Merriment and Peppermint

From the time I was a little girl my favorite animal has been the Moose
to be honest I'm not sure I've ever seen one in person
but I love them none the less

Last weeks Doodley Doo was Woodlands
and I used the topic to work on a drawing I did back in 2008
I've been so dang frustrated lately with how to color my work
and after hours of experimenting I think I've finally found
a process that works for me!!!
What do you think?
I painted my moose - his name is Peppermint
in photoshop... it's a rather long process
well at least adding all his hair was
but I love the clean look
and the fact that I can edit my work as I move along
no more going to far with the colors
or oh my goodness why did I choose that color!!
and so forth and what not...

I was so excited with how Mr. Peppermint turned out
that I used him as the mascot of my new etsy shop I just opened
I know - kind of sudden right?
well I've been thinking about and honestly really needing to
open a second shop in order to separate all the different avenues
my little creative mind takes me in
So now you can find all my vintage items at Merriment and Peppermint
along with some new vintage inspired nursery decor
that I will be finishing real soon

Here are a few more shots from the little photo shoot
hubby was kind enough to do with me yesterday
in fact hubby was such a great sport
because we realized after we were done
that I didn't have a memory card in the camera
so we had to go back to the house and then back out again
and of coarse the lighting wasn't as good the second time around
so I don't think any of these photos are amazing
but I also couldn't decide which shot was the best... lol

For those of you who signed up for my giveaway
and were so kind as to spread the word about my shop
I did see my numbers jump a bit
and even made a sale! :)
I really appreciate the support!!!
So without further delay...
the winner is
the ever sweet Linda

Shop Talk - & A GIVEAWAY!!!

It's a bit hard to see here on my blog
but I finally made a new banner for my etsy shop
I wanted it to match my new blog design a bit
I wish I could figure out why in the world
it looks grainy every time I upload it to etsy?
I've tried playing with different resolutions
but nothing seems to help...
any one know what's going on?

I've finally updated my shop with all my new hair pin sets
I've been really down these last few days
a lot of self doubt.... ick
but I'm trying to pick myself up again
am keep on keeping on

I could really use some help promoting my shop...
I'm not very good at this part of the business
and I know 2-3 views a day is not going to do the job
here is the part where I kindly ask
you to share with your friends
a little mention on facebook, twitter or such
it's easy as pie to find an item in my shop that you like
and click on the share button that fits you

and in return I would like to offer a special gift
the chance to win a $10 voucher
towards any item in my shop
(to be used at anytime)
+ I will also give a $5 voucher to one of your friends
(anyone of your choosing)
you can just let me know who you would like the voucher to be sent to
or have a giveaway on your blog - for all of your friends.

Just leave a note on this post to sign yourself up for this giveaway
I will announce the winner next Monday

One last thing...
have any of your etsy seller tried using the showcases
to get extra exposure
and hopefully some sales?
if so has it helped?
I've signed up for two this month
and I am really hoping it will help
*crossing fingers*

Pets Are People Too

I hate being late...
it's one of the things that most always sets off my anxiety issues
but yesterday I could just not get myself
in gear and post this weeks Doodley Doo
Might be because I was having one of THOSE days
or more likely because I'm not very happy with this weeks drawing

Actually I was quite pleased with the sketch
it is as usual the "coloring" that just doesn't work
I've really got to find a medium that works for me
it's really starting to drive me crazy! GRRRR

The topic this last week was me and my pets
but I kind added to it and did
me and my boys
Both Miller and Charlie are technically my dogs
but they are really my husbands dogs
not doubt about it

If Dad starts packing his suitcase
they both start acting up
they instinctively seem to know when they are going
and when they are being left behind

oh what sad puppy dog eyes my Miller Dog has
but somehow they are 10% more powerful
when he wants a bite of your cookie

I love my boys!
I always refer to them as my children
and in so many ways they are
Taking care of these two pups
is like taking care of two toddlers full-time
who NEVER grow out of the terrible 2 stage!
But oh boy do they melt your heart
when they come up for cuddles
and when they are fast asleep
I always say I hope I'm better at raising Children
than I am dogs!!!
These two rule the house!
& my Heart

An entire outfit for just $4.69!

All Aboard- ittybittybirdy

I've always wanted to have one of those girly closets
full of petticoats and sweet ruffly dresses
but sadly I've never had the opportunity to own
a single piece of "true" lolita swag

Most of my wardrobe is made up of little girl
dresses, sweaters, and even shoes
It's a perk to being a small as I am
the sweet innocent cuts and girly hues
appeal to my inner child
and the price tags are much easier on my pocket book
such as this darling dress that I purchased
for $1 at a thrift store

and this Old Navy T I got on sale for $2.50

I'm so excited to share my first "handmade" outfit
call it cheating but when you are learning to sew
an entire outfit can be rather daunting
at this point a simple hemline is no small feat
I'm learning that sewing is much like wood working
cut once - measure twice! or 5 times in my case
My waistband is wonky wonky wonky
but hey it stays in place
and so I am quiet satisfied!

I hand sewed the top collar of the dress to my t-shirt
and I am just so excited with how it turned out!!!
I'm going to be on the look out for more cute collars
to add to boring ol' t-shirts
Next week I start my first "real" sewing project
I'm going to make a jumper
I wanted to make some pantaloons first
but the Simplicity patterns are never on sale
gosh dang it!

So what do you think of my new hair color?
A dramatic new hair cut and color all in one week
my poor husband ... luckily he's pretty good with change
I am STILL so in love with my new hair!
I can't really put it into words
it just suites me

I mentioned in my last post that I was working on some new items for my shop
and that I would be doing a giveaway this week
but sorry - I'm pushing it to next week

I'm really excited to start editing through
the 250 pictures I took of all the new coordinating hair pins
I'm getting ready to post in the shop next week

Question for all you mommas out there:
I'm often asked if I carry hair barrettes
for babies and small girls with fine hair
but I just can't seem to figure out what is the best type?
I'm so dang broke these days that I don't want to invest in a "bad"
barrettes type that wont stay in or might hurt... any suggestions?
I would really appreciate it!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone
Hubby is dragging me along on a day camping trip
doesn't the man know I don't even own a pair of tennis shoes?
haha yeah I know that is pathetic
I think I'm more worried about taking our dogs
they aren't exactly the most well behaved pups
and I'm afraid an entire day outdoors with them
is going to be a LOT of work

To Never Never Land

This last weeks Doodley Doo was HATS
and well I guess I cheated a bit
because I ended up finishing up
this drawing I started a LONG time ago
but hey - they are all wearing hats
so I think it counts

I started working on this Peter Pan series
right after I finished my Alice in Wonderland set
way back in the summer of 2009

I'm not sure if I will ever finish this set
I've been stuck on this one of Wendy and Peter
"kissing" for ages!!!
I can't seem to figure out
how to make my simple little faces in profile
it's driving me crazy

Here are a few fun clippings I found last year
at the Portland Public Library

I love the story of Peter Pan
and so who knows I might just finish
this set - Someday
Perhaps another Doodley Doo
will come around that inspires me to work on
Tinker or maybe Nanna?

I'm hooked on making treasuries
now that you don't have to win the "etsy lottery"
so to speak to get ahold of one
I never did get a chance to make
an "old fashioned" treasury

Take a peak at this Pan inspired treasury before it disappears

Oh and hey this is a bit of fun news
I'm going to start posting on Paper*Cakes Finds again
Nothing more fun that having a good excuse
to scour through the wonderful world of etsy