Friday, January 24, 2025

Where did 10 years go?

10 years have come and gone since I last blogged. It honestly feels like 3-5 years. My kids have all grown up and moved out of the house. 2 have graduated college and one will join them this spring. I have worked, quit work due to lyme disease, healed myself, then most recently...cancer.

Lymphoblastic Leukemia 

Which is where 3 of those 10 years went. 2 years prior to that were a blur due to Covid.  So, in reality, it has been 5 years real - non apocalyptic time that has passed I guess. 

Now, as I write we are back under the reign of terror that is "President Trump" (Yes, I too just threw up in my mouth).  I paused here to figure out when the inauguration day was. Realizing it was only 4 days ago made me feel even sicker. 4 days and he has already managed to strip away the rights of so many and set our progress back 80 years.  "our progress" being that of anyone who isn't a straight white old man.

This is not what I want to write about, but it is what is consuming my mind right now.

What I need to focus on (instead of the regime) is what I want to do instead:

I want to rediscover my hobbies
Train myself to get back outside (that used to be where I longed to be before the internet)
Read more
Watch more shows and movies
Work on making my house what I want/ need it to be as an empty nester
Make time to go out of town to see my kids and enjoy their towns
Slow down

Get on top of paperwork, bills, spendy (these are far reaching goals for me...but maybe!)

So, I didn't come here looking to complain about the new regime, or to talk about my cancer (such an exhausting topic), or even to discuss my new focus, it seems that is what I have done.  I honestly came here to find a recipe I posted once....over a decade ago) 

But, now that I'm here, maybe I'll use this space to put feelings to words and clear my brain some.  maybe...... or maybe it'll be 10 more years until I'm back?


Friday, November 13, 2015

I needed to write, but then

I logged onto Google today with the idea that I could get the topic that was swimming around my noggin out of there if I could just write it down. I thought I would open a Google Doc and spill the nonsense running around my head and then be able to go on my way to conquer the day.  But when I logged on I saw that Blogger was a listed Google option .  Why not, I thought?! So I clicked. Then I scanned, and then I looked at my blog and realized I haven't been here for two years. All of a sudden I am lost in thinking about these last two years and I have completely lost the topic of conversation that only minutes ago I couldn't stop screaming in my brain.

So now I am staring at this writing canvas and instead of leaving it blank and coming back to it another time I am smearing ridiculousness all over it in fear that if I don't say something I will never come back here again......

Life is all too strange, I tell you.
So after two years of being gone I leave you with nothing, but this nothing has wasted some of your time, for that I apologize.

Taken on our trip this summer to Lake Michigan - CR Julie S.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Highlight reels can't be compared to real life

Today is one of those days where I need to remind myself that I am comparing my today to other's "highlight reel" as they say. I see people at the movie on the lakefront tonight, and going out to dinner with family, I see them on a trip to the cities, or spending the day/weekend at a beach and checking in at a state park. Others are posting pics of relaxing in the yard or the park.  I feel like I had such a waste of a beautiful day!!!

Reality of my day- I slept in a bit, got up and figured out quickly that the kids had some very real needs that needed dealing with today. Oldest child needed to pick out his glasses before he left for camp so they could get ordered while he is gone.  Girlie only had 1 pair of shorts that fit and needed more. Keegan figure out he really only had three pairs of shorts that fit him as well. There were library books on hold that needed getting before the departure to camp and we were a bit shy on food and milk for the day (we forgot the milk btw).  Then we came home and made a late lunch. As much as I wanted to get working I was so tired I took a nap.  Slept for 1/2 hr before waking to the sound of my boys lighting off last year's fireworks.

Getting up I decide to continue with laundry. Folding and washing and hanging out to dry takes up the rest of my day. I do take a 1/2 break at 4 pm to tan for 15 minutes per side as I have yet to step foot into the sunlight more than running from house to work or work to do a chore around the yard. It has been raining and glum or I have been working.....

I start supper super late for our household and by the time we finish it, it truly is time for the boys to go to bed if they are going to read (which is their plan). Time to watch 1 tv show with husband, who falls asleep during.....and it is bedtime. A perfect day (weather wise) pretty much wasted on the triviality of life.

So when I turn on FB and see others not wasting it away it is impossible not to get jealous. Like - turn green with envy.....jealous! Sigh

This is why I am trying to remind myself that this is a Highlight reel vs reality moment.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

(Night) owls prefer not to see mornings

My family has a funny weekend habit (funny like stepping in dog poo is funny) They find a way to wake me up wayyyy too early on Saturdays. Oh hahahhahah har har he ha blah! Grrrr....
*1) child #3 finally remembers to set his alarm before falling asleep, unfortunately he only remembered to do this on a Friday night.
*2) my hard working husband gets up to head to our business property to work, waking me up when he gets up AND again after his shower AND again as he heads out the door (thanks for the kiss hun)
*3) the kids zone out to tv and don't realize the dog is dying of a full she barges in to my room to lick my hand hanging over the edge of the bed 

Soooooo, I'm up, at 8am. on a Saturday. When I have no real reason to be awake until at least 9am. I soooo love sleeping in. I spent over a decade sleep deprived and want nothing more now than an hour or two of extra sleep on a Saturday morn.

sigh....done whining. have a good day. I hope you got to sleep in.

I know it seems odd to have logged back on to my blog to voice this, but it was too long and whiney for FB. Also, if I don't get this grumble out of my head I am going to continue to have a less than productive day.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Need to get back on the blogging horse

I fell off the horse and have only made feeble attempt to get back on.
Between working now
Keeping the house up.......

It just seems like one more thing to do.  I do believe FB is a huge part of my lack of blogging.
I can spit immediate thoughts out of my head instead of storing them up until I had enough to blog about

But it is March and I am stuck in the inbetween
In between winter and spring
In between our business starting and it just ending
In between being depressed and knowing I am soon going to be in heaven with green grass and Spring flowers and warm sun.

Just waiting....................

in a holding pattern I guess, and you know how antsy you get knowing the airport is just right down there but you can't get to it

p.s. here is a great website I found through Pinterest:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pictures because even though I had a brilliant thought today I lost it

We have been having the most amazing sunsets

and for days upon days 
the hoar frost was brilliant

it stuck to everything and just kept getting thicker

until one day it finally fell off 
making it look like it was raining snow

our business is picking up early
that is good for this season's outlook
but leaves us scrambling to be ready so soon

If you think the sunsets have been gorgeous 
you should be here for the Winter sunrises. The light
casts of colors warming night chilled rooms
It makes Winter almost bearable

This particular morning it was so amazing
I was late because I stopped to take pics and admire

It was so worth it

Now as I said, I had the most amazing thought today on the way to work (still trying to get used to saying that).  It was absolutely revolutionary in it's process.....but a head cold took over and shut my brain down and it is gone.  Sorry, next that happens (and I think- you should write this down....which I totally thought mid-moment of this great thought) I will write it down.  This is why I always carry a notebook. Little good it does me if I don't use it!