Thursday, July 31, 2008


So I am finally getting around to posting pictures from our 24th of July vacation! We went up to SLC to spend time with family. Here is pictures of our BBQ at Grandma and Grandpa Great! There were about 50 of us there! It was so nice to see family that we haven't seen for awhile!
Then on the 25th we went to see President and Sister Hinckleys gravesites, tour the Conference Center and then rode the trax to the Gateway Shopping center. What a fun time! The Conference Center is so beautiful! The view from the top is breathtaking! At The Gateway the kids (except Raylie and Ellie) loved playing on the splash pad!

Then on Saturday before we left Grandpa H (who has an amazing nack for growing ANYTHING) had some potatoes that needed picking. So we got our little man to go out and pick them! He loved it! What a fun memory for him to have! Logan was so proud of the ones he picked!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I miss my boy!

Josh and Logan went to Las Vegas yesterday to spend time with Josh's family and pick up Danette, Sharise and the kids up from the airport. Friday morning before they left I heard Logan in his room talking, so I went into see who he was talking to. I heard him say, "it's okay alligator, me and monkey are only going to be gone one night, you'll be okay. sleep good." Then later that afternoon I went to his room to put toys away and found his alligator like this! He is so funny! I miss him and can't wait to see him tonight!

Rainy days...

The other day it down poured! It took the kids awhile before they were comfortable to just run around outside and get drenched! Raylie was the first to lay in the gutter!

Little Tomboy!

Raylie decided the other night that she wanted to wear Logans hat and jacket! She put them on all by herself and Logan helped her zip up the jacket! She also put her one shoe on. She is getting to be so big! When did my little baby grow up?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What a big girl!

The last two months Raylie has been insisting that she dress herself! She does a pretty good job except her little arms aren't quite long enough to pull the back up, so I have to be sneaky to pull them up or she gets very MAD!! But she is a little cutie!

Logan and Raylie

Here is a video of last night. The kids were having fun playing. One of the times where they want to play instead of fight...a very rare moment :)! Just ignore me and my messy house! Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trip up north!

So this past week the kids and my mom went to Murray to visit my sister and grandparents. It was a lot of fun. On Wednesday we went to Heritage park, This is the Place Monument. We rode the train around the little village, Logan rode a pony and we visited the little petting zoo. Friday we went to my cousins swimming pool (which I only got video not pictures) then we went to a fun park in West Jordan. It has a lot of little houses and building that the kids can play in. Again, I only got video tape! That's what I get for not bringing Josh! He had to stay home for school :(.
My mom's blog and Desirae's will have more pictures so check them out.

Here is a cute video of Raylie at the petting zoo.
She was saying, "Here sheep, sheep, sheep
and hi doat (goat)!"