If you are lucky enough to live by a Costco,
then you are lucky enough to know about their 5 dollar Rotisserie Chickens.
The hubs and I happen to love the bargain chicken...
but I understand there are many people who do not agree with the way they are farmed and prepared.
Day 1 - The hubs hits Costco on his way home, and brings us a 5 dollar chicken, for dinner that night.
Once the chicken comes in the house, our home smells awesome.
We usually eat about one third.
Day 2 - I used the second third of the leftover chicken to make a big bowl of chicken salad.
Chicken Salad before mixing with mayonnaise.
- sweet onion, sliced almonds, diced chicken, and diced celery -
S & P
Last step, mix in the mayonnaise.
Deviled Eggs
- egg yolks, mustard, onion powder, sprinkled with Paprika -
S & P
I often add cooked, crumbled bacon to Deviled Eggs,
but I did not have any in the house to add today.
Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Deviled Eggs and Celery stuffed with flavored cream cheese.
I do not have a recipe for Chicken Noodle Soup, pictured are the ingredients.
Chicken Noodle Soup
but on other occasions, I make Chicken Pot Pie with the last third of the chicken.
I don't have a recipe for the Chicken Pot Pie,..I just wing it with the ingredients I have on hand.
The ingredients I used for this pie are pictured above.
I think everyone has a recipe for Chicken Pot Pie, that they favor.
Anything goes and it will always be delicious.
- so the moral of the story is you can feed 2 people, dinner for 3 nights for 5 buck-a-roos -
-what a deal -