blog post the other day, it it was the final nail in the coffin.

I want to continue to write about our family, about our memories. I want to keep my posts from the last several years and all our pictures and comments. I would miss blogging if I just quit altogether, but I have to protect my kids. I've moved my blog to Wordpress, and I've made it private.

I will be approving people to come and read if they're interested. However, people I do not know will not be approved. If you've been a lurker for the last several years, I apologize, but you won't be approved. I'm not trying to be cruel and I hope you'll understand my reasoning behind making this change. Family and close friends, and friends I've made through blogging will be approved, and those people know how to contact me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for reading about our lives for the last few years. This blog has been my outlet for so long. Some days, your comments have saved my sanity. I have been inspired by your creativity and loved getting to know so many of you for a long time. Thank you for reading, thank you for supporting, and thank you for respecting this decision.
